7 research outputs found

    The differential properties of certain permutation polynomials over finite fields

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    Finding functions, particularly permutations, with good differential properties has received a lot of attention due to their possible applications. For instance, in combinatorial design theory, a correspondence of perfect cc-nonlinear functions and difference sets in some quasigroups was recently shown [1]. Additionally, in a recent manuscript by Pal and Stanica [20], a very interesting connection between the cc-differential uniformity and boomerang uniformity when c=−1c=-1 was pointed out, showing that that they are the same for an odd APN permutations. This makes the construction of functions with low cc-differential uniformity an intriguing problem. We investigate the cc-differential uniformity of some classes of permutation polynomials. As a result, we add four more classes of permutation polynomials to the family of functions that only contains a few (non-trivial) perfect cc-nonlinear functions over finite fields of even characteristic. Moreover, we include a class of permutation polynomials with low cc-differential uniformity over the field of characteristic~33. As a byproduct, our proofs shows the permutation property of these classes. To solve the involved equations over finite fields, we use various techniques, in particular, we find explicitly many Walsh transform coefficients and Weil sums that may be of an independent interest

    Computational search for isotopic semifields and planar functions in characteristic 3

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    In this thesis, we investigate the possibility of finding new planar functions and corresponding semifields in characteristic 3 by the construction of isotopic semifields from the known families and sporadic instances of planar functions. Using the conditions laid out by Coulter and Henderson, we are able to deduce that a number of the known infinite families can never produce CCZ-inequivalent functions via isotopism. For the remaining families, we computationally investigate the isotopism classes of their instances over finite fields of order 3^n for n ≤ 8. We find previously unknown isotopisms between the semifields corresponding to some of the known planar functions for n = 6 and n = 8. This allows us to refine the known classification of planar functions up to isotopism, and to provide an updated, partial classification up to isotopism over finite fields of order 3^n for n ≤ 8.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-INFMAMN-PRO

    Permutations via linear translators

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    International audienceWe show that many infinite classes of permutations over finite fields can be constructedvia translators with a large choice of parameters. We first characterize some functionshaving linear translators, based on which several families of permutations are then derived. Extending the results of \cite{kyu}, we give in several cases thecompositional inverse of these permutations. The connection with complete permutations is also utilized to provide further infinite classes of permutations. Moreover, wepropose new tools to study permutations of the form x↦x+(xpm−x+δ)sx\mapsto x+(x^{p^m}-x+\delta)^s and a few infinite classes of permutations of this form are proposed

    A recent survey of permutation trinomials over finite fields

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    Constructing permutation polynomials is a hot topic in the area of finite fields, and permutation polynomials have many applications in different areas. Recently, several classes of permutation trinomials were constructed. In 2015, Hou surveyed the achievements of permutation polynomials and novel methods. But, very few were known at that time. Recently, many permutation binomials and trinomials have been constructed. Here we survey the significant contribution made to the construction of permutation trinomials over finite fields in recent years. Emphasis is placed on significant results and novel methods. The covered material is split into three aspects: the existence of permutation trinomials of the respective forms xrh(xs) x^{r}h(x^{s}) , λ1xa+λ2xb+λ3xc \lambda_{1}x^{a}+\lambda_{2}x^{b}+\lambda_{3}x^{c} and x+xs(qm−1)+1+xt(qm−1)+1 x+x^{s(q^{m}-1)+1} +x^{t(q^{m}-1)+1} , with Niho-type exponents s,t s, t

    Some classes of complete permutation polynomials in the form of (xpm − x + δ )s + axpm + bx over Fp 2m

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    Several classes of complete permutation polynomials (CPPs) in the form of (xpm − x+ δ )s+ axpm + bx over Fp2m are described in this paper. For fractional exponent s, the permutation properties of the given polynomials are proved by the AGW criterion and for determining the bijectivity of the corresponding piecewise functions. For exponent ssatisfying s= i(pm − 1) + pj, the main proofs here depend on the AGW criterion and the quantity of solutions for certain linearised equations. Several results generalise some earlier results on permutation polynomials (PPs)

    Several classes of permutation polynomials of the form (xpm − x + δ)s + x over Fp2m

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    In this paper, we give a further study on the permutation behavior of polynomials of a special form by considering the number of solutions of certain equations over finite fields. First, four classes of permutation polynomials of the form (x2m+x+δ)s+x over F22m are presented. Notably, some necessary and sufficient conditions for this kind of polynomials to permute F22m are provided. Second, we present several classes of permutation polynomials of the form (xpm−x+δ)s+x over Fp2m of odd characteristic, some of which can provide complete permutation polynomials of this form over F32m.Nanyang Technological UniversitySubmitted/Accepted versionG. Xu was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 62172183), the Natural Science Foundation for the Higher Education Institutions of Anhui Province of China under Grant KJ2020A0643 and Program for Innovative Research Team in Huainan Normal University (XJTD202008). G. Luo was supported by Nanyang Technological University Research Grant No. 04INS000047C230GRT01. X. Cao was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 12171241)

    The Legendre Symbol and the Modulo-2 Operator in Symmetric Schemes over (F_p)^n

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    Motivated by modern cryptographic use cases such as multi-party computation (MPC), homomorphic encryption (HE), and zero-knowledge (ZK) protocols, several symmetric schemes that are efficient in these scenarios have recently been proposed in the literature. Some of these schemes are instantiated with low-degree nonlinear functions, for example low-degree power maps (e.g., MiMC, HadesMiMC, Poseidon) or the Toffoli gate (e.g., Ciminion). Others (e.g., Rescue, Vision, Grendel) are instead instantiated via high-degree functions which are easy to evaluate in the target application. A recent example for the latter case is the hash function Grendel, whose nonlinear layer is constructed using the Legendre symbol. In this paper, we analyze high-degree functions such as the Legendre symbol or the modulo-2 operation as building blocks for the nonlinear layer of a cryptographic scheme over (F_p)^n. Our focus regards the security analysis rather than the efficiency in the mentioned use cases. For this purpose, we present several new invertible functions that make use of the Legendre symbol or of the modulo-2 operation. Even though these functions often provide strong statistical properties and ensure a high degree after a few rounds, the main problem regards their small number of possible outputs, that is, only three for the Legendre symbol and only two for the modulo-2 operation. By fixing them, it is possible to reduce the overall degree of the function significantly. We exploit this behavior by describing the first preimage attack on full Grendel, and we verify it in practice