18 research outputs found

    An Application of Neutrosophic Bipolar Vague On Multi-Criteria Decision Making Problems

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    In this paper, we studied the concept of neutrosophic bipolar vague set and some of its operations. Also, we propose score, certainty and accuracy functions to compare the neutrosophic bipolar vague sets

    Correlation Coefficient between Dynamic Single Valued Neutrosophic Multisets and Its Multiple Attribute Decision-Making Method

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    Based on dynamic information collected from different time intervals in some real situations, this paper firstly proposes a dynamic single valued neutrosophic multiset (DSVNM) to express dynamic information and operational relations of DSVNMs

    Cosine Similarity Measures of Bipolar Neutrosophic Set for Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder Diseases

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Similarity plays a significant implicit or explicit role in various fields. In some real applications in decision making, similarity may bring counterintuitive outcomes from the decision maker’s standpoint. Therefore, in this research, we propose some novel similarity measures for bipolar and interval-valued bipolar neutrosophic set such as the cosine similarity measures and weighted cosine similarity measures. The propositions of these similarity measures are examined, and two multi-attribute decision making techniques are presented based on proposed measures. For verifying the feasibility of proposed measures, two numerical examples are presented in comparison with the related methods for demonstrating the practicality of the proposed method. Finally, we applied the proposed measures of similarity for diagnosing bipolar disorder diseases

    Linguistic Geometry and its Applications

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    The notion of linguistic geometry is defined in this book. It is pertinent to keep in the record that linguistic geometry differs from classical geometry. Many basic or fundamental concepts and notions of classical geometry are not true or extendable in the case of linguistic geometry. Hence, for simple illustration, facts like two distinct points in classical geometry always define a line passing through them; this is generally not true in linguistic geometry. Suppose we have two linguistic points as tall and light we cannot connect them, or technically, there is no line between them. However, let's take, for instance, two linguistic points, tall and very short, associated with the linguistic variable height of a person. We have a directed line joining from the linguistic point very short to the linguistic point tall. In this case, it is important to note that the direction is essential when the linguistic variable is a person's height. The other way line, from tall to very short, has no meaning. So in linguistic geometry, in general, we may not have a linguistic line; granted, we have a line, but we may not have it in both directions; the line may be directed. The linguistic distance is very far. So, the linguistic line directed or otherwise exists if and only if they are comparable. Hence the very concept of extending the line infinitely does not exist. Likewise, we cannot say as in classical geometry; three noncollinear points determine the plane in linguistic geometry. Further, we do not have the notion of the linguistic area of well-defined figures like a triangle, quadrilateral or any polygon as in the case of classical geometry. The best part of linguistic geometry is that we can define the new notion of linguistic social information geometric networks analogous to social information networks. This will be a boon to non-mathematics researchers in socio-sciences in other fields where natural languages can replace mathematics

    Linguistic Matrices

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    In this book, the authors introduce the linguistic set associated with a linguistic variable and the structure of matrices, which they define as linguistic matrices. The authors build linguistic matrices only for those linguistic variables which yield a linguistic continuum or an ordered linguistic set. This book is organised into three chapters. The first chapter is introductory, in which we introduce all the basic concepts of linguistic variables and the associated linguistic set to make this book self-contained. Chapter two introduces linguistic matrices and develops basic properties associated with them, like types of matrices, transpose of matrices and diagonal matrices. Most of the properties enjoyed by real or complex matrices are satisfied by these linguistic matrices. Chapter three deals with operations on the linguistic matrices

    Linguistic Multidimensional Spaces

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    This book extends the concept of linguistic coordinate geometry using linguistic planes or semi-linguistic planes. In the case of coordinate planes, we are always guaranteed of the distance between any two points in that plane. However, in the case of linguistic and semi-linguistic planes, we can not always determine the linguistic distance between any two points. This is the first limitation of linguistic planes and semi-linguistic planes

    Linguistic Graphs and their Applications

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    In this book, the authors systematically define the new notion of linguistic graphs associated with a linguistic set of a linguistic variable. We can also define the notion of directed linguistic graphs and linguistic-weighted graphs. Chapter two discusses all types of linguistic graphs, linguistic dyads, linguistic triads, linguistic wheels, complete linguistic graphs, linguistic connected graphs, disconnected linguistic graphs, linguistic components of the graphs and so on. Further, we define the notion of linguistic subgraphs of a linguistic graph. However, like usual graphs, we will not be able to arbitrarily connect any two linguistic words of a linguistic set associated with a linguistic variable. They can be related or adjacent depending on the linguistic variable associated with the linguistic set. This is an exceptional feature of a linguistic graph

    Linguistic Functions

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    In this book, for the first time, authors try to introduce the concept of linguistic variables as a continuum of linguistic terms/elements/words in par or similar to a real continuum. For instance, we have the linguistic variable, say the heights of people, then we place the heights in the linguistic continuum [shortest, tallest] unlike the real continuum (–∞, ∞) where both –∞ or +∞ is only a non-included symbols of the real continuum, but in case of the linguistic continuum we generally include the ends or to be more mathematical say it is a closed interval, where shortest denotes the shortest height of a person, maybe the born infant who is very short from usual and the tallest will denote the tallest one usually very tall; however this linguistic continuum [shortest, tallest] in the real continuum will be the closed interval say [1 foot, 8 feet] or [1, 8] the measurement in terms of feet. So, the real interval is a subinterval with which we have associated the real continuum in terms of qualifying unit feet and inches in this case