5 research outputs found

    The Largest Subsemilattices of the Endomorphism Monoid of an Independence Algebra

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    An algebra \A is said to be an independence algebra if it is a matroid algebra and every map \al:X\to A, defined on a basis XX of \A, can be extended to an endomorphism of \A. These algebras are particularly well behaved generalizations of vector spaces, and hence they naturally appear in several branches of mathematics such as model theory, group theory, and semigroup theory. It is well known that matroid algebras have a well defined notion of dimension. Let \A be any independence algebra of finite dimension nn, with at least two elements. Denote by \End(\A) the monoid of endomorphisms of \A. We prove that a largest subsemilattice of \End(\A) has either 2n−12^{n-1} elements (if the clone of \A does not contain any constant operations) or 2n2^n elements (if the clone of \A contains constant operations). As corollaries, we obtain formulas for the size of the largest subsemilattices of: some variants of the monoid of linear operators of a finite-dimensional vector space, the monoid of full transformations on a finite set XX, the monoid of partial transformations on XX, the monoid of endomorphisms of a free GG-set with a finite set of free generators, among others. The paper ends with a relatively large number of problems that might attract attention of experts in linear algebra, ring theory, extremal combinatorics, group theory, semigroup theory, universal algebraic geometry, and universal algebra.Comment: To appear in Linear Algebra and its Application

    Reconstructing the Topology on Monoids and Polymorphism Clones of the Rationals

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    We show how to reconstruct the topology on the monoid of endomorphisms of the rational numbers under the strict or reflexive order relation, and the polymorphism clone of the rational numbers under the reflexive relation. In addition we show how automatic homeomorphicity results can be lifted to polymorphism clones generated by monoids

    Multicoloured Random Graphs: Constructions and Symmetry

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    This is a research monograph on constructions of and group actions on countable homogeneous graphs, concentrating particularly on the simple random graph and its edge-coloured variants. We study various aspects of the graphs, but the emphasis is on understanding those groups that are supported by these graphs together with links with other structures such as lattices, topologies and filters, rings and algebras, metric spaces, sets and models, Moufang loops and monoids. The large amount of background material included serves as an introduction to the theories that are used to produce the new results. The large number of references should help in making this a resource for anyone interested in beginning research in this or allied fields.Comment: Index added in v2. This is the first of 3 documents; the other 2 will appear in physic

    Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum : Tomus 51. Fasc. 1-2.

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