1,773 research outputs found

    Classification of Reductive Monoid Spaces Over an Arbitrary Field

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    In this semi-expository paper we review the notion of a spherical space. In particular we present some recent results of Wedhorn on the classification of spherical spaces over arbitrary fields. As an application, we introduce and classify reductive monoid spaces over an arbitrary field.Comment: This is the final versio

    Additive combinatorics methods in associative algebras

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    We adapt methods coming from additive combinatorics in groups to the study of linear span in associative unital algebras. In particular, we establish for these algebras analogues of Diderrich-Kneser's and Hamidoune's theorems on sumsets and Tao's theorem on sets of small doubling. In passing we classify the finite-dimensional algebras over infinite fields with finitely many subalgebras. These algebras play a crucial role in our linear version of Diderrich-Kneser's theorem. We also explain how the original theorems for groups we linearize can be easily deduced from our results applied to group algebras. Finally, we give lower bounds for the Minkowski product of two subsets in finite monoids by using their associated monoid algebras.Comment: In this second version, we clarify and extend the domain of validity of Diderrich-Kneser's theorem for associative algebras. We simplify the proofs and we also add a section on Kneser's and Hamidoune's theorem in monoi

    Algebraic rational cells and equivariant intersection theory

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    We provide a notion of algebraic rational cell with applications to intersection theory on singular varieties with torus action. Based on this notion, we study the algebraic analogue of Q\mathbb{Q}-filtrable varieties: algebraic varieties where a torus acts with isolated fixed points, such that the associated Bialynicki-Birula decomposition consists of algebraic rational cells. We show that the rational equivariant Chow group of any Q\mathbb{Q}-filtrable variety is freely generated by the cell closures. We apply this result to group embeddings, and more generally to spherical varieties. This paper is an extension of arxiv.org/abs/1112.0365 to equivariant Chow groups.Comment: Second version. 24 pages. Substantial changes in the presentation. In particular, the results on Poincar\'e duality (Section 6 of first version) are omitted; they are published in a separate paper (see http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/promathematica/article/view/11235

    On v-Marot Mori rings and C-rings

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    C-domains are defined via class semigroups, and every C-domain is a Mori domain with nonzero conductor whose complete integral closure is a Krull domain with finite class group. In order to extend the concept of C-domains to rings with zero divisors, we introduce vv-Marot rings as generalizations of ordinary Marot rings and study their theory of regular divisorial ideals. Based on this we establish a generalization of a result well-known for integral domains. Let RR be a vv-Marot Mori ring, R^\hat R its complete integral closure, and suppose that the conductor f=(R:R^)\mathfrak f = (R : \hat R) is regular. If the residue class ring R/fR/\mathfrak f and the class group C(R^)\mathcal C (\hat R) are both finite, then RR is a C-ring. Moreover, we study both vv-Marot rings and C-rings under various ring extensions.Comment: Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, to appea
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