30 research outputs found

    Some applications of the ultrapower theorem to the theory of compacta

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    The ultrapower theorem of Keisler-Shelah allows such model-theoretic notions as elementary equivalence, elementary embedding and existential embedding to be couched in the language of categories (limits, morphism diagrams). This in turn allows analogs of these (and related) notions to be transported into unusual settings, chiefly those of Banach spaces and of compacta. Our interest here is the enrichment of the theory of compacta, especially the theory of continua, brought about by the immigration of model-theoretic ideas and techniques

    Some Applications of the Ultrapower Theorem to the Theory of Compacta

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    The ultrapower theorem of Keisler and Shelah allows such model-theoretic notions as elementary equivalence, elementary embedding and existential embedding to be couched in the language of categories (limits, morphism diagrams). This in turn allows analogs of these (and related) notions to be transported into unusual settings, chiefly those of Banach spaces and of compacta. Our interest here is the enrichment of the theory of compacta, especially the theory of continua, brought about by the importation of model-theoretic ideas and techniques

    A Hierarchy of Maps Between Compacta

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    Let CH be the class of compacta (i.e., compact Hausdorff spaces), with BS the subclass of Boolean spaces. For each ordinal α and pair ⟹K,L⟩\langle K,L\rangle of subclasses of CH, we define Lev≄α K,L), the class of maps of level at least α from spaces in K to spaces in L, in such a way that, for finite α, Lev≄α (BS,BS) consists of the Stone duals of Boolean lattice embeddings that preserve all prenex first-order formulas of quantifier rank α. Maps of level ≄ 0 are just the continuous surjections, and the maps of level ≄ 1 are the co-existential maps introduced in [8]. Co-elementary maps are of level ≄α for all ordinals α; of course in the Boolean context, the co-elementary maps coincide with the maps of level ≄ω. The results of this paper include: (i) every map of level ≄ω is co-elementary; (ii) the limit maps of an ω-indexed inverse system of maps of level ≄α are also of level ≄α; and (iii) if K is a co-elementary class, k \u3c ω and Lev≄ k(K,K) = Lev≄ k+1 (K,K), then Lev≄ k(K,K) = Lev≄ω(K,K). A space X ∈ K is co-existentially closed in K if Lev≄ 0(K, X) = Lev≄ 1 (K, X). Adapting the technique of adding roots, by which one builds algebraically closed extensions of fields (and, more generally, existentially closed extensions of models of universal-existential theories), we showed in [8] that every infinite member of a co-inductive co-elementary class (such as CH itself, BS, or the class CON of continua) is a continuous image of a space of the same weight that is co-existentially closed in that class. We show here that every compactum that is co-existentially closed in CON (a co-existentially closed continuum) is both indecomposable and of covering dimension on

    The Chang-Los-Suszko Theorem in a Topological Setting

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    The Chang-Ɓoƛ-Suszko theorem of first-order model theory characterizes universal-existential classes of models as just those elementary classes that are closed under unions of chains. This theorem can then be used to equate two model-theoretic closure conditions for elementary classes; namely unions of chains and existential substructures. In the present paper we prove a topological analogue and indicate some applications

    Not Every Co-existential Map is Confluent

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    A continuous surjection between compacta is co-existential if it is the second of two maps whose composition is a standard ultracopower projection. Co-existential maps are always weakly confluent, and are even monotone when the range space is locally connected; so it is a natural question to ask whether they are always confluent. Here we give a negative answer. This is an interesting question, mainly because of the fact that most theorems about confluent maps have parallel versions for co-existential maps---notably, both kinds of maps preserve hereditary indecomposability. Where the known parallels break down is in the question of chainability. It is a celebrated open problem whether confluent maps preserve chainability, or even being a pseudo-arc; however, as has recently been shown, co-existential maps do indeed preserve both these properties

    Base-free Formulas in the Lattice-theoretic Study of Compacta

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    The languages of finitary and infinitary logic over the alphabet of bounded lattices have proven to be of considerable use in the study of compacta. Significant among the sentences of these languages are the ones that are base free, those whose truth is unchanged when we move among the lattice bases of a compactum. In this paper we define syntactically the expansive sentences, and show each of them to be base free. We also show that many well-known properties of compacta may be expressed using expansive sentences; and that any property so expressible is closed under inverse limits and co-existential images. As a byproduct, we conclude that co-existential images of pseudo-arcs are pseudo-arcs. This is of interest because the corresponding statement for confluent maps is still open, and co-existential maps are often—but not always—confluent

    Mapping Properties of Co-existentially Closed Continua

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    A continuous surjection between compacta is called co-existential if it is the second of two maps whose composition is a standard ultracopower projection. A continuum is called co-existentially closed if it is only a co-existential image of other continua. This notion is not only an exact dual of Abraham Robinson\u27s existentially closed structures in model theory, it also parallels the definition of other classes of continua defined by what kinds of continuous images they can be. In this paper we continue our study of co-existentially closed continua, especially how they (and related continua) behave in certain mapping situations

    Ultracoproduct Continua and their Regular Subcontinua

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    We continue our study of ultracoproduct continua, focusing on the role played by the regular subcontinua—those subcontinua which are themselves ultracoproducts. Regular subcontinua help us in the analysis of intervals, composants, and noncut points of ultracoproduct continua. Also, by identifying two points when they are contained in the same regular subcontinua, we naturally generalize the partition of a standard subcontinuum of H⁎ role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; line-height: normal; font-size: 14.4px; text-indent: 0px; text-align: left; text-transform: none; letter-spacing: normal; word-spacing: normal; overflow-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; position: relative; \u3e⁎H⁎ into its layers