35 research outputs found

    Moving towards Adaptive Search

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    Information retrieval has become very popular over the last decade with the advent of the Web. Nevertheless, searching on the Web is very different to searching on smaller, often more structured collections such as intranets and digital libraries. Such collections are the focus of the recently started AutoAdapt project1. The project seeks to aid user search by providing well-structured domain knowledge to assist query modification and navigation. There are two challenges: acquiring the domain knowledge and adapting it automatically to the specific interest of the user community. At the workshop we will demonstrate an implemented prototype that serves as a starting point on the way to truly adaptive search

    Using domain models for context-rich user logging

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    This paper describes the prototype interactive search sys- Tem being developed within the AutoAdapt project1. The AutoAdapt project seeks to enhance the user experience in searching for information and navigating within selected do- main collections by providing structured representations of domain knowledge to be directly explored, logged, adapted and updated to refject user needs. We propose that this structure is a valuable stepping-stone in context-rich logging of user activities within the information seeking environment. Here we describe the primary components that have been implemented and the user interactions that it will support

    Enhanced information retrieval using domain-specific recommender models

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    The objective of an information retrieval (IR) system is to retrieve relevant items which meet a user information need. There is currently significant interest in personalized IR which seeks to improve IR effectiveness by incorporating a model of the user’s interests. However, in some situations there may be no opportunity to learn about the interests of a specific user on a certain topic. In our work, we propose an IR approach which combines a recommender algorithm with IR methods to improve retrieval for domains where the system has no opportunity to learn prior information about the user’s knowledge of a domain for which they have not previously entered a query. We use search data from other previous users interested in the same topic to build a recommender model for this topic. When a user enters a query on a topic, new to this user, an appropriate recommender model is selected and used to predict a ranking which the user may find interesting based on the behaviour of previous users with similar queries. The recommender output is integrated with a standard IR method in a weighted linear combination to provide a final result for the user. Experiments using the INEX 2009 data collection with a simulated recommender training set show that our approach can improve on a baseline IR system

    Interactive Information Retrieval in the Work Context:the Challenge of Evaluation

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    Interactive Information Retrieval in the Work Context: the Challenge of Evaluation(Long Abstract)</p

    Counterfactual Estimation and Optimization of Click Metrics for Search Engines

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    Optimizing an interactive system against a predefined online metric is particularly challenging, when the metric is computed from user feedback such as clicks and payments. The key challenge is the counterfactual nature: in the case of Web search, any change to a component of the search engine may result in a different search result page for the same query, but we normally cannot infer reliably from search log how users would react to the new result page. Consequently, it appears impossible to accurately estimate online metrics that depend on user feedback, unless the new engine is run to serve users and compared with a baseline in an A/B test. This approach, while valid and successful, is unfortunately expensive and time-consuming. In this paper, we propose to address this problem using causal inference techniques, under the contextual-bandit framework. This approach effectively allows one to run (potentially infinitely) many A/B tests offline from search log, making it possible to estimate and optimize online metrics quickly and inexpensively. Focusing on an important component in a commercial search engine, we show how these ideas can be instantiated and applied, and obtain very promising results that suggest the wide applicability of these techniques

    Benchmarking News Recommendations in a Living Lab

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    Most user-centric studies of information access systems in literature suffer from unrealistic settings or limited numbers of users who participate in the study. In order to address this issue, the idea of a living lab has been promoted. Living labs allow us to evaluate research hypotheses using a large number of users who satisfy their information need in a real context. In this paper, we introduce a living lab on news recommendation in real time. The living lab has first been organized as News Recommendation Challenge at ACM RecSys’13 and then as campaign-style evaluation lab NEWSREEL at CLEF’14. Within this lab, researchers were asked to provide news article recommendations to millions of users in real time. Different from user studies which have been performed in a laboratory, these users are following their own agenda. Consequently, laboratory bias on their behavior can be neglected. We outline the living lab scenario and the experimental setup of the two benchmarking events. We argue that the living lab can serve as reference point for the implementation of living labs for the evaluation of information access systems

    Intelligent Retrieval Model: Object Oriented Search Methodology on Web

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    Information handling through improved search mechanisms is and will remain the driving force behind rich patterns of access to web contents. Keyword search offers only an imperfect solution to information discovery over web as it misses many relevant documents of today2019;s users. By its fundamental nature, keyword search is sharply focused to find the exact terms specified in the query. The proposed Intelligent Retrieval Model exploits the object oriented concepts for information representation. This kind of conceptual modeling of web based inheritance boosts data structuring flexibility and caters to the density of diverse web information needs. The guiding principle of proposed model for intelligent retrieval over World Wide Web is the adequate representation of relevant complex relationships between the various entities in the real world. The result approves better hierarchical relationship recognition among web objects leading to less complex computing

    Enhancing Information Retrieval Relevance Using Touch Dynamics on Search Engine

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    Using Touch Dynamics on Search Engine is an attempt to establish the possibilities of using user touch behavior which is monitored and several unique features are extracted. The unique features are used for identifying users and their traits according to the touch dynamics. The results can be used for defining automatic user unique searching behavior. Touch dynamics has been discussed in several studies in the context of user authentication and biometric identification for security purposes. This study establishes the possibility of integrating touch dynamics results for identifying user searching preferences and interests. This study investigates a technique of combining personalized search with touch dynamics results information as an approach for determining user preferences, interest measurement and context. Keywords: Personalized Search, Information Retrieval, Touch Dynamics, Search Engin

    Deriving query suggestions for site search

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    Modern search engines have been moving away from simplistic interfaces that aimed at satisfying a user's need with a single-shot query. Interactive features are now integral parts of web search engines. However, generating good query modification suggestions remains a challenging issue. Query log analysis is one of the major strands of work in this direction. Although much research has been performed on query logs collected on the web as a whole, query log analysis to enhance search on smaller and more focused collections has attracted less attention, despite its increasing practical importance. In this article, we report on a systematic study of different query modification methods applied to a substantial query log collected on a local website that already uses an interactive search engine. We conducted experiments in which we asked users to assess the relevance of potential query modification suggestions that have been constructed using a range of log analysis methods and different baseline approaches. The experimental results demonstrate the usefulness of log analysis to extract query modification suggestions. Furthermore, our experiments demonstrate that a more fine-grained approach than grouping search requests into sessions allows for extraction of better refinement terms from query log files. © 2013 ASIS&T