41,698 research outputs found

    Solving kk-SUM using few linear queries

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    The kk-SUM problem is given nn input real numbers to determine whether any kk of them sum to zero. The problem is of tremendous importance in the emerging field of complexity theory within PP, and it is in particular open whether it admits an algorithm of complexity O(nc)O(n^c) with c<k2c<\lceil \frac{k}{2} \rceil. Inspired by an algorithm due to Meiser (1993), we show that there exist linear decision trees and algebraic computation trees of depth O(n3log3n)O(n^3\log^3 n) solving kk-SUM. Furthermore, we show that there exists a randomized algorithm that runs in O~(nk2+8)\tilde{O}(n^{\lceil \frac{k}{2} \rceil+8}) time, and performs O(n3log3n)O(n^3\log^3 n) linear queries on the input. Thus, we show that it is possible to have an algorithm with a runtime almost identical (up to the +8+8) to the best known algorithm but for the first time also with the number of queries on the input a polynomial that is independent of kk. The O(n3log3n)O(n^3\log^3 n) bound on the number of linear queries is also a tighter bound than any known algorithm solving kk-SUM, even allowing unlimited total time outside of the queries. By simultaneously achieving few queries to the input without significantly sacrificing runtime vis-\`{a}-vis known algorithms, we deepen the understanding of this canonical problem which is a cornerstone of complexity-within-PP. We also consider a range of tradeoffs between the number of terms involved in the queries and the depth of the decision tree. In particular, we prove that there exist o(n)o(n)-linear decision trees of depth o(n4)o(n^4)

    Solving k-SUM Using Few Linear Queries

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    The k-SUM problem is given n input real numbers to determine whether any k of them sum to zero. The problem is of tremendous importance in the emerging field of complexity theory within P, and it is in particular open whether it admits an algorithm of complexity O(n^c) with c<d where d is the ceiling of k/2. Inspired by an algorithm due to Meiser (1993), we show that there exist linear decision trees and algebraic computation trees of depth O(n^3 log^2 n) solving k-SUM. Furthermore, we show that there exists a randomized algorithm that runs in ~O(n^{d+8}) time, and performs O(n^3 log^2 n) linear queries on the input. Thus, we show that it is possible to have an algorithm with a runtime almost identical (up to the +8) to the best known algorithm but for the first time also with the number of queries on the input a polynomial that is independent of k. The O(n^3 log^2 n) bound on the number of linear queries is also a tighter bound than any known algorithm solving k-SUM, even allowing unlimited total time outside of the queries. By simultaneously achieving few queries to the input without significantly sacrificing runtime vis-a-vis known algorithms, we deepen the understanding of this canonical problem which is a cornerstone of complexity-within-P. We also consider a range of tradeoffs between the number of terms involved in the queries and the depth of the decision tree. In particular, we prove that there exist o(n)-linear decision trees of depth ~O(n^3) for the k-SUM problem

    An Adaptive Mechanism for Accurate Query Answering under Differential Privacy

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    We propose a novel mechanism for answering sets of count- ing queries under differential privacy. Given a workload of counting queries, the mechanism automatically selects a different set of "strategy" queries to answer privately, using those answers to derive answers to the workload. The main algorithm proposed in this paper approximates the optimal strategy for any workload of linear counting queries. With no cost to the privacy guarantee, the mechanism improves significantly on prior approaches and achieves near-optimal error for many workloads, when applied under (\epsilon, \delta)-differential privacy. The result is an adaptive mechanism which can help users achieve good utility without requiring that they reason carefully about the best formulation of their task.Comment: VLDB2012. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1103.136

    Optimal web-scale tiering as a flow problem

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    We present a fast online solver for large scale parametric max-flow problems as they occur in portfolio optimization, inventory management, computer vision, and logistics. Our algorithm solves an integer linear program in an online fashion. It exploits total unimodularity of the constraint matrix and a Lagrangian relaxation to solve the problem as a convex online game. The algorithm generates approximate solutions of max-flow problems by performing stochastic gradient descent on a set of flows. We apply the algorithm to optimize tier arrangement of over 84 million web pages on a layered set of caches to serve an incoming query stream optimally

    Efficient Batch Query Answering Under Differential Privacy

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    Differential privacy is a rigorous privacy condition achieved by randomizing query answers. This paper develops efficient algorithms for answering multiple queries under differential privacy with low error. We pursue this goal by advancing a recent approach called the matrix mechanism, which generalizes standard differentially private mechanisms. This new mechanism works by first answering a different set of queries (a strategy) and then inferring the answers to the desired workload of queries. Although a few strategies are known to work well on specific workloads, finding the strategy which minimizes error on an arbitrary workload is intractable. We prove a new lower bound on the optimal error of this mechanism, and we propose an efficient algorithm that approaches this bound for a wide range of workloads.Comment: 6 figues, 22 page

    Quantum SDP-Solvers: Better upper and lower bounds

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    Brand\~ao and Svore very recently gave quantum algorithms for approximately solving semidefinite programs, which in some regimes are faster than the best-possible classical algorithms in terms of the dimension nn of the problem and the number mm of constraints, but worse in terms of various other parameters. In this paper we improve their algorithms in several ways, getting better dependence on those other parameters. To this end we develop new techniques for quantum algorithms, for instance a general way to efficiently implement smooth functions of sparse Hamiltonians, and a generalized minimum-finding procedure. We also show limits on this approach to quantum SDP-solvers, for instance for combinatorial optimizations problems that have a lot of symmetry. Finally, we prove some general lower bounds showing that in the worst case, the complexity of every quantum LP-solver (and hence also SDP-solver) has to scale linearly with mnmn when mnm\approx n, which is the same as classical.Comment: v4: 69 pages, small corrections and clarifications. This version will appear in Quantu