41,143 research outputs found

    Comparing and Combining Lexicase Selection and Novelty Search

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    Lexicase selection and novelty search, two parent selection methods used in evolutionary computation, emphasize exploring widely in the search space more than traditional methods such as tournament selection. However, lexicase selection is not explicitly driven to select for novelty in the population, and novelty search suffers from lack of direction toward a goal, especially in unconstrained, highly-dimensional spaces. We combine the strengths of lexicase selection and novelty search by creating a novelty score for each test case, and adding those novelty scores to the normal error values used in lexicase selection. We use this new novelty-lexicase selection to solve automatic program synthesis problems, and find it significantly outperforms both novelty search and lexicase selection. Additionally, we find that novelty search has very little success in the problem domain of program synthesis. We explore the effects of each of these methods on population diversity and long-term problem solving performance, and give evidence to support the hypothesis that novelty-lexicase selection resists converging to local optima better than lexicase selection

    Evolutionary Synthesis of Analog Electronic Circuits Using EDA Algorithms

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    Disertační práce je zaměřena na návrh analogových elektronických obvodů pomocí algoritmů s pravěpodobnostními modely (algoritmy EDA). Prezentované metody jsou na základě požadovaných charakteristik cílových obvodů schopny navrhnout jak parametry použitých komponent tak také jejich topologii zapojení. Tři různé metody využití EDA algoritmů jsou navrženy a otestovány na příkladech skutečných problémů z oblasti analogových elektronických obvodů. První metoda je určena pro návrh pasivních analogových obvodů a využívá algoritmus UMDA pro návrh jak topologie zapojení tak také hodnot parametrů použitých komponent. Metoda je použita pro návrh admitanční sítě s požadovanou vstupní impedancí pro účely chaotického oscilátoru. Druhá metoda je také určena pro návrh pasivních analogových obvodů a využívá hybridní přístup - UMDA pro návrh topologie a metodu lokální optimalizace pro návrh parametrů komponent. Třetí metoda umožňuje návrh analogových obvodů obsahujících také tranzistory. Metoda využívá hybridní přístup - EDA algoritmus pro syntézu topologie a metoda lokální optimalizace pro určení parametrů použitých komponent. Informace o topologii je v jednotlivých jedincích populace vyjádřena pomocí grafů a hypergrafů.Dissertation thesis is focused on design of analog electronic circuits using Estimation of Distribution Algorithms (EDA). Based on the desired characteristics of the target circuits the proposed methods are able to design the parameters of the used components and theirs topology of connection as well. Three different methods employing EDA algorithms are proposed and verified on examples of real problems from the area of analog circuits design. The first method is capable to design passive analog circuits. The method employs UMDA algorithm which is used for determination of the parameters of the used components and synthesis of the topology of their connection as well. The method is verified on the problem of design of admittance network with desired input impedance function which is used as a part of chaotic oscillator circuit. The second method is also capable to design passive analog circuits. The method employs hybrid approach - UMDA for synthesis of the topology and local optimization method for determination of the parameters of the components. The third method is capable to design analog circuits which include also ac- tive components such as transistors. Hybrid approach is used. The topology is synthesized using EDA algorithm and the parameters are determined using a local optimization method. In the individuals of the population information about the topology is represented using graphs and hypergraphs.

    Signal synthesis by means of evolutionary algorithms

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    In this article, we investigate a procedure for generating signals with genetic algorithms. Signals are obtained from elementary patterns characterized by different degrees of freedom. These patterns are repeated and combined in order to reach specific signal shapes. The whole signal parametrization has to be determined by solving a difficult inverse problem of high dimensionality and strong multimodality. This can be carried out using evolutionary algorithms with the aim of finding all pattern configurations in the signal. The different signal synthesis schemes are evaluated, tested and applied to the generation of particular railway driving profiles

    Nature-inspired Cuckoo Search Algorithm for Side Lobe Suppression in a Symmetric Linear Antenna Array

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    In this paper, we proposed a newly modified cuckoo search (MCS) algorithm integrated with the Roulette wheel selection operator and the inertia weight controlling the search ability towards synthesizing symmetric linear array geometry with minimum side lobe level (SLL) and/or nulls control. The basic cuckoo search (CS) algorithm is primarily based on the natural obligate brood parasitic behavior of some cuckoo species in combination with the Levy flight behavior of some birds and fruit flies. The CS metaheuristic approach is straightforward and capable of solving effectively general N-dimensional, linear and nonlinear optimization problems. The array geometry synthesis is first formulated as an optimization problem with the goal of SLL suppression and/or null prescribed placement in certain directions, and then solved by the newly MCS algorithm for the optimum element or isotropic radiator locations in the azimuth-plane or xy-plane. The study also focuses on the four internal parameters of MCS algorithm specifically on their implicit effects in the array synthesis. The optimal inter-element spacing solutions obtained by the MCS-optimizer are validated through comparisons with the standard CS-optimizer and the conventional array within the uniform and the Dolph-Chebyshev envelope patterns using MATLABTM. Finally, we also compared the fine-tuned MCS algorithm with two popular evolutionary algorithm (EA) techniques include particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithms (GA)

    Synthesis of Parametric Programs using Genetic Programming and Model Checking

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    Formal methods apply algorithms based on mathematical principles to enhance the reliability of systems. It would only be natural to try to progress from verification, model checking or testing a system against its formal specification into constructing it automatically. Classical algorithmic synthesis theory provides interesting algorithms but also alarming high complexity and undecidability results. The use of genetic programming, in combination with model checking and testing, provides a powerful heuristic to synthesize programs. The method is not completely automatic, as it is fine tuned by a user that sets up the specification and parameters. It also does not guarantee to always succeed and converge towards a solution that satisfies all the required properties. However, we applied it successfully on quite nontrivial examples and managed to find solutions to hard programming challenges, as well as to improve and to correct code. We describe here several versions of our method for synthesizing sequential and concurrent systems.Comment: In Proceedings INFINITY 2013, arXiv:1402.661

    Solving the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem on GPU

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    A parallel genetic algorithm (GA) implemented on GPU clusters is proposed to solve the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median problem. The GA uses binary and integer encoding and genetic operators adapted to this problem. Our GA is improved by generated initial solution with hubs located at middle nodes. The obtained experimental results are compared with the best known solutions on all benchmarks on instances up to 1000 nodes. Furthermore, we solve our own randomly generated instances up to 6000 nodes. Our approach outperforms most well-known heuristics in terms of solution quality and time execution and it allows hitherto unsolved problems to be solved