5 research outputs found

    Solving rank-constrained semidefinite programs in exact arithmetic

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    We consider the problem of minimizing a linear function over an affine section of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices, with the additional constraint that the feasible matrix has prescribed rank. When the rank constraint is active, this is a non-convex optimization problem, otherwise it is a semidefinite program. Both find numerous applications especially in systems control theory and combinatorial optimization, but even in more general contexts such as polynomial optimization or real algebra. While numerical algorithms exist for solving this problem, such as interior-point or Newton-like algorithms, in this paper we propose an approach based on symbolic computation. We design an exact algorithm for solving rank-constrained semidefinite programs, whose complexity is essentially quadratic on natural degree bounds associated to the given optimization problem: for subfamilies of the problem where the size of the feasible matrix is fixed, the complexity is polynomial in the number of variables. The algorithm works under assumptions on the input data: we prove that these assumptions are generically satisfied. We also implement it in Maple and discuss practical experiments.Comment: Published at ISSAC 2016. Extended version submitted to the Journal of Symbolic Computatio

    Solving generic nonarchimedean semidefinite programs using stochastic game algorithms

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    A general issue in computational optimization is to develop combinatorial algorithms for semidefinite programming. We address this issue when the base field is nonarchimedean. We provide a solution for a class of semidefinite feasibility problems given by generic matrices. Our approach is based on tropical geometry. It relies on tropical spectrahedra, which are defined as the images by the valuation of nonarchimedean spectrahedra. We establish a correspondence between generic tropical spectrahedra and zero-sum stochastic games with perfect information. The latter have been well studied in algorithmic game theory. This allows us to solve nonarchimedean semidefinite feasibility problems using algorithms for stochastic games. These algorithms are of a combinatorial nature and work for large instances.Comment: v1: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2: 27 pages, 4 figures, minor revisions + benchmarks added; v3: 30 pages, 6 figures, generalization to non-Metzler sign patterns + some results have been replaced by references to the companion work arXiv:1610.0674

    Exact semidefinite programming bounds for packing problems

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    In this paper we give an algorithm to round the floating point output of a semidefinite programming solver to a solution over the rationals or a quadratic extension of the rationals. We apply this to get sharp bounds for packing problems, and we use these sharp bounds to prove that certain optimal packing configurations are unique up to rotations. In particular, we show that the configuration coming from the E8\mathsf{E}_8 root lattice is the unique optimal code with minimal angular distance π/3\pi/3 on the hemisphere in R8\mathbb R^8, and we prove that the three-point bound for the (3,8,ϑ)(3, 8, \vartheta)-spherical code, where ϑ\vartheta is such that cosϑ=(221)/7\cos \vartheta = (2\sqrt{2}-1)/7, is sharp by rounding to Q[2]\mathbb Q[\sqrt{2}]. We also use our machinery to compute sharp upper bounds on the number of spheres that can be packed into a larger sphere.Comment: 24 page

    Solving rank-constrained semidefinite programs in exact arithmetic

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    International audienceWe consider the problem of minimizing a linear function over an affine section of the cone of positive semidefinite matrices, with the additional constraint that the feasible matrix has prescribed rank. When the rank constraint is active, this is a non-convex optimization problem, otherwise it is a semidefinite program. Both find numerous applications especially in systems control theory and combinatorial optimization, but even in more general contexts such as polynomial optimization or real algebra. While numerical algorithms exist for solving this problem, such as interior-point or Newton-like algorithms, in this paper we propose an approach based on symbolic computation. We design an exact algorithm for solving rank-constrained semidefinite programs, whose complexity is essentially quadratic on natural degree bounds associated to the given optimization problem: for subfamilies of the problem where the size of the feasible matrix, or the dimension of the affine section, is fixed, the algorithm is polynomial time. The algorithm works under assumptions on the input data: we prove that these assumptions are generically satisfied. We implement it in Maple and discuss practical experiments

    Mixed-Projection Conic Optimization: A New Paradigm for Modeling Rank Constraints

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    We propose a framework for modeling and solving low-rank optimization problems to certifiable optimality. We introduce symmetric projection matrices that satisfy Y 2 =Y , the matrix analog of binary variables that satisfy z2 = z, to model rank constraints. By leveraging regularization and strong duality, we prove that this modeling paradigm yields tractable convex optimization problems over the non-convex set of orthogonal projection matrices. Furthermore, we design outer-approximation algorithms to solve low-rank problems to certifiable optimality, compute lower bounds via their semidenite relaxations, and provide near optimal solutions through rounding and local search techniques. We implement these numerical ingredients and, for the first time, solve low-rank optimization problems to certifiable optimality. Our algorithms also supply certifiably near-optimal solutions for larger problem sizes and outperform existing heuristics, by deriving an alternative to the popular nuclear norm relaxation which generalizes the perspective relaxation from vectors to matrices. Using currently available spatial branch-and-bound codes, not tailored to projection matrices, we can scale our exact (resp. near-exact) algorithms to matrices with up to 30 (resp. 600) rows/columns. All in all, our framework, which we name Mixed-Projection Conic Optimization, solves low-rank problems to certifiable optimality in a tractable and unified fashion