552 research outputs found

    A Logical Approach to Efficient Max-SAT solving

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    Weighted Max-SAT is the optimization version of SAT and many important problems can be naturally encoded as such. Solving weighted Max-SAT is an important problem from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. In recent years, there has been considerable interest in finding efficient solving techniques. Most of this work focus on the computation of good quality lower bounds to be used within a branch and bound DPLL-like algorithm. Most often, these lower bounds are described in a procedural way. Because of that, it is difficult to realize the {\em logic} that is behind. In this paper we introduce an original framework for Max-SAT that stresses the parallelism with classical SAT. Then, we extend the two basic SAT solving techniques: {\em search} and {\em inference}. We show that many algorithmic {\em tricks} used in state-of-the-art Max-SAT solvers are easily expressable in {\em logic} terms with our framework in a unified manner. Besides, we introduce an original search algorithm that performs a restricted amount of {\em weighted resolution} at each visited node. We empirically compare our algorithm with a variety of solving alternatives on several benchmarks. Our experiments, which constitute to the best of our knowledge the most comprehensive Max-sat evaluation ever reported, show that our algorithm is generally orders of magnitude faster than any competitor

    Solving MaxSAT and #SAT on structured CNF formulas

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    In this paper we propose a structural parameter of CNF formulas and use it to identify instances of weighted MaxSAT and #SAT that can be solved in polynomial time. Given a CNF formula we say that a set of clauses is precisely satisfiable if there is some complete assignment satisfying these clauses only. Let the ps-value of the formula be the number of precisely satisfiable sets of clauses. Applying the notion of branch decompositions to CNF formulas and using ps-value as cut function, we define the ps-width of a formula. For a formula given with a decomposition of polynomial ps-width we show dynamic programming algorithms solving weighted MaxSAT and #SAT in polynomial time. Combining with results of 'Belmonte and Vatshelle, Graph classes with structured neighborhoods and algorithmic applications, Theor. Comput. Sci. 511: 54-65 (2013)' we get polynomial-time algorithms solving weighted MaxSAT and #SAT for some classes of structured CNF formulas. For example, we get O(m2(m+n)s)O(m^2(m + n)s) algorithms for formulas FF of mm clauses and nn variables and size ss, if FF has a linear ordering of the variables and clauses such that for any variable xx occurring in clause CC, if xx appears before CC then any variable between them also occurs in CC, and if CC appears before xx then xx occurs also in any clause between them. Note that the class of incidence graphs of such formulas do not have bounded clique-width

    Certifying Correctness for Combinatorial Algorithms : by Using Pseudo-Boolean Reasoning

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    Over the last decades, dramatic improvements in combinatorialoptimisation algorithms have significantly impacted artificialintelligence, operations research, and other areas. These advances,however, are achieved through highly sophisticated algorithms that aredifficult to verify and prone to implementation errors that can causeincorrect results. A promising approach to detect wrong results is touse certifying algorithms that produce not only the desired output butalso a certificate or proof of correctness of the output. An externaltool can then verify the proof to determine that the given answer isvalid. In the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) community, this concept iswell established in the form of proof logging, which has become thestandard solution for generating trustworthy outputs. The problem isthat there are still some SAT solving techniques for which prooflogging is challenging and not yet used in practice. Additionally,there are many formalisms more expressive than SAT, such as constraintprogramming, various graph problems and maximum satisfiability(MaxSAT), for which efficient proof logging is out of reach forstate-of-the-art techniques.This work develops a new proof system building on the cutting planesproof system and operating on pseudo-Boolean constraints (0-1 linearinequalities). We explain how such machine-verifiable proofs can becreated for various problems, including parity reasoning, symmetry anddominance breaking, constraint programming, subgraph isomorphism andmaximum common subgraph problems, and pseudo-Boolean problems. Weimplement and evaluate the resulting algorithms and a verifier for theproof format, demonstrating that the approach is practical for a widerange of problems. We are optimistic that the proposed proof system issuitable for designing certifying variants of algorithms inpseudo-Boolean optimisation, MaxSAT and beyond

    On complexity of optimized crossover for binary representations

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    We consider the computational complexity of producing the best possible offspring in a crossover, given two solutions of the parents. The crossover operators are studied on the class of Boolean linear programming problems, where the Boolean vector of variables is used as the solution representation. By means of efficient reductions of the optimized gene transmitting crossover problems (OGTC) we show the polynomial solvability of the OGTC for the maximum weight set packing problem, the minimum weight set partition problem and for one of the versions of the simple plant location problem. We study a connection between the OGTC for linear Boolean programming problem and the maximum weight independent set problem on 2-colorable hypergraph and prove the NP-hardness of several special cases of the OGTC problem in Boolean linear programming.Comment: Dagstuhl Seminar 06061 "Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms", 200

    Symmetry-breaking Answer Set Solving

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    In the context of Answer Set Programming, this paper investigates symmetry-breaking to eliminate symmetric parts of the search space and, thereby, simplify the solution process. We propose a reduction of disjunctive logic programs to a coloured digraph such that permutational symmetries can be constructed from graph automorphisms. Symmetries are then broken by introducing symmetry-breaking constraints. For this purpose, we formulate a preprocessor that integrates a graph automorphism system. Experiments demonstrate its computational impact.Comment: Proceedings of ICLP'10 Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradig

    Quantum Algorithm for Variant Maximum Satisfiability

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    In this paper, we proposed a novel quantum algorithm for the maximum satisfiability problem. Satisfiability (SAT) is to find the set of assignment values of input variables for the given Boolean function that evaluates this function as TRUE or prove that such satisfying values do not exist. For a POS SAT problem, we proposed a novel quantum algorithm for the maximum satisfiability (MAX-SAT), which returns the maximum number of OR terms that are satisfied for the SAT-unsatisfiable function, providing us with information on how far the given Boolean function is from the SAT satisfaction. We used Grover’s algorithm with a new block called quantum counter in the oracle circuit. The proposed circuit can be adapted for various forms of satisfiability expressions and several satisfiability-like problems. Using the quantum counter and mirrors for SAT terms reduces the need for ancilla qubits and realizes a large Toffoli gate that is then not needed. Our circuit reduces the number of ancilla qubits for the terms T of the Boolean function from T of ancilla qubits to ≈⌈log2⁡T⌉+1. We analyzed and compared the quantum cost of the traditional oracle design with our design which gives a low quantum cost

    Parameterized Complexity of Graph Constraint Logic

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    Graph constraint logic is a framework introduced by Hearn and Demaine, which provides several problems that are often a convenient starting point for reductions. We study the parameterized complexity of Constraint Graph Satisfiability and both bounded and unbounded versions of Nondeterministic Constraint Logic (NCL) with respect to solution length, treewidth and maximum degree of the underlying constraint graph as parameters. As a main result we show that restricted NCL remains PSPACE-complete on graphs of bounded bandwidth, strengthening Hearn and Demaine's framework. This allows us to improve upon existing results obtained by reduction from NCL. We show that reconfiguration versions of several classical graph problems (including independent set, feedback vertex set and dominating set) are PSPACE-complete on planar graphs of bounded bandwidth and that Rush Hour, generalized to k×nk\times n boards, is PSPACE-complete even when kk is at most a constant
