16 research outputs found

    Building a Truly Distributed Constraint Solver with JADE

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    Real life problems such as scheduling meeting between people at different locations can be modelled as distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs). Suitable and satisfactory solutions can then be found using constraint satisfaction algorithms which can be exhaustive (backtracking) or otherwise (local search). However, most research in this area tested their algorithms by simulation on a single PC with a single program entry point. The main contribution of our work is the design and implementation of a truly distributed constraint solver based on a local search algorithm using Java Agent DEvelopment framework (JADE) to enable communication between agents on different machines. Particularly, we discuss design and implementation issues related to truly distributed constraint solver which might not be critical when simulated on a single machine. Evaluation results indicate that our truly distributed constraint solver works well within the observed limitations when tested with various distributed CSPs. Our application can also incorporate any constraint solving algorithm with little modifications.Comment: 7 page

    Combining search strategies for distributed constraint satisfaction.

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    Many real-life problems such as distributed meeting scheduling, mobile frequency allocation and resource allocation can be solved using multi-agent paradigms. Distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSPs) is a framework for describing such problems in terms of related subproblems, called a complex local problem (CLP), which are dispersed over a number of locations, each with its own constraints on the values their variables can take. An agent knows the variables in its CLP plus the variables (and their current value) which are directly related to one of its own variables and the constraints relating them. It knows little about the rest of the problem. Thus, each CLP is solved by an agent which cooperates with other agents to solve the overall problem. Algorithms for solving DisCSPs can be classified as either systematic or local search with the former being complete and the latter incomplete. The algorithms generally assume that each agent has only one variable as they can solve DisCSP with CLPs using virtual agents. However, in large DisCSPs where it is appropriate to trade completeness off against timeliness, systematic search algorithms can be expensive when compared to local search algorithms which generally converge quicker to a solution (if a solution is found) when compared to systematic algorithms. A major drawback of local search algorithms is getting stuck at local optima. Significant researches have focused on heuristics which can be used in an attempt to either escape or avoid local optima. This thesis makes significant contributions to local search algorithms for DisCSPs. Firstly, we present a novel combination of heuristics in DynAPP (Dynamic Agent Prioritisation with Penalties), which is a distributed synchronous local search algorithm for solving DisCSPs having one variable per agent. DynAPP combines penalties on values and dynamic agent prioritisation heuristics to escape local optima. Secondly, we develop a divide and conquer approach that handles DisCSP with CLPs by exploiting the structure of the problem. The divide and conquer approach prioritises the finding of variable instantiations which satisfy the constraints between agents which are often more expensive to satisfy when compared to constraints within an agent. The approach also exploits concurrency and combines the following search strategies: (i) both systematic and local searches; (ii) both centralised and distributed searches; and (iii) a modified compilation strategy. We also present an algorithm that implements the divide and conquer approach in Multi-DCA (Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Agents with CLPs). DynAPP and Multi-DCA were evaluated on several benchmark problems and compared to the leading algorithms for DisCSPs and DisCSPs with CLPs respectively. The results show that at the region of difficult problems, combining search heuristics and exploiting problem structure in distributed constraint satisfaction achieve significant benefits (i.e. generally used less computational time and communication costs) over existing competing methods

    Hybrid algorithms for distributed constraint satisfaction.

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    A Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problem (DisCSP) is a CSP which is divided into several inter-related complex local problems, each assigned to a different agent. Thus, each agent has knowledge of the variables and corresponding domains of its local problem together with the constraints relating its own variables (intra-agent constraints) and the constraints linking its local problem to other local problems (inter-agent constraints). DisCSPs have a variety of practical applications including, for example, meeting scheduling and sensor networks. Existing approaches to Distributed Constraint Satisfaction can be mainly classified into two families of algorithms: systematic search and local search. Systematic search algorithms are complete but may take exponential time. Local search algorithms often converge quicker to a solution for large problems but are incomplete. Problem solving could be improved through using hybrid algorithms combining the completeness of systematic search with the speed of local search. This thesis explores hybrid (systematic + local search) algorithms which cooperate to solve DisCSPs. Three new hybrid approaches which combine both systematic and local search for Distributed Constraint Satisfaction are presented: (i) DisHyb; (ii) Multi-Hyb and; (iii) Multi-HDCS. These approaches use distributed local search to gather information about difficult variables and best values in the problem. Distributed systematic search is run with a variable and value ordering determined by the knowledge learnt through local search. Two implementations of each of the three approaches are presented: (i) using penalties as the distributed local search strategy and; (ii) using breakout as the distributed local search strategy. The three approaches are evaluated on several problem classes. The empirical evaluation shows these distributed hybrid approaches to significantly outperform both systematic and local search DisCSP algorithms. DisHyb, Multi-Hyb and Multi-HDCS are shown to substantially speed-up distributed problem solving with distributed systematic search taking less time to run by using the information learnt by distributed local search. As a consequence, larger problems can now be solved in a more practical timeframe

    Multi-HDCS: solving DisCSPs with complex local problems cooperatively.

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    We propose Multi-HDCS, a new hybrid approach for solving Distributed CSPs with complex local problems. In Multi-HDCS, each agent concurrently: (i) runs a centralised systematic search for its complex local problem; (ii) participates in a distributed local search; (iii) contributes to a distributed systematic search. A centralised systematic search algorithm runs on each agent, finding all non-interchangeable solutions to the agents complex local problem. In order to find a solution to the overall problem, two distributed algorithms which only consider the local solutions found by the centralised systematic searches are run: a local search algorithm identifies the parts of the problem which are most difficult to satisfy, and this information is used in order to find good dynamic variable orderings for a systematic search. We present two implementations of our approach which differ in the strategy used for local search: breakout and penalties on values. Results from an extensive empirical evaluation indicate that these two Multi-HDCS implementations are competitive against existing distributed local and systematic search techniques on both solvable and unsolvable distributed CSPs with complex local problems

    Escaping local optima with penalties in distributed iterative improvement search.

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    The advantages offered by iterative improvement search make it a popular technique for solving problems in centralised settings. However, the key challenge with this approach is finding effective strategies for dealing with local optima. Such strategies must push the algorithm away from the plateaux in the objective landscape and prevent it from returning to those areas. A wide variety of strategies have been proposed for centralised algorithms, while the two main strategies in distributed iterative improvement remain constraint weighting and stochastic escape. In this paper, we discuss the two phased strategy employed in Distributed Penalty Driven Search (DisPeL) an iterative improvement algorithm for solving Distributed Constraint Satisfaction problems. In the first phase of the strategy, agents try to force the search out of the local optima by perturbing their neighbourhoods; and use penalties, in the second phase, to guide the search away from plateaux if perturbation does not work. We discuss the heuristics that make up the strategy and provide empirical justification for their inclusion. We also present some empirical results using random non-binary problems to demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy

    Escaping local optima: constraint weights vs value penalties.

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    Constraint Satisfaction Problems can be solved using either iterative improvement or constructive search approaches. Iterative improvement techniques converge quicker than the constructive search techniques on large problems, but they have a propensity to converge to local optima. Therefore, a key research topic on iterative improvement search is the development of effective techniques for escaping local optima, most of which are based on increasing the weights attached to violated constraints. An alternative approach is to attach penalties to the individual variable values participating in a constraint violation. We compare both approaches and show that the penalty-based technique has a more dramatic effect on the cost landscape, leading to a higher ability to escape local optima. We present an improved version of an existing penalty-based algorithm where penalty resets are driven by the amount of distortion to the cost landscape caused by penalties. We compare this algorithm with an algorithm based on constraint weights and justify the difference in their performance

    Stoch-DisPeL: exploiting randomisation in DisPeL.

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    We present Stoch-DisPeL, an extension of the distributed constraint programming algorithm DisPeL which incorporates randomisation into the algorithm. We justify the introduction of stochastic moves and analyse its performance on random DisCSPs and on Distributed SAT problems. We also empirically compare Stoch-DisPeL's performance to that of DisPel and DSA-B1N - our improved version of DSA. The results obtained show a clear advantage of the introduction of random moves in DisPeL. Our new algorithm, Stoch-DisPeL, also performs better than DSA-B1N

    Distributed constraint programming with agents

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    Many combinatorial optimization problems lend themselves to be modeled as distributed constraint optimization problems (DisCOP). Problems such as job shop scheduling have an intuitive matching between agents and machines. In distributed constraint problems, agents control variables and are connected via constraints. We have equipped these agents with a full constraint solver. This makes it possible to use global constraint and advanced search schemes. By empowering the agents with their own solver, we overcome the low performance that often haunts distributed constraint satisfaction problems (DisCSP). By using global constraints, we achieve far greater pruning than traditional DisCSP models. Hence, we dramatically reduce communication between agents. Our experiments show that both global constraints and advanced search schemes are necessary to optimize job shop schedules using DisCSP