1,302 research outputs found

    Solving bilevel multi-objective optimization problems using evolutionary algorithms

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    Bilevel optimization problems require every feasible upper-level solution to satisfy optimality of a lower-level optimization problem. These problems commonly appear in many practical problem solving tasks including optimal control, process optimization, game-playing strategy development, transportation problems, and others. In the context of a bilevel single objective problem, there exists a number of theoretical, numerical, and evolutionary optimization results. However, there does not exist too many studies in the context of having multiple objectives in each level of a bilevel optimization problem. In this paper, we address bilevel multi-objective optimization issues and propose a viable algorithm based on evolutionary multi-objective optimization (EMO) principles. Proof-of-principle simulation results bring out the challenges in solving such problems and demonstrate the viability of the proposed EMO technique for solving such problems. This paper scratches the surface of EMO-based solution methodologies for bilevel multi-objective optimization problems and should motivate other EMO researchers to engage more into this important optimization task of practical importance

    Progressively interactive evolutionary multiobjective optimization

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    A complete optimization procedure for a multi-objective problem essentially comprises of search and decision making. Depending upon how the search and decision making task is integrated, algorithms can be classified into various categories. Following `a decision making after search' approach, which is common with evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithms, requires to produce all the possible alternatives before a decision can be taken. This, with the intricacies involved in producing the entire Pareto-front, is not a wise approach for high objective problems. Rather, for such kind of problems, the most preferred point on the front should be the target. In this study we propose and evaluate algorithms where search and decision making tasks work in tandem and the most preferred solution is the outcome. For the two tasks to work simultaneously, an interaction of the decision maker with the algorithm is necessary, therefore, preference information from the decision maker is accepted periodically by the algorithm and progress towards the most preferred point is made. Two different progressively interactive procedures have been suggested in the dissertation which can be integrated with any existing evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm to improve its effectiveness in handling high objective problems by making it capable to accept preference information at the intermediate steps of the algorithm. A number of high objective un-constrained as well as constrained problems have been successfully solved using the procedures. One of the less explored and difficult domains, i.e., bilevel multiobjective optimization has also been targeted and a solution methodology has been proposed. Initially, the bilevel multi-objective optimization problem has been solved by developing a hybrid bilevel evolutionary multi-objective optimization algorithm. Thereafter, the progressively interactive procedure has been incorporated in the algorithm leading to an increased accuracy and savings in computational cost. The efficacy of using a progressively interactive approach for solving difficult multi-objective problems has, therefore, further been justifie

    Finding Optimal Strategies in a Multi-Period Multi-Leader-Follower Stackelberg Game Using an Evolutionary Algorithm

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    Stackelberg games are a classic example of bilevel optimization problems, which are often encountered in game theory and economics. These are complex problems with a hierarchical structure, where one optimization task is nested within the other. Despite a number of studies on handling bilevel optimization problems, these problems still remain a challenging territory, and existing methodologies are able to handle only simple problems with few variables under assumptions of continuity and differentiability. In this paper, we consider a special case of a multi-period multi-leader-follower Stackelberg competition model with non-linear cost and demand functions and discrete production variables. The model has potential applications, for instance in aircraft manufacturing industry, which is an oligopoly where a few giant firms enjoy a tremendous commitment power over the other smaller players. We solve cases with different number of leaders and followers, and show how the entrance or exit of a player affects the profits of the other players. In the presence of various model complexities, we use a computationally intensive nested evolutionary strategy to find an optimal solution for the model. The strategy is evaluated on a test-suite of bilevel problems, and it has been shown that the method is successful in handling difficult bilevel problems.Comment: To be published in Computers and Operations Researc

    Development of Methods for Solving Bilevel Optimization Problems

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    Bilevel optimization, also referred to as bilevel programming, involves solving an upper level problem subject to the optimality of a corresponding lower level problem. The upper and lower level problems are also referred to as the leader and follower problems, respectively. Both levels have their associated objective(s), variable(s) and constraint(s). Such problems model real-life scenarios of cases where the performance of an upper level authority is realizable/sustainable only if the corresponding lower level objective is optimum. A number of practical applications in the field of engineering, logistics, economics and transportation have inherent nested structure that are suited to this type of modelling. The range of applications as well as a rapid increase in the size and complexity of such problems has prompted active interest in the design of efficient algorithms for bilevel optimization. Bilevel optimization problems present a number of unique and interesting challenges to algorithm design. The nested nature of the problem requires optimization of a lower level problem to evaluate each upper level solution, which makes it computationally exorbitant. Theoretically, an upper level solution is considered valid/feasible only if the corresponding lower level variables are the true global optimum of the lower level problem. Global optimality can be reliably asserted in very limited cases, for example convex and linear problems. In deceptive cases, an inaccurate lower level optimum may result in an objective value better than true optimum at the upper level, which poses a severe challenge for ranking/selection strategies used within any optimization technique. In turn, this also makes the performance evaluation very difficult since the performance cannot be judged based on the objective values alone. While the area of bilevel (or more generally, multilevel) programming itself is not very new, most reports in this direction up until about a decade ago considered solving linear or at most quadratic problems at both levels. Correspondingly, the focus on was on development of exact methods to solve such problems. However, such methods typically require assumptions on mathematical properties, which may not always hold in practical applications. With increasing use of computer simulation-based evaluations in a number of disciplines in science and engineering, there is more need than ever to handle problems that are highly nonlinear or even black-box in nature. Metaheuristic algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms are more suited to this emerging paradigm. The foray of evolutionary algorithms in bilevel programming is relatively recent and there remains scope of substantial development in the field in terms of addressing the aforementioned challenges. The work presented in this thesis is directed towards improving evolutionary techniques to enable them solve generic bilevel problems more accurately using lower number of function evaluations compared to the existing methods. Three key approaches are investigated towards accomplishing this: (a) e active hybridization of global and local search methods during dierent stages of the overall search; (b) use of surrogate models to guide the search using approximations in lieu of true function evaluations, and (c) use of a non-nested re-formulation of the problem. While most of the work is focused on single-objective problems, preliminary studies are also presented on multi-objective bilevel problems. The performance of the proposed approaches is evaluated on a comprehensive suite of mathematical test problems available in the literature, as well as some practical problems. The proposed approaches are observed to achieve a favourable balance between accuracy and computational expense for solving bilevel optimization problems, and thus exhibit suitability for use in real-life applications

    Multi-rendezvous Spacecraft Trajectory Optimization with Beam P-ACO

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    The design of spacecraft trajectories for missions visiting multiple celestial bodies is here framed as a multi-objective bilevel optimization problem. A comparative study is performed to assess the performance of different Beam Search algorithms at tackling the combinatorial problem of finding the ideal sequence of bodies. Special focus is placed on the development of a new hybridization between Beam Search and the Population-based Ant Colony Optimization algorithm. An experimental evaluation shows all algorithms achieving exceptional performance on a hard benchmark problem. It is found that a properly tuned deterministic Beam Search always outperforms the remaining variants. Beam P-ACO, however, demonstrates lower parameter sensitivity, while offering superior worst-case performance. Being an anytime algorithm, it is then found to be the preferable choice for certain practical applications.Comment: Code available at https://github.com/lfsimoes/beam_paco__gtoc

    A Parameterized Complexity Analysis of Bi-level Optimisation with Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Bi-level optimisation problems have gained increasing interest in the field of combinatorial optimisation in recent years. With this paper, we start the runtime analysis of evolutionary algorithms for bi-level optimisation problems. We examine two NP-hard problems, the generalised minimum spanning tree problem (GMST), and the generalised travelling salesman problem (GTSP) in the context of parameterised complexity. For the generalised minimum spanning tree problem, we analyse the two approaches presented by Hu and Raidl (2012) with respect to the number of clusters that distinguish each other by the chosen representation of possible solutions. Our results show that a (1+1) EA working with the spanning nodes representation is not a fixed-parameter evolutionary algorithm for the problem, whereas the global structure representation enables to solve the problem in fixed-parameter time. We present hard instances for each approach and show that the two approaches are highly complementary by proving that they solve each other's hard instances very efficiently. For the generalised travelling salesman problem, we analyse the problem with respect to the number of clusters in the problem instance. Our results show that a (1+1) EA working with the global structure representation is a fixed-parameter evolutionary algorithm for the problem
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