293 research outputs found

    A fractional B-spline collocation method for the numerical solution of fractional predator-prey models

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    We present a collocation method based on fractional B-splines for the solution of fractional differential problems. The key-idea is to use the space generated by the fractional B-splines, i.e., piecewise polynomials of noninteger degree, as approximating space. Then, in the collocation step the fractional derivative of the approximating function is approximated accurately and efficiently by an exact differentiation rule that involves the generalized finite difference operator. To show the effectiveness of the method for the solution of nonlinear dynamical systems of fractional order, we solved the fractional Lotka-Volterra model and a fractional predator-pray model with variable coefficients. The numerical tests show that the method we proposed is accurate while keeping a low computational cost

    Nonsensical models for quantum dots

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    We analyze a model proposed recently for the calculation of the energy of an exciton in a quantum dot and show that the authors made a serious mistake in the solution to the Schr\"{o}dinger equation

    Activation of effector immune cells promotes tumor stochastic extinction: A homotopy analysis approach

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    In this article we provide homotopy solutions of a cancer nonlinear model describing the dynamics of tumor cells in interaction with healthy and effector immune cells. We apply a semi-analytic technique for solving strongly nonlinear systems - the Step Homotopy Analysis Method (SHAM). This algorithm, based on a modification of the standard homotopy analysis method (HAM), allows to obtain a one-parameter family of explicit series solutions. By using the homotopy solutions, we first investigate the dynamical effect of the activation of the effector immune cells in the deterministic dynamics, showing that an increased activation makes the system to enter into chaotic dynamics via a period-doubling bifurcation scenario. Then, by adding demographic stochasticity into the homotopy solutions, we show, as a difference from the deterministic dynamics, that an increased activation of the immune cells facilitates cancer clearance involving tumor cells extinction and healthy cells persistence. Our results highlight the importance of therapies activating the effector immune cells at early stages of cancer progression

    Numerical Solution of Fuzzy Arbitrary Order Predator-Prey Equations

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    This paper seeks to investigate the numerical solution of fuzzy arbitrary order predator-prey equations using the Homotopy Perturbation Method (HPM). Fuzziness in the initial conditions is taken to mean convex normalised fuzzy sets viz. triangular fuzzy number. Comparisons are made between crisp solution given by others and fuzzy solution in special cases. The results obtained are depicted in plots and tables to demonstrate the efficacy and powerfulness of the methodology