9 research outputs found

    A general inspection and opportunistic replacement policy for one-component systems of variable quality

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    We model the influence of opportunities in a hybrid inspection and replacement policy. The base policy has two phases: an initial inspection phase in which the system is replaced if found defective; and a later wear-out phase that terminates with replacement and during which there is no inspection. The efficacy of inspection is modelled using the delay time concept. Onto this base model, we introduce events that arise at random and offer opportunities for cost-efficient replacement, and we investigate the efficacy of additional opportunistic replacements within the policy. Furthermore, replacements are considered to be heterogeneous and of variable quality. This is a natural policy for heterogeneous systems. Our analysis suggests that a policy extension that allows opportunities to be utilised offers benefit, in terms of cost-efficiency. This benefit is significant compared to those offered by age-based inspection or preventive replacement. In addition, opportunistic replacement may simplify maintenance planning

    Development of an optimization model to determine sampling levels

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    As the complexity of multi-component products increases the quality of these products becomes increasingly difficult to control. The first step to manufacturing a quality product is making sure that the components of the product meet specifications. Product quality can be controlled through sampling inspection of the components. Two models were developed in this research to determine the optimal sampling levels for incoming lots containing parts for production and assembly of multi-component systems. The main objective of the first model is to minimize the expected cost that is associated with a nonconforming item reaching assembly. In this model the time available for inspection is limited. The main objective in the second model is to minimize total cost, which includes the appraisal cost (inspection cost) and the cost associated with nonconformance reaching assembly. In this model the time available is not a constraint. The distribution of defects is assumed to follow the binomial distribution, and the distribution of accepting the lot with defects follows the hypergeometric distribution. In addition, the inspection is considered to be accurate and, if a nonconforming item is found in the inspected sample, the entire lot is rejected. An example is given with real world data and the results are discussed --Abstract, page iv

    Delay-time modelling of a critical system subject to random inspections

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    We model the inspection-maintenance of a critical system in which the execution of inspections is random. The models we develop are interesting because they mimic realities in which production is prioritised over maintenance, so that inspections might be impeded or they might be opportunistic. Random maintenance has been modelled by others but there is little in the literature that relates to inspection of a critical system. We suppose that the critical system can be good, defective or failed, and that failure impacts on production, so that a failure is immediately revealed, but a defect does not. A defect, if revealed at inspection, is a trigger for replacement. We compare the cost and reliability of random inspections with scheduled periodic inspections and discuss the implications for practice. Our results indicate that inspections that are performed opportunistically rather than scheduled periodically may offer an economic advantage provided opportunities are sufficiently frequent and convenient. A hybrid inspection and replacement policy, with inspections subject to impediments, is robust to departure from its inspection schedule. Keywords: Maintenance; reliability; random inspection; production; qualit

    Reliability Ensuring Models of Complex Facilities in Thermal Power Plants

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    Ova studija ima za cilj da prikaže mogućnost generisanja modela obezbeđenja pouzdanosti složenih postrojenja u termoelektranama.The goal of this study is to show the possibility of generating reliability ensuring models of complex facilities in thermal power plants

    Solution algorithms for a nonhomogeneous multi-component inspection model.

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    In this paper, we present three solution algorithms for an established multi-component inspection system model based upon the delay time concept. First, Algorithm 1 is developed for obtaining the system replacement time if the defect arrival process is non-homogeneous. Algorithm 2 is presented as an extension to Algorithm 1 in which the non-constant optimal inspection intervals are also determined. Algorithm 3 is a numerical algorithm for solving an integral equation arising within the model in the case of opportunistic inspection at failures. Finally, an example is given to demonstrate the algorithm set in practice. The proof of the existence and uniqueness of solutions are presented

    Safety and Reliability - Safe Societies in a Changing World

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    The contributions cover a wide range of methodologies and application areas for safety and reliability that contribute to safe societies in a changing world. These methodologies and applications include: - foundations of risk and reliability assessment and management - mathematical methods in reliability and safety - risk assessment - risk management - system reliability - uncertainty analysis - digitalization and big data - prognostics and system health management - occupational safety - accident and incident modeling - maintenance modeling and applications - simulation for safety and reliability analysis - dynamic risk and barrier management - organizational factors and safety culture - human factors and human reliability - resilience engineering - structural reliability - natural hazards - security - economic analysis in risk managemen