9 research outputs found

    Coupling of erbium dopants to yttrium orthosilicate photonic crystal cavities for on-chip optical quantum memories

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    Erbium dopants in crystals exhibit highly coherent optical transitions well suited for solid-state optical quantum memories operating in the telecom band. Here, we demonstrate coupling of erbium dopant ions in yttrium orthosilicate to a photonic crystal cavity fabricated directly in the host crystal using focused ion beam milling. The coupling leads to reduction of the photoluminescence lifetime and enhancement of the optical depth in microns-long devices, which will enable on-chip quantum memories

    Nanophotonic coherent light-matter interfaces based on rare-earth-doped crystals

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    Quantum light-matter interfaces (QLMIs) connecting stationary qubits to photons will enable optical networks for quantum communications, precise global time keeping, photon switching, and studies of fundamental physics. Rare-earth-ion (REI) doped crystals are state-of-the-art materials for optical quantum memories and quantum transducers between optical photons, microwave photons and spin waves. Here we demonstrate coupling of an ensemble of neodymium REIs to photonic nano-cavities fabricated in the yttrium orthosilicate host crystal. Cavity quantum electrodynamics effects including Purcell enhancement (F=42) and dipole-induced transparency are observed on the highly coherent 4I9/2-4F3/2 optical transition. Fluctuations in the cavity transmission due to statistical fine structure of the atomic density are measured, indicating operation at the quantum level. Coherent optical control of cavity-coupled REIs is performed via photon echoes. Long optical coherence times (T2~100 microseconds) and small inhomogeneous broadening are measured for the cavity-coupled REIs, thus demonstrating their potential for on-chip scalable QLMIs

    On-chip quantum storage in a rare-earth-doped photonic nanocavity

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    Rare-earth-ion doped crystals are state-of-the-art materials for optical quantum memories and quantum transducers between optical and microwave photons. Here we describe our progress towards a nanophotonic quantum memory based on a rare-earth (Neodymium) doped yttrium orthosilicate (YSO) photonic crystal resonator. The Purcell-enhanced coupling of the 883 nm transitions of Neodymium (Nd^(3+)) ions to the nano-resonator results in increased optical depth, which could in principle facilitate highly efficient photon storage via cavity impedance matching. The atomic frequency comb (AFC) memory protocol can be implemented in the Nd:YSO nano-resonator by efficient optical pumping into the long-lived Zeeman state. Coherent optical signals can be stored and retrieved from the AFC memory. We currently measure a storage efficiency on par with a bulk crystal Nd:YSO memory that is millimeters long. Our results will enable multiplexed on-chip quantum storage and thus quantum repeater devices using rare-earth-ions

    Towards an efficient nanophotonic platform integrating quantum memories and single qubits based on rare-earth ions

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    The integration of rare-earth ions in an on-chip photonic platform would enable quantum repeaters and scalable quantum networks. While ensemble-based quantum memories have been routinely realized, implementing single rare-earth ion qubit remains an outstanding challenge due to its weak photoluminescence. Here we demonstrate a nanophotonic platform consisting of yttrium vanadate (YVO) photonic crystal nanobeam resonators coupled to a spectrally dilute ensemble of Nd ions. The cavity acts as a memory when prepared with spectral hole burning, meanwhile it permits addressing of single ions when high-resolution spectroscopy is employed. For quantum memory, atomic frequency comb (AFC) protocol was implemented in a 50 ppm Nd:YVO nanocavity cooled to 480 mk. The high-fidelity quantum storage of time-bin qubits is demonstrated with a 80% efficient WSi superconducting nanowire single photon detector (SNSPD). The small mode volume of the cavity results in a peak atomic spectral density of <10 ions per homogeneous linewidth, suitable for probing single ions when detuned from the center of the inhomogeneous distribution. The high-cooperativity coupling of a single ion yields a strong signature (20%) in the cavity reection spectrum, which could be detected by our efficient SNSPD. We estimate a signal-to-noise ratio exceeding 10 for addressing a single Nd ion with its 879.7nm transition. This, combines with the AFC memory, constitutes a promising platform for preparation, storage and detection of rare-earth qubits on the same ship

    On-chip quantum storage in a rare-earth-doped photonic nanocavity

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    Rare-earth-ion doped crystals are state-of-the-art materials for optical quantum memories and quantum transducers between optical and microwave photons. Here we describe our progress towards a nanophotonic quantum memory based on a rare-earth (Neodymium) doped yttrium orthosilicate (YSO) photonic crystal resonator. The Purcell-enhanced coupling of the 883 nm transitions of Neodymium (Nd^(3+)) ions to the nano-resonator results in increased optical depth, which could in principle facilitate highly efficient photon storage via cavity impedance matching. The atomic frequency comb (AFC) memory protocol can be implemented in the Nd:YSO nano-resonator by efficient optical pumping into the long-lived Zeeman state. Coherent optical signals can be stored and retrieved from the AFC memory. We currently measure a storage efficiency on par with a bulk crystal Nd:YSO memory that is millimeters long. Our results will enable multiplexed on-chip quantum storage and thus quantum repeater devices using rare-earth-ions

    On-chip quantum storage in a rare-earth-doped photonic nanocavity

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    Coupling erbium dopants in yttrium orthosilicate to silicon photonic resonators and waveguides

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    A scalable platform for on-chip optical quantum networks will rely on standard top-down nanofabrication techniques and solid-state emitters with long coherence times. We present a new hybrid platform that integrates amorphous silicon photonic waveguides and microresonators fabricated on top of a yttrium orthosilicate substrate doped with erbium ions. The quality factor of one such resonator was measured to exceed 100,000 and the ensemble cooperativity was measured to be 0.54. The resonator-coupled ions exhibited spontaneous emission rate enhancement and increased coupling to the input field, as required for further development of on-chip quantum light-matter interfaces

    Nanophotonic Resonators for Optical Quantum Memories based on Rare-Earth-Doped Materials

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    The growing interest in optical quantum systems has led to the exploration of multiple platforms. Though pioneering experiments were performed in trapped atom and trapped ion systems, solid state systems show promise of being scalable and robust. Rare earth dopants in crystalline hosts are an appealing option because they possess a rich spectrum of energy levels that result from a partially filled electron orbital. While level structure varies across the period, all elements possess crystal field splittings corresponding to near infra-red or optical frequencies, as well as Zeeman and often hyperfine levels separated by radio frequency and microwave frequencies. These levels demonstrate long excited-state lifetimes and coherence times and have been used in diverse applications, including demonstrating storage of a photonic state, converting of optical to microwave photons, and manipulating a single ion as a single qubit. The ions' weak interaction with their environment results in low coupling to optical fields, which had previously required measurements with macroscopically large ensembles of ions. Coupling the ions to an optical cavity enables the use of a smaller ensemble, which is required for the development of the aforementioned technologies in an on-chip scalable architecture. This thesis contains recent progress towards fabricating optical micro and nanocavities coupled to ensembles of erbium ions, mainly erbium in yttrium orthosilicate. In one design, focused ion beam milling was used to create a triangular nanobeam photonic crystal cavity in a bulk erbium-doped substrate. A second design leveraged the fabrication capabilities of silicon photonics, defining amorphous silicon ring resonators using electron beam lithography and dry etching. These devices coupled evanescently to erbium ions below the ring, in the bulk substrate. Simulation, design, fabrication, and characterization of both resonators are discussed. Coupling between the ions and the resonator is demonstrated for each, and capabilities offered by these devices are described. Preliminary work implementing coherent control of erbium ions is presented. Lastly, alternative substrates are evaluated for possible future solid-state erbium systems.</p