2 research outputs found

    Providing Insight into the Performance of Distributed Applications Through Low-Level Metrics

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    The field of high-performance computing (HPC) has always dealt with the bleeding edge of computational hardware and software to achieve the maximum possible performance for a wide variety of workloads. When dealing with brand new technologies, it can be difficult to understand how these technologies work and why they work the way they do. One of the more prevalent approaches to providing insight into modern hardware and software is to provide tools that allow developers to access low-level metrics about their performance. The modern HPC ecosystem supports a wide array of technologies, but in this work, I will be focusing on two particularly influential technologies: The Message Passing Interface (MPI), and Graphical Processing Units (GPUs).For many years, MPI has been the dominant programming paradigm in HPC. Indeed, over 90% of applications that are a part of the U.S. Exascale Computing Project plan to use MPI in some fashion. The MPI Standard provides programmers with a wide variety of methods to communicate between processes, along with several other capabilities. The high-level MPI Profiling Interface has been the primary method for profiling MPI applications since the inception of the MPI Standard, and more recently the low-level MPI Tool Information Interface was introduced.Accelerators like GPUs have been increasingly adopted as the primary computational workhorse for modern supercomputers. GPUs provide more parallelism than traditional CPUs through a hierarchical grid of lightweight processing cores. NVIDIA provides profiling tools for their GPUs that give access to low-level hardware metrics.In this work, I propose research in applying low-level metrics to both the MPI and GPU paradigms in the form of an implementation of low-level metrics for MPI, and a new method for analyzing GPU load imbalance with a synthetic efficiency metric. I introduce Software-based Performance Counters (SPCs) to expose internal metrics of the Open MPI implementation along with a new interface for exposing these counters to users and tool developers. I also analyze a modified load imbalance formula for GPU-based applications that uses low-level hardware metrics provided through nvprof in a hierarchical approach to take the internal load imbalance of the GPU into account

    Performance Observability and Monitoring of High Performance Computing with Microservices

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    Traditionally, High Performance Computing (HPC) softwarehas been built and deployed as bulk-synchronous, parallel executables based on the message-passing interface (MPI) programming model. The rise of data-oriented computing paradigms and an explosion in the variety of applications that need to be supported on HPC platforms have forced a re-think of the appropriate programming and execution models to integrate this new functionality. In situ workflows demarcate a paradigm shift in HPC software development methodologies enabling a range of new applications --- from user-level data services to machine learning (ML) workflows that run alongside traditional scientific simulations. By tracing the evolution of HPC software developmentover the past 30 years, this dissertation identifies the key elements and trends responsible for the emergence of coupled, distributed, in situ workflows. This dissertation's focus is on coupled in situ workflows involving composable, high-performance microservices. After outlining the motivation to enable performance observability of these services and why existing HPC performance tools and techniques can not be applied in this context, this dissertation proposes a solution wherein a set of techniques gathers, analyzes, and orients performance data from different sources to generate observability. By leveraging microservice components initially designed to build high performance data services, this dissertation demonstrates their broader applicability for building and deploying performance monitoring and visualization as services within an in situ workflow. The results from this dissertation suggest that: (1) integration of performance data from different sources is vital to understanding the performance of service components, (2) the in situ (online) analysis of this performance data is needed to enable the adaptivity of distributed components and manage monitoring data volume, (3) statistical modeling combined with performance observations can help generate better service configurations, and (4) services are a promising architecture choice for deploying in situ performance monitoring and visualization functionality. This dissertation includes previously published and co-authored material and unpublished co-authored material