6 research outputs found

    Developing an agent-based simulation model of software evolution

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    Context In attempt to simulate the factors that affect the software evolution behaviour and possibly predict it, several simulation models have been developed recently. The current system dynamic (SD) simulation model of software evolution process was built based on actor-network theory (ANT) of software evolution by using system dynamic environment, which is not a suitable environment to reflect the complexity of ANT theory. In addition the SD model has not been investigated for its ability to represent the real-world process of software evolution. Objectives This paper aims to re-implements the current SD model to an agent-based simulation environment ‘Repast’ and checks the behaviour of the new model compared to the existing SD model. It also aims to investigate the ability of the new Repast model to represent the real-world process of software evolution. Methods a new agent-based simulation model is developed based on the current SD model's specifications and then tests similar to the previous model tests are conducted in order to perform a comparative evaluation between of these two results. In addition an investigation is carried out through an interview with an expert in software development area to investigate the model's ability to represent real-world process of software evolution. Results The Repast model shows more stable behaviour compared with the SD model. Results also found that the evolution health of the software can be calibrated quantitatively and that the new Repast model does have the ability to represent real-world processes of software evolution. Conclusion It is concluded that by applying a more suitable simulation environment (agent-based) to represent ANT theory of software evolution, that this new simulation model will show more stable bahaviour compared with the previous SD model; And it will also shows the ability to represent (at least quantatively) the real-world aspect of software evolution.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    A Software Evolution Process Model: Analysis of Software Failure Causes

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    This paper presents a study on the degree of impact of several components on the evolvability of software systems. In particular, it focuses on failure rates, testing, and other factors which force the evolution of a software system. Also, it studies the evolution of software systems in the presence of various failure scenarios. Unlike previous studies based on the system dynamic (SD) model, this study is modeled on the basis of actor-network theory (ANT) of software evolution, using the system dynamic environment. The main index used in this study is the destabilization period after the recovery from any failure scenario. The results show that more testing and quick recovery after failure are keys to a fast system return to stability

    A Software Evolution Process Model: Analysis of Software Failure Causes

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    This paper presents a study on the degree of impact of several components on the evolvability of software systems. In particular, it focuses on failure rates, testing, and other factors which force the evolution of a software system. Also, it studies the evolution of software systems in the presence of various failure scenarios. Unlike previous studies based on the system dynamic (SD) model, this study is modeled on the basis of actor-network theory (ANT) of software evolution, using the system dynamic environment. The main index used in this study is the destabilization period after the recovery from any failure scenario. The results show that more testing and quick recovery after failure are keys to a fast system return to stability

    Software Evolutionary Dynamics Modelled as the Activity of an Actor-Network

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. --Original article can be found at: http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ --DOI : 10.1109/SOFTWARE-EVOLVABILITY.2006.1

    Understanding dynamic process of emerging ICT adoption in UK service SMEs: an actor-network approach

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    This thesis is submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyAlthough literature reveals that significant efforts have been made to study ICT adoption and diffusion, the diversity of research in terms of theory and methodology is very low. Most studies have relied on traditional adoption theories (e.g., TAM and DOI) and these theories are not capable of providing rich explanantion on how the adoption and post-adoption develop over time. It is argued here that ICT adoption involves multi-dimensional and complex issues. These issues range from how various roles played by actors in emerging ICT are accounted for to ensuring successful adoption. Therefore, this research aims to advance our understanding of emerging ICT adoptions in SMEs from a dynamic process perspective. The specific objectives of this research are to: establish the stages of the dynamic process, identify the key actors and their roles, explore the critical factors affecting the emerging ICT adoption process, identify the challenges and provide recommendations and implications for stakeholders in promoting future adoption and diffusion in UK SMEs. The research adopts a social-technical approach that challenges the ideas of the mainstream thinkers. More specifically, it adopts Actor Network Theory (ANT). The key ANT concepts that influenced the empirical investigation are inscription, translation, framing and stabilisation. The research adopted a qualitative method using face to face interviews. Two rounds of data collection were undertaken. The first round started with a theoretical review, the analysis of relevant literature, and unstructured interviews mainly with small business managers. Eleven interviews were carried out. The second round of interviews was semi-structured with key human actors identified in the first round of interviews. A total of fifteen interviews were conducted. They included the small business manager; SMEs service sector customers, government agencies, SMEs consultants, and IT vendors. The aim was to further explore the dynamic adoption process, the roles and challenges of actors and to validate the outcomes of the findings. The analysis was guided by a hybrid approach of thematic analysis using NVivo software. The study proposed and validated a conceptual framework that illustrates the dynamic process of emerging ICT adoption in SMEs from the Actor Network Theory perspective. This framework helps to understand the adoption process, actors involved, actors’ roles and interactions, and the critical factors. Using the key concepts of ANT as the basis of the investigation, the findings identify a number of key activities associated with the adoption process. These activities include: problem assessment and evaluation, concept generation and evaluation, concept specification, product outsourcing /role delegation, misalignment and alignment of interests, product trial, product modification, adaptation, and impact and problem redefinition. These activities reveal that adoption of emerging ICT in a small business context is not constant, straightforward and certain; instead it is unpredictable, dynamic, and an on-going and reiterative process. ANT concepts were further used to analyse and categorise 20 roles that different actors play, 15 critical factors influencing emerging ICT adoption in SMEs, and the challenges facing actors. While all of these roles, factors, and challenges are critical, in this study, the findings reveal that monitoring and legislation are the most recurring roles at each stage. Furthermore, ease of use, managerial time, shared support, customer focus and adoption costs are the factors affecting the success of multiple stages (three stages). Finally, the thesis presents the contributions and implications for both research and practice in future adoption and diffusion

    Metadata foundations for the life cycle management of software systems

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