21 research outputs found

    Do Android Taint Analysis Tools Keep Their Promises?

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    In recent years, researchers have developed a number of tools to conduct taint analysis of Android applications. While all the respective papers aim at providing a thorough empirical evaluation, comparability is hindered by varying or unclear evaluation targets. Sometimes, the apps used for evaluation are not precisely described. In other cases, authors use an established benchmark but cover it only partially. In yet other cases, the evaluations differ in terms of the data leaks searched for, or lack a ground truth to compare against. All those limitations make it impossible to truly compare the tools based on those published evaluations. We thus present ReproDroid, a framework allowing the accurate comparison of Android taint analysis tools. ReproDroid supports researchers in inferring the ground truth for data leaks in apps, in automatically applying tools to benchmarks, and in evaluating the obtained results. We use ReproDroid to comparatively evaluate on equal grounds the six prominent taint analysis tools Amandroid, DIALDroid, DidFail, DroidSafe, FlowDroid and IccTA. The results are largely positive although four tools violate some promises concerning features and accuracy. Finally, we contribute to the area of unbiased benchmarking with a new and improved version of the open test suite DroidBench

    Overfitting in Synthesis: Theory and Practice (Extended Version)

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    In syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS), a synthesizer's goal is to automatically generate a program belonging to a grammar of possible implementations that meets a logical specification. We investigate a common limitation across state-of-the-art SyGuS tools that perform counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). We empirically observe that as the expressiveness of the provided grammar increases, the performance of these tools degrades significantly. We claim that this degradation is not only due to a larger search space, but also due to overfitting. We formally define this phenomenon and prove no-free-lunch theorems for SyGuS, which reveal a fundamental tradeoff between synthesizer performance and grammar expressiveness. A standard approach to mitigate overfitting in machine learning is to run multiple learners with varying expressiveness in parallel. We demonstrate that this insight can immediately benefit existing SyGuS tools. We also propose a novel single-threaded technique called hybrid enumeration that interleaves different grammars and outperforms the winner of the 2018 SyGuS competition (Inv track), solving more problems and achieving a 5×5\times mean speedup.Comment: 24 pages (5 pages of appendices), 7 figures, includes proofs of theorem

    Precondition Inference via Partitioning of Initial States

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    Precondition inference is a non-trivial task with several applications in program analysis and verification. We present a novel iterative method for automatically deriving sufficient preconditions for safety and unsafety of programs which introduces a new dimension of modularity. Each iteration maintains over-approximations of the set of \emph{safe} and \emph{unsafe} \emph{initial} states. Then we repeatedly use the current abstractions to partition the program's \emph{initial} states into those known to be safe, known to be unsafe and unknown, and construct a revised program focusing on those initial states that are not yet known to be safe or unsafe. An experimental evaluation of the method on a set of software verification benchmarks shows that it can solve problems which are not solvable using previous methods.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Counterexample-Guided Prophecy for Model Checking Modulo the Theory of Arrays

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    We develop a framework for model checking infinite-state systems by automatically augmenting them with auxiliary variables, enabling quantifier-free induction proofs for systems that would otherwise require quantified invariants. We combine this mechanism with a counterexample-guided abstraction refinement scheme for the theory of arrays. Our framework can thus, in many cases, reduce inductive reasoning with quantifiers and arrays to quantifier-free and array-free reasoning. We evaluate the approach on a wide set of benchmarks from the literature. The results show that our implementation often outperforms state-of-the-art tools, demonstrating its practical potential.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure, 1 table, extended version of paper to be published in International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems 202