93,468 research outputs found

    Chemical-Based Formulation Design: Virtual Experimentation

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    This paper presents a software, the virtual Product-Process Design laboratory (virtual PPD-lab) and the virtual experimental scenarios for design/verification of consumer oriented liquid formulated products where the software can be used. For example, the software can be employed for the design of the active ingredient-solvent mixture and/or their verification in terms of the product function. These consumer products are still primarily designed, developed and/or tested through experiment-based trial and error approaches. However, using the powerful methodologies and tools developed within the process system engineering community, it is possible now to replace, at least, some of the experimental steps with efficient and validated model-based approaches. For example, the search space can be significantly reduced through computer-aided screenings of the active ingredient (AI), the solvent mixture, the additives and/or their mixtures (formulations). Therefore, the experimental resources can focus on a few candidate product formulations to find the best product. The virtual PPD-lab allows various options for experimentations related to design and/or verification of the product. For example, the selection and verification of the functions of the AI; the design of solvent mixtures for the delivery of the AI; the stability test of the liquid formulated product; the selection of additives such as aroma compounds to be added to the products to enhance their quality; the generation of a list of candidate formulations; the addition of the missing chemicals to an incomplete formulation and the verification of the final product. The software is based on a framework that allows quick implementation of different design/verification work-flows and their associated models, methods, tools and data. The software contains a suite of databases with data of AIs used in different products (such as insect repellents), solvents classified in terms of special characteristics (such as solubility in water), and additives classified in terms of their application (such as aroma agents, wetting agents and preservatives). In addition, the software has built-in intelligence through implemented knowledge-bases related to transforming product attributes (consumer needs) to a set of physical-chemical properties; templates (work-flows) for specific product types are also available; guidance for property model (such as pure component properties and mixture properties) selection and adaptation is provided; the selection and use of models for product verification is also possible (such as stability of liquid and evaporation of the solvent after application of the product). Finally, the software has a collection of algorithms (such as CAMD, mixture design, model adaptation). All of the above helps to perform virtual experiments by blending chemicals together and observing their predicted behaviour. The paper will highlight the application of the virtual PPD-lab in the design and/or verification of different consumer products (paint formulation, hair spray, sunscreen lotion, insect repellent lotion). The results of the virtual experimentations will be illustrated through the (initial) base case designs that were obtained and their verification through real experiments and/or available product data analysis

    Higher-order Program Verification as Satisfiability Modulo Theories with Algebraic Data-types

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    We report on work in progress on automatic procedures for proving properties of programs written in higher-order functional languages. Our approach encodes higher-order programs directly as first-order SMT problems over Horn clauses. It is straight-forward to reduce Hoare-style verification of first-order programs into satisfiability of Horn clauses. The presence of closures offers several challenges: relatively complete proof systems have to account for closures; and in practice, the effectiveness of search procedures depend on encoding strategies and capabilities of underlying solvers. We here use algebraic data-types to encode closures and rely on solvers that support algebraic data-types. The viability of the approach is examined using examples from the literature on higher-order program verification

    Evaluating Model Testing and Model Checking for Finding Requirements Violations in Simulink Models

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    Matlab/Simulink is a development and simulation language that is widely used by the Cyber-Physical System (CPS) industry to model dynamical systems. There are two mainstream approaches to verify CPS Simulink models: model testing that attempts to identify failures in models by executing them for a number of sampled test inputs, and model checking that attempts to exhaustively check the correctness of models against some given formal properties. In this paper, we present an industrial Simulink model benchmark, provide a categorization of different model types in the benchmark, describe the recurring logical patterns in the model requirements, and discuss the results of applying model checking and model testing approaches to identify requirements violations in the benchmarked models. Based on the results, we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of model testing and model checking. Our results further suggest that model checking and model testing are complementary and by combining them, we can significantly enhance the capabilities of each of these approaches individually. We conclude by providing guidelines as to how the two approaches can be best applied together.Comment: 10 pages + 2 page reference

    Hardware/software codesign methodology for fuzzy controller implementation

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    This paper describes a HW/SW codesign methodology for the implementation of fuzzy controllers on a platform composed by a general-purpose microcontroller and specific processing elements implemented on FPGAs or ASICs. The different phases of the methodology, as well as the CAD tools used in each design stage, are presented, with emphasis on the fuzzy system development environment Xfuzzy. Also included is a practical application of the described methodology for the development of a fuzzy controller for a dosage system

    Rehearsal: A Configuration Verification Tool for Puppet

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    Large-scale data centers and cloud computing have turned system configuration into a challenging problem. Several widely-publicized outages have been blamed not on software bugs, but on configuration bugs. To cope, thousands of organizations use system configuration languages to manage their computing infrastructure. Of these, Puppet is the most widely used with thousands of paying customers and many more open-source users. The heart of Puppet is a domain-specific language that describes the state of a system. Puppet already performs some basic static checks, but they only prevent a narrow range of errors. Furthermore, testing is ineffective because many errors are only triggered under specific machine states that are difficult to predict and reproduce. With several examples, we show that a key problem with Puppet is that configurations can be non-deterministic. This paper presents Rehearsal, a verification tool for Puppet configurations. Rehearsal implements a sound, complete, and scalable determinacy analysis for Puppet. To develop it, we (1) present a formal semantics for Puppet, (2) use several analyses to shrink our models to a tractable size, and (3) frame determinism-checking as decidable formulas for an SMT solver. Rehearsal then leverages the determinacy analysis to check other important properties, such as idempotency. Finally, we apply Rehearsal to several real-world Puppet configurations.Comment: In proceedings of ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI) 201

    Kate's Model Verification Tools

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    Kennedy Space Center's Knowledge-based Autonomous Test Engineer (KATE) is capable of monitoring electromechanical systems, diagnosing their errors, and even repairing them when they crash. A survey of KATE's developer/modelers revealed that they were already using a sophisticated set of productivity enhancing tools. They did request five more, however, and those make up the body of the information presented here: (1) a transfer function code fitter; (2) a FORTRAN-Lisp translator; (3) three existing structural consistency checkers to aid in syntax checking their modeled device frames; (4) an automated procedure for calibrating knowledge base admittances to protect KATE's hardware mockups from inadvertent hand valve twiddling; and (5) three alternatives for the 'pseudo object', a programming patch that currently apprises KATE's modeling devices of their operational environments

    Conceptual design for the Space Station Freedom fluid physics/dynamics facility

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    A study team at NASA's Lewis Research Center has been working on a definition study and conceptual design for a fluid physics and dynamics science facility that will be located in the Space Station Freedom's baseline U.S. Laboratory module. This modular, user-friendly facility, called the Fluid Physics/Dynamics Facility, will be available for use by industry, academic, and government research communities in the late 1990's. The Facility will support research experiments dealing with the study of fluid physics and dynamics phenomena. Because of the lack of gravity-induced convection, research into the mechanisms of fluids in the absence of gravity will help to provide a better understanding of the fundamentals of fluid processes. This document has been prepared as a final version of the handout for reviewers at the Fluid Physics/Dynamics Facility Assessment Workshop held at Lewis on January 24 and 25, 1990. It covers the background, current status, and future activities of the Lewis Project Study Team effort. It is a revised and updated version of a document entitled 'Status Report on the Conceptual Design for the Space Station Fluid Physics/Dynamics Facility', dated January 1990