3 research outputs found

    From UML to AADL: a Need for an Explicit Execution Semantics Modeling with MARTE

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    International audienceA modeling process for real-time embedded systems may involve the coordinated use of several languages. Each of these languages are dedicated to a particular phase of development (specification, design, test, ...) and coupled with various tools (scheduling analysis, formal verification, model checker,...). The combined use of UML and AADL is an increasing practice. UML and its recent MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems) profile seem suitable for capturing requirements, analysis and preliminary design. AADL is tailored for the detailed design phase and offers linked validation and verification tools. In order to combine UML/MARTE and AADL, translation mechanisms between these two formalisms have to be defined. Previous works have defined translations between the structural concepts of AADL and MARTE artifacts. However, the behavioral aspect have also to be treated. The presented work focuses on the translation of the thread execution and communication semantics. It is a pragmatic and on-going approach, validated in an industrial context, on representative examples

    Contribution à la modélisation explicite des plates-formes d'exécution pour l'IDM

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    23 pagesNational audienceOne foundation of the model driven engineering (MDE) is to separate the modelling application description from its technological implementation (i.e. platform). Some of them are dedicated to the system execution. Hence, one promise solution of the MDE is to automate transformations from platform independent models to platform specific models. Little work has explicitly described platform characteristics. Yet, an explicit modelling allows taking in account their characteristics more easily (par ex., performances, maintainability,portability). This paper presents both an execution platform modelling state of art and a pattern to describe execution platform modelling framework. It intends to confirm the feasibility and the interests in describing an execution platform metamodel