4 research outputs found

    Systematic review of the theoretical approach and the oculomotor variables recorded in eye-tracking studies in the area of computer science and systems engineering

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar cuáles son las variables oculomotoras más utilizadas en investigaciones de seguimiento ocular orientadas a las áreas de ciencias de la computación e ingeniería en sistemas. Para ello se revisaron 26 trabajos académicos publicados entre el 2012 y el 2018. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de conglomerados jerárquicos, del que se desprenden tres grandes grupos, uno exploratorio en los que se utiliza el seguimiento ocular para conocer a mayor profundidad un fenómeno, otro comparativo en que se desea averiguar cuál de dos o más procesos es más eficiente y sobre todo intuitivo, empleándose el seguimiento ocular como herramienta para determinar esa eficiencia. Un tercer grupo sería el de estudios en que se emplea el seguimiento ocular como interfaz usuario – computadora. Las variables más empleadas son tiempo de fijación (50 %), duración media de la fijación (46.3 %), linealidad (42.3 %), tasa de fijación (34.6 %), recuento de fijaciones (26.9 %), y duración media de las fijaciones relevantes (23.1 %). Estas variables se encuentran presentes en los tres grandes grupos en que se divide la muestra. Además, se hace una revisión de los contextos en los que las variables menos empleadas son de utilidad.The objective of this study is to determine which oculomotor variables are most used in eye tracking research oriented to the areas of computer science and systems engineering. To this end, 26 academic papers published between 2012 and 2018 were reviewed. An analysis of hierarchical clusters was carried out, from which three large groups emerged, one exploratory in which ocular monitoring is used to gain a deeper knowledge of a phenomenon, another comparative in which we want to find out which of two or more processes is more efficient and above all intuitive, using eye tracking as a tool to determine that efficiency. A third group would be that of studies in which eye tracking is used as a user-computer interface. The variables most used are fixation time (50%), average duration of fixation (46.3%), linearity (42.3%), fixation rate (34.6%), fixation count (26.9%), and average duration of fixation. Relevant fixations (23.1%). These variables are present in the three large groups in which the sample is divided. In addition, a review is made of the contexts in which the least used variables are useful.Facultad de Informátic

    Viiteraamistik turvariskide haldamiseks plokiahela abil

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    Turvalise tarkvara loomiseks on olemas erinevad programmid (nt OWASP), ohumudelid (nt STRIDE), turvariskide juhtimise mudelid (nt ISSRM) ja eeskirjad (nt GDPR). Turvaohud aga arenevad pidevalt, sest traditsiooniline tehnoloogiline infrastruktuur ei rakenda turvameetmeid kavandatult. Blockchain näib leevendavat traditsiooniliste rakenduste turvaohte. Kuigi plokiahelapõhiseid rakendusi peetakse vähem haavatavateks, ei saanud need erinevate turvaohtude eest kaitsmise hõbekuuliks. Lisaks areneb plokiahela domeen pidevalt, pakkudes uusi tehnikaid ja sageli vahetatavaid disainikontseptsioone, mille tulemuseks on kontseptuaalne ebaselgus ja segadus turvaohtude tõhusal käsitlemisel. Üldiselt käsitleme traditsiooniliste rakenduste TJ-e probleemi, kasutades vastumeetmena plokiahelat ja plokiahelapõhiste rakenduste TJ-t. Alustuseks uurime, kuidas plokiahel leevendab traditsiooniliste rakenduste turvaohte, ja tulemuseks on plokiahelapõhine võrdlusmudel (PV), mis järgib TJ-e domeenimudelit. Järgmisena esitleme PV-it kontseptualiseerimisega alusontoloogiana kõrgema taseme võrdlusontoloogiat (ULRO). Pakume ULRO kahte eksemplari. Esimene eksemplar sisaldab Cordat, kui lubatud plokiahelat ja finantsjuhtumit. Teine eksemplar sisaldab lubadeta plokiahelate komponente ja tervishoiu juhtumit. Mõlemad ontoloogiaesitlused aitavad traditsiooniliste ja plokiahelapõhiste rakenduste TJ-es. Lisaks koostasime veebipõhise ontoloogia parsimise tööriista OwlParser. Kaastööde tulemusel loodi ontoloogiapõhine turberaamistik turvariskide haldamiseks plokiahela abil. Raamistik on dünaamiline, toetab TJ-e iteratiivset protsessi ja potentsiaalselt vähendab traditsiooniliste ja plokiahelapõhiste rakenduste turbeohte.Various programs (e.g., OWASP), threat models (e.g., STRIDE), security risk management models (e.g., ISSRM), and regulations (e.g., GDPR) exist to communicate and reduce the security threats to build secure software. However, security threats continuously evolve because the traditional technology infrastructure does not implement security measures by design. Blockchain is appearing to mitigate traditional applications’ security threats. Although blockchain-based applications are considered less vulnerable, they did not become the silver bullet for securing against different security threats. Moreover, the blockchain domain is constantly evolving, providing new techniques and often interchangeable design concepts, resulting in conceptual ambiguity and confusion in treating security threats effectively. Overall, we address the problem of traditional applications’ SRM using blockchain as a countermeasure and the SRM of blockchain-based applications. We start by surveying how blockchain mitigates the security threats of traditional applications, and the outcome is a blockchain-based reference model (BbRM) that adheres to the SRM domain model. Next, we present an upper-level reference ontology (ULRO) as a foundation ontology and provide two instantiations of the ULRO. The first instantiation includes Corda as a permissioned blockchain and the financial case. The second instantiation includes the permissionless blockchain components and the healthcare case. Both ontology representations help in the SRM of traditional and blockchain-based applications. Furthermore, we built a web-based ontology parsing tool, OwlParser. Contributions resulted in an ontology-based security reference framework for managing security risks using blockchain. The framework is dynamic, supports the iterative process of SRM, and potentially lessens the security threats of traditional and blockchain-based applications.https://www.ester.ee/record=b551352

    The determinants of value addition: a crtitical analysis of global software engineering industry in Sri Lanka

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    It was evident through the literature that the perceived value delivery of the global software engineering industry is low due to various facts. Therefore, this research concerns global software product companies in Sri Lanka to explore the software engineering methods and practices in increasing the value addition. The overall aim of the study is to identify the key determinants for value addition in the global software engineering industry and critically evaluate the impact of them for the software product companies to help maximise the value addition to ultimately assure the sustainability of the industry. An exploratory research approach was used initially since findings would emerge while the study unfolds. Mixed method was employed as the literature itself was inadequate to investigate the problem effectively to formulate the research framework. Twenty-three face-to-face online interviews were conducted with the subject matter experts covering all the disciplines from the targeted organisations which was combined with the literature findings as well as the outcomes of the market research outcomes conducted by both government and nongovernment institutes. Data from the interviews were analysed using NVivo 12. The findings of the existing literature were verified through the exploratory study and the outcomes were used to formulate the questionnaire for the public survey. 371 responses were considered after cleansing the total responses received for the data analysis through SPSS 21 with alpha level 0.05. Internal consistency test was done before the descriptive analysis. After assuring the reliability of the dataset, the correlation test, multiple regression test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) test were carried out to fulfil the requirements of meeting the research objectives. Five determinants for value addition were identified along with the key themes for each area. They are staffing, delivery process, use of tools, governance, and technology infrastructure. The cross-functional and self-organised teams built around the value streams, employing a properly interconnected software delivery process with the right governance in the delivery pipelines, selection of tools and providing the right infrastructure increases the value delivery. Moreover, the constraints for value addition are poor interconnection in the internal processes, rigid functional hierarchies, inaccurate selections and uses of tools, inflexible team arrangements and inadequate focus for the technology infrastructure. The findings add to the existing body of knowledge on increasing the value addition by employing effective processes, practices and tools and the impacts of inaccurate applications the same in the global software engineering industry