14 research outputs found

    Inheritance-Based Diversity Measures for Explicit Convergence Control in Evolutionary Algorithms

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    Diversity is an important factor in evolutionary algorithms to prevent premature convergence towards a single local optimum. In order to maintain diversity throughout the process of evolution, various means exist in literature. We analyze approaches to diversity that (a) have an explicit and quantifiable influence on fitness at the individual level and (b) require no (or very little) additional domain knowledge such as domain-specific distance functions. We also introduce the concept of genealogical diversity in a broader study. We show that employing these approaches can help evolutionary algorithms for global optimization in many cases.Comment: GECCO '18: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, 2018, Kyoto, Japa

    Adapting Quality Assurance to Adaptive Systems: The Scenario Coevolution Paradigm

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    From formal and practical analysis, we identify new challenges that self-adaptive systems pose to the process of quality assurance. When tackling these, the effort spent on various tasks in the process of software engineering is naturally re-distributed. We claim that all steps related to testing need to become self-adaptive to match the capabilities of the self-adaptive system-under-test. Otherwise, the adaptive system's behavior might elude traditional variants of quality assurance. We thus propose the paradigm of scenario coevolution, which describes a pool of test cases and other constraints on system behavior that evolves in parallel to the (in part autonomous) development of behavior in the system-under-test. Scenario coevolution offers a simple structure for the organization of adaptive testing that allows for both human-controlled and autonomous intervention, supporting software engineering for adaptive systems on a procedural as well as technical level.Comment: 17 pages, published at ISOLA 201

    Design and Optimisation of the FlyFast Front-end for Attribute-based Coordination

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    Collective Adaptive Systems (CAS) consist of a large number of interacting objects. The design of such systems requires scalable analysis tools and methods, which have necessarily to rely on some form of approximation of the system's actual behaviour. Promising techniques are those based on mean-field approximation. The FlyFast model-checker uses an on-the-fly algorithm for bounded PCTL model-checking of selected individual(s) in the context of very large populations whose global behaviour is approximated using deterministic limit mean-field techniques. Recently, a front-end for FlyFast has been proposed which provides a modelling language, PiFF in the sequel, for the Predicate-based Interaction for FlyFast. In this paper we present details of PiFF design and an approach to state-space reduction based on probabilistic bisimulation for inhomogeneous DTMCs.Comment: In Proceedings QAPL 2017, arXiv:1707.0366

    Data as processes: introducing measurement data into CARMA models

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    Measurement data provides a precise and detailed description of components within a complex system but it is rarely used directly as a component of a system model. In this paper we introduce a model-based representation of measurement data and use it together with modeller-defined components expressed in the CARMA modelling language. We assess both liveness and safety properties of these models with embedded data.Comment: In Proceedings FORECAST 2016, arXiv:1607.0200

    A distributed API for coordinating AbC programs

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    Collective adaptive systems exhibit a particular notion of interaction where environmental conditions largely influence interactions. Previously, we proposed a calculus, named AbC, to model and reason about CAS. The calculus proved to be effective by naturally modelling essential CAS features. However, the question on the tradeoff between its expressiveness and its efficiency, when implemented to program CAS applications, is to be answered. In this article, we propose an efficient and distributed coordination infrastructure for AbC. We prove its correctness, and we evaluate its performance. The main novelty of our approach is that AbC components are infrastructure agnostic. Thus the code of a component does not specify how messages are routed in the infrastructure but rather what properties a target component must satisfy. We also developed a Go API, named GoAt, and an Eclipse plugin to program in a high-level syntax which can be automatically used to generate matching Go code. We showcase our development through a non-trivial case study

    The scenario coevolution paradigm: adaptive quality assurance for adaptive systems

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    Systems are becoming increasingly more adaptive, using techniques like machine learning to enhance their behavior on their own rather than only through human developers programming them. We analyze the impact the advent of these new techniques has on the discipline of rigorous software engineering, especially on the issue of quality assurance. To this end, we provide a general description of the processes related to machine learning and embed them into a formal framework for the analysis of adaptivity, recognizing that to test an adaptive system a new approach to adaptive testing is necessary. We introduce scenario coevolution as a design pattern describing how system and test can work as antagonists in the process of software evolution. While the general pattern applies to large-scale processes (including human developers further augmenting the system), we show all techniques on a smaller-scale example of an agent navigating a simple smart factory. We point out new aspects in software engineering for adaptive systems that may be tackled naturally using scenario coevolution. This work is a substantially extended take on Gabor et al. (International symposium on leveraging applications of formal methods, Springer, pp 137–154, 2018)

    A Coordination Language for Databases

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    We present a coordination language for the modeling of distributed database applications. The language, baptized Klaim-DB, borrows the concepts of localities and nets of the coordination language Klaim but re-incarnates the tuple spaces of Klaim as databases. It provides high-level abstractions and primitives for the access and manipulation of structured data, with integrity and atomicity considerations. We present the formal semantics of Klaim-DB and develop a type system that avoids potential runtime errors such as certain evaluation errors and mismatches of data format in tables, which are monitored in the semantics. The use of the language is illustrated in a scenario where the sales from different branches of a chain of department stores are aggregated from their local databases. Raising the abstraction level and encapsulating integrity checks in the language primitives have benefited the modeling task considerably