96,543 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran produktif menggambar dengan perangkat lunak. Media yang digunakan adalah Media Tutorial 3D dan penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas XII Teknik Gambar Bangunan di SMKN 1 Tuban yang berlokasi di Jl. Mastrip No.02, Tuban. Subjek penelitiannya adalah siswa kelas XII Teknik Gambar Bangunan di SMKN 1 Tuban yang berjumlah 28 siswa.Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian pre-experimental design yang menggunakan one-group pretes-posttest design yang berfokus pada upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar, yaitu lebih baik dari hasil sebelum siswa mendapat perlakuan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuisioner dan tes. serta analisis perangkat pembelajaran meliputi RPP, bahan ajar, soal tes dan penggunaan media tutorial 3D.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran yang menggunakan metode tutorial 3D, hal ini ditunjukkan dengan memiliki nilai pretest rata-rata (mean)= 62.5 sedangkan nilai posttest memiliki rata-rata (mean) = 76.8 sedangkan nilai thitung pre-test sebesar 7.33 sedangkan thitung post-test sebesar 4.83 dan lebih besar dari t tabel pada taraf signifikansi α 5% (2,00) dengan demikian dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran yang menggunakan media tutorial 3D.Kata Kunci: Menggambar Dengan Perangkat Lunak, Media Tutorial 3D, Prestasi Belajar Siswa. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of student achievement in subjects with productive drawing software. The medium used is Media Tutorials 3D and the research was conducted in class XII Architecture Engineering at SMK 1 Tuban, located on Jl. Mastrip No.02, Tuban. Research subject is class XII Architecture Engineering at SMK 1 Tuban, amounting to 28 students.This study include the type of pre-experimental research design that uses a one-group pretest-posttest design that focuses on improving learning outcomes, which is better than the results before students are treated. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires and tests. as well as the analysis of the learning device includes lesson plans, teaching materials, test questions and the use of media 3D tutorials. The results of this study indicate that there are differences in student learning outcomes before and after learning using 3D tutorials, this is indicated by having the pretest average (mean) = 62.5 while the value of the posttest had an average (mean) = 76.8 while tcount pre-test at 7.33 while Thitung post-test of 4.83 and greater than Ttable at the 5% significance level α (2.00) can thus be concluded that there is a difference in student learning outcomes before and after learning that using 3D tutorials media.Keywords: Drawing With Software, Media Tutorials 3D, Student Achievemen

    A tool-mediated cognitive apprenticeship approach for a computer engineering course

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    Teaching database engineers involves a variety of learning activities. A strong focus is on practical problems that go beyond the acquisition of knowledge. Skills and experience are equally important. We propose a virtual apprenticeship model for the knowledge- and skillsoriented Web-based education of database students. We adapt the classical cognitive apprenticeship theory to the Web context utilising scaffolding and activity theory. The choice of educational media and the forms of student interaction with the media are central success criteria

    An active learning and training environment for database programming

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    Active learning facilitated through interactive, self-controlled learning environments differs substantially from traditional instructor-oriented, classroom-based teaching. We present a tool for database programming that integrates knowledge learning and skills training. How these tools are used most effectively is still an open question. Therefore, we discuss analysis and evaluation of these Web-based environments focusing on different aspects of learning behaviour and tool usage. Motivation, acceptance of the learning approach, learning organisation and actual tool usage are aspects of behaviour that require different techniques to be used

    The Real World Software Process

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    The industry-wide demand for rapid development in concert with greater process maturity has seen many software development firms adopt tightly structured iterative processes. While a number of commercial vendors offer suitable process infrastructure and tool support, the cost of licensing, configuration and staff training may be prohibitive for the small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) which dominate the Asia-Pacific software industry. This work addresses these problems through the introduction of the Real World Software Process (RWSP), a freely available, Web-based iterative scheme designed specifically for small teams and organisations. RWSP provides a detailed process description, high quality document templates - including code review and inspection guidelines - and the integrated tutorial support necessary for successful usage by inexperienced developers and teams. In particular it is intended that the process be readily usable by software houses which at present do not follow a formal process, and that the free RWSP process infrastructure should be a vehicle for improving industry standards
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