5 research outputs found

    Introducing global software development in Turkey: Why and how?

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    Software evolution in Turkey

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    Prema zadnjem izvještaju Gartnera, Turska se sada treba uzeti u obzir jer si je osigurala mjesto među 30 vodećih zemalja na svijetu u području inormacijske tehnologije (IT) i inozemnih usluga. Tijekom zadnjeg desetljeća postignut je izvanredan napredak u području izrade kompjutorskih programa, a to je rezultiralo porastom izvoza u mnoge zemlje. U ovom radu dajemo pregled pomaka koji je Turska učinila u izradi programa, uključujući postojeće trendove, ispitivanja, kvalitetu i prihvaćanje agilnih metoda zajedno s tehno parkovima i poticajima koje daje vlada.According to a recent Gartner report, Turkey is now to be considered in one of the world’s outsourcing destinations since it has secured its place in the list of top 30 countries for Information Technology (IT), and offshore services. In the last decade, the country has made excellent progress in the software sector, and this is reflected in the rise of its exports to many countries. In this article, we present an overview of advancement of Turkey’s software sector, including current trends in software process, testing, quality, and the adoption of agile methods along with techno parks and incentives provided by the government

    Software Development in Turkey

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    The Turkish software engineering community is young, vibrant, and growing. It presents reasons to be optimistic about the future, but in the meantime, it will undergo some obvious growing pains. The authors present an overall picture of software development in Turkey from three complementary viewpoints: market, suppliers, and education

    Impact of Turkish national culture on Agile Software Development in Turkey

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    The effect of national culture in the software development especially in Agile Software Development industry has a considerable place since national culture affects and shapes organizations and individuals. Our study examines the impact of Turkish national culture on Agile software transformations and developments in Turkey, as the first instance in/for Turkey scope, to the best of our knowledge. We conducted semi-structured interviews with fourteen experts in prominent nine companies from three major industries including TechFin, Aviation, and Telecommunication. In the study, motivations of organizations for transforming Agile, challenges with transitioning to Agile, Agile culture specific to Turkey and preferences on Agile frameworks in Turkey were investigated. The results were discussed along with their implications for Agile in Turkey by considering Hofstede’s model which is designed to investigate country-level cultural traits. Our results are largely parallel with the existing knowledge of Hofstede Insights specific to Turkish culture, yet we additionally present the impacts of this national culture of Turkey on the country’s Agile Software Development. Consequently, it was observed that the national cultural background has a considerable effect on the Turkish Agile software development domain. We have witnessed some similar effects in the Eastern culture as well. By providing the country’s cultural patterns through a localized lens, the study may contribute to those who may have a practical interest to Turkish in terms of which potential challenges they need to be prepared for once they move into the adoption of agile working in/with this country and more generally in/with the countries with which has similar cultures as in the Eastern civilizations. Our study also comes with global insights to the other countries in terms of understanding the use of agile methods and practices in companies located outside of the early adopters of agile methods