2,823 research outputs found

    On decoding of multi-level MPSK modulation codes

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    The decoding problem of multi-level block modulation codes is investigated. The hardware design of soft-decision Viterbi decoder for some short length 8-PSK block modulation codes is presented. An effective way to reduce the hardware complexity of the decoder by reducing the branch metric and path metric, using a non-uniform floating-point to integer mapping scheme, is proposed and discussed. The simulation results of the design are presented. The multi-stage decoding (MSD) of multi-level modulation codes is also investigated. The cases of soft-decision and hard-decision MSD are considered and their performance are evaluated for several codes of different lengths and different minimum squared Euclidean distances. It is shown that the soft-decision MSD reduces the decoding complexity drastically and it is suboptimum. The hard-decision MSD further simplifies the decoding while still maintaining a reasonable coding gain over the uncoded system, if the component codes are chosen properly. Finally, some basic 3-level 8-PSK modulation codes using BCH codes as component codes are constructed and their coding gains are found for hard decision multistage decoding

    A Turbo Detection and Sphere-Packing-Modulation-Aided Space-Time Coding Scheme

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    Arecently proposed space-time block-coding (STBC) signal-construction method that combines orthogonal design with sphere packing (SP), referred to here as STBC-SP, has shown useful performance improvements over Alamouti’s conventional orthogonal design. In this contribution, we demonstrate that the performance of STBC-SP systems can be further improved by concatenating SP-aided modulation with channel coding and performing demapping as well as channel decoding iteratively. We also investigate the convergence behavior of this concatenated scheme with the aid of extrinsic-information-transfer charts. The proposed turbo-detected STBC-SP scheme exhibits a “turbo-cliff” at Eb/N0 = 2.5 dB and provides Eb/N0 gains of approximately 20.2 and 2.0 dB at a bit error rate of 10?5 over an equivalent throughput uncoded STBC-SP scheme and a turbo-detected quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulated STBC scheme, respectively, when communicating over a correlated Rayleigh fading channel. Index Terms—EXIT charts, iterative demapping, multidimensional mapping, space-time coding, sphere packing, turbo detection

    QPSK Block-Modulation Codes for Unequal Error Protection

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    Unequal error protection (UEP) codes find applications in broadcast channels, as well as in other digital communication systems, where messages have different degrees of importance. Binary linear UEP (LUEP) codes combined with a Gray mapped QPSK signal set are used to obtain new efficient QPSK block-modulation codes for unequal error protection. Several examples of QPSK modulation codes that have the same minimum squared Euclidean distance as the best QPSK modulation codes, of the same rate and length, are given. In the new constructions of QPSK block-modulation codes, even-length binary LUEP codes are used. Good even-length binary LUEP codes are obtained when shorter binary linear codes are combined using either the well-known |uÂŻ|uÂŻ+vÂŻ|-construction or the so-called construction X. Both constructions have the advantage of resulting in optimal or near-optimal binary LUEP codes of short to moderate lengths, using very simple linear codes, and may be used as constituent codes in the new constructions. LUEP codes lend themselves quite naturally to multistage decoding up to their minimum distance, using the decoding of component subcodes. A new suboptimal two-stage soft-decision decoding of LUEP codes is presented and its application to QPSK block-modulation codes for UEP illustrated

    Systematic redundant residue number system codes: analytical upper bound and iterative decoding performance over AWGN and Rayleigh channels

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    The novel family of redundant residue number system (RRNS) codes is studied. RRNS codes constitute maximum–minimum distance block codes, exhibiting identical distance properties to Reed–Solomon codes. Binary to RRNS symbol-mapping methods are proposed, in order to implement both systematic and nonsystematic RRNS codes. Furthermore, the upper-bound performance of systematic RRNS codes is investigated, when maximum-likelihood (ML) soft decoding is invoked. The classic Chase algorithm achieving near-ML soft decoding is introduced for the first time for RRNS codes, in order to decrease the complexity of the ML soft decoding. Furthermore, the modified Chase algorithm is employed to accept soft inputs, as well as to provide soft outputs, assisting in the turbo decoding of RRNS codes by using the soft-input/soft-output Chase algorithm. Index Terms—Redundant residue number system (RRNS), residue number system (RNS), turbo detection

    Space-time coding techniques with bit-interleaved coded modulations for MIMO block-fading channels

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    The space-time bit-interleaved coded modulation (ST-BICM) is an efficient technique to obtain high diversity and coding gain on a block-fading MIMO channel. Its maximum-likelihood (ML) performance is computed under ideal interleaving conditions, which enables a global optimization taking into account channel coding. Thanks to a diversity upperbound derived from the Singleton bound, an appropriate choice of the time dimension of the space-time coding is possible, which maximizes diversity while minimizing complexity. Based on the analysis, an optimized interleaver and a set of linear precoders, called dispersive nucleo algebraic (DNA) precoders are proposed. The proposed precoders have good performance with respect to the state of the art and exist for any number of transmit antennas and any time dimension. With turbo codes, they exhibit a frame error rate which does not increase with frame length.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. on Information Theory, Submission: January 2006 - First review: June 200

    Bit-Metric Decoding of Non-Binary LDPC Codes with Probabilistic Amplitude Shaping

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    A new approach for combining non-binary low-density parity-check (NB-LDPC) codes with higher-order modulation and probabilistic amplitude shaping (PAS) is presented. Instead of symbol-metric decoding (SMD), a bit-metric decoder (BMD) is used so that matching the field order of the non-binary code to the constellation size is not needed, which increases the flexibility of the coding scheme. Information rates, density evolution thresholds and finite-length simulations show that the flexibility comes at no loss of performance if PAS is used.Comment: Accepted for IEEE Communication Letter
