2 research outputs found

    Cognitive Work Analysis to Support Collaboration in Teamwork Environments

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    Cognitive Work analysis (CWA) as an analytical approach for examining complex socio-technical systems has shown success in modeling the work of single operators. The CWA approach allows room for social and team interactions, but a more explicit analysis of team aspects can reveal more information for systems design. CWA techniques and models do not yet provide sufficient guidance on identifying shared constraints, team strategies, or social competencies of team players. In this thesis, I explore whether a team approach to CWA can yield more information than a typical CWA. Team CWA techniques and models emerge and extend from theories and models of teamwork, past attempts to model teams with CWA, and the results of two sets of observational studies. The potential benefits of using Team CWA models in domains with strong team collaboration are demonstrated through the results of a two-week observation at the Labour and Delivery Department of The Ottawa Hospital and a fifteen-week observation at the IBM Ottawa Software Group

    A multi-fold assessment framework for virtualized collaborative and social learning scenarios

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    Proposem un proc茅s de virtualitzaci贸 de sessions col路laboratives en directe a partir de f貌rums de discussi贸 i xats web amb l'objectiu de produir recursos d'aprenentatge en l铆nia interactius per a ser utilitzats pels alumnes i generar un efecte positiu en la participaci贸 de l'alumne. Per tal de millorar encara m茅s la implicaci贸 de l'aprenentatge, vam dotar al nostre proc茅s de virtualitzaci贸 d'un marc d'avaluaci贸 m煤ltiple que proporciona la consci猫ncia efectiva i la retroalimentaci贸 constructiva als alumnes de la col路laboraci贸 original amb interaccions entre els membres del grup. La investigaci贸 presentada es centra en l'avaluaci贸 electr貌nica d'aprenentatge col路laboratiu i social i s'est茅n amb anal铆tiques d'aprenentatge i t猫cniques d'an脿lisi de xarxa social que s贸n capaces d'analitzar i representar les interaccions cognitives i socials amb sessions de col路laboraci贸 en viu subjacents.Proponemos un proceso de virtualizaci贸n de sesiones colaborativas en directo a partir de foros de discusi贸n y chats web con el objetivo de producir recursos de aprendizaje en l铆nea interactivos para ser utilizados por los alumnos y generar un efecto positivo en la participaci贸n del alumno. Con el fin de mejorar a煤n m谩s la implicaci贸n del aprendizaje, dotamos a nuestro proceso de virtualizaci贸n de un marco de evaluaci贸n m煤ltiple que proporciona la conciencia efectiva y la retroalimentaci贸n constructiva a los alumnos de la colaboraci贸n original con interacciones entre los miembros del grupo. La investigaci贸n presentada se centra en la evaluaci贸n electr贸nica de aprendizaje colaborativo y social y se extiende con anal铆ticas de aprendizaje y t茅cnicas de an谩lisis de red social que son capaces de analizar y representar las interacciones cognitivas y sociales con sesiones de colaboraci贸n en vivo subyacentes.We propose a virtualization process of live collaborative sessions from Web discussion forums and chats with the aim to produce interactive and attractive online learning resources to be used by learners, thus having a positive effect in learner engagement. In order to enhance further learning engagement, we endow our virtualization process with a multifold assessment framework that provides effective awareness and constructive feedback to learners from the original collaborative interactions among group members. The research presented focuses on e-assessment of collaborative and social learning and extends it with Learning Analytics and Social Network Analysis techniques that are able to analyse and represent cognitive and social interactions underlying live collaborative sessions