6,443 research outputs found

    A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation

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    We develop a social network model of occupational segregation between different social groups, generated by the existence of positive inbreeding bias among individuals from the same group. If network referrals are important for job search, then expected homophily in the contact network structure induces different career choices for individuals from different social groups. This further translates into stable occupational segregation equilibria in the labor market. We derive the conditions for wage and unemployment inequality in the segregation equilibria and characterize first and second best social welfare optima. Surprisingly, we find that socially optimal policies involve segregation.Social Networks, Homophily, Inbreeding Bias, Occupational Segregation, Labor Market Inequality, Social Welfare

    Internal Migration of Blacks in South Africa: Self-selection and Brain Drain

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    Migrations historically have led to fears of “brain drain” from the sending regions because many studies show that the more highly skilled and motivated people are more likely to migrate. South Africa provides a natural testing ground for the study of brain drains because the Apartheid system, which ended in the early 1990s, had long constrained the locational choices of black migrants of all skill levels. As apartheid was being dismantled, new opportunities for movement opened up to black workers, leading to a surge in internal migration. We first analyze whether migration patterns of Black South Africans during the period 1992 to 1996 match the predictions of the two seminal papers, Roy (1951) and Sjaastad (1962), where individuals are hypothesized to be income-maximizers. The results from conditional logit regressions on individual choices among 318 locations show that they do. Individuals prefer localities with higher expected log wages regardless of their educations and skills. More importantly, workers with at least some matriculation tend to favor areas where a higher share of the population attended high school. In contrast, workers who did not attend high school find such areas less attractive. Over the study period, brain drain arose among blacks within South Africa: the share of high-educated residents in areas with high shares of high schooling increased.Internal Migration ; South Africa ; Self-selection ; Brain Drain

    A Social Network Analysis of Occupational Segregation

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    We develop a network model of occupational segregation between social groups divided along gender or racial dimensions, generated by the existence of positive assortative matching among individuals from the same group. If referrals are important for job search, then expected homophily in the structure of job contact networks induces different career choices for individuals from different social groups. This further translates into stable occupational segregation equilibria in the labor market. We derive conditions for wage and unemployment inequality in the segregation equilibria and characterize both the first and the second best social welfare optima. We find that utilitarian socially optimal policies always involve segregation, but that integration policies are justifiable by additional distributional concerns. Our analysis suggests that social interaction through homophilous job referral networks is an important channel for the propagation and persistence of gender and racial inequalities in the labour market, complementary to classical theories such as taste or statistical discrimination

    The extent of occupational segregation in the US: Differences by race, ethnicity, and gender

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    By using data from the American Community Survey, this paper studies occupational segregation by ethnicity/race and gender in the US by comparing the distribution of any demographic group with the employment structure of the economy. The analysis shows that occupational segregation is particularly intense in the Hispanic and Asian population groups, even though the performance of the former seems to be more disturbing than that of the latter given its higher concentration in low-paid jobs. As opposed to what happens for African and Native Americans, human capital variables explain a substantive part of Hispanic and Asian segregation. The analysis also reveals that the differential between women and men is not reduced after controlling for human capital characteristics. In addition, segregation disparities are much larger among male groups than among female groups. A distinctive characteristic of Hispanic workers is that segregation is higher for men than for women.occupational segregation, local segregation, race, ethnicity, gender.

    Race, Ethnicity & Culture with Purpose: The Growth of a Multicultural Church Ministry

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    Christianity is a major galvanizing factor. However, it is prudent to pay attention to the real and latent divisions in society that hinder social harmony: even without the calming effect of the Christian faith. Attempting to form a multicultural church must therefore involve an understanding of the races and ethnicities that comprise the target population. That process is as academic as it is pragmatic. The academic aspect of conceiving race involves a historically literate understanding of the heritage and factors that created the present race and ethnic power relations not only in the locale: but across the entire country as well. With that background, it is then possible to begin the process of tapping into the demographic-specific motivators of each race to spur their joining one Christian congregation. Different demographics view the Faith differently. It is essential to define and portray the church as a forum that will not only shelter that demographic from the problems that it faces, but also offer it the aspirations that define success according to the aspirations of a specific stratum. These are the ethos of Christianity, and as such congregations can only subsist when these needs are met, through the lens of Christian teaching. Aside from identifying the message that will appeal to the base aspirations of all the demographics of a multicultural congregation: it is also important to normalize the church’s interactions with the outside world. To that effect, one decisive approach is to incorporate overall cultural competence in the lists of guests coming to teach at the church

    Neo-racism as new form of social inequality in world-systems theory

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    Магістерська дисертація присвячена розгляду феномена нео-расизму через призму світ-системного аналізу. У роботі узагальнено теоретичні підходи до визначення расизму та нового феномену, що замінив його в країнах ядра – нео-расизму. Демократичні процеси у розвитку держав приводять до подолання деяких негативних явищ, в інших випадках вони набувають іншого змісту і форм. Поширюється расизм, який ґрунтується на інших ніж біологічні відмінності, що колись домінували у суспільній свідомості. У країнах Європи, зокрема Франції та Британії, зростає націоналізм через зростання культурної та етнічної гетерогенності. Попри все більшу гетерогенність сучасних суспільств, етно-расові стереотипи продовжують існувати, трансформуючись в інші форми. Саме нео-расизм виникає як відповідь на зміни в суспільствах національних держав.The master’s thesis is devoted to the consideration of the phenomenon of neo-racism through the lens of world-system analysis. The paper generalizes theoretical approaches to the definition of racism and the new phenomenon that replaced it in the core countries – neo-racism. Democratic processes in the development of states lead to overcoming some negative phenomena, in other cases they take on a different meaning and forms. Racism spreads based on excellent biological differences when dominated in public consciousness. In European countries, in particular France and Great Britain, nationalism is growing due to the growth of cultural and ethnic heterogeneity. Despite the increasing heterogeneity of modern societies, ethno-racial stereotypes continue to exist, transforming into other forms. Neo-racism arises as a response to changes in the societies of nation-states.Магистерская диссертация посвящена рассмотрению феномена нео-расизма через призму мир-системного анализа. В работе обобщены теоретические подходы к определению расизма и нового феномена, заменил его в странах ядра – нео-расизма. Демократические процессы в развитии государств приводят к преодолению некоторых негативных явлений, в других случаях они приобретают иной смысл и форм. Распространяется расизм, основанный на отличных биологические различия, когда доминировали в общественном сознании. В странах Европы, в частности Франции и Великобритании, растет национализм из-за роста культурной и этнической гетерогенности. Несмотря на все большую гетерогенность современных обществ, этно-расовые стереотипы продолжают существовать, трансформируясь в другие формы. Именно неорасизм возникает как ответ на изменения в обществах национальных государств

    The Model Minority Stereotype as a Prescribed Guideline of Empire: Situating the Model Minority Research in the Postcolonial Context

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    It has been 50 years since the term, model minority, first appeared in the United States to describe Asian Americans as an ethnic group that overcame the image of the “yellow peril” and successfully climbed the social ladder. Scholars have tried to debunk the myth and reveal racism behind the notion. However, the “over-education” view has flourished in Asian American Studies as the most popular research direction, serving the socioeconomic self-interest of professors with highly educated Asian Americans as research subjects (Sakamoto, Takei, & Woo, 2012). To refute the “over-education” view and meet the contextual need to generate a new paradigm of research, this article reviews major themes of the MMS through the lens of postcolonialism based on the discourse of Empire by Hardt and Negri (2000). In the domain of Empire, the model minority stereotype (MMS) is defined as a strategy for imperial control that integrates, differentiates, and manages. Asian American intellectuals and professionals are analyzed from the perspective of Empire with suggestions for future research directions

    The Effect of Neighbourhood Diversity on Volunteering: Evidence from New Zealand

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    An empirical literature has found that neighborhood heterogeneity lowers people's likelihood of contributing to public goods. We show that the estimated effect of any concave neighborhood characteristic on behavior may be biased when “large” rather than “small” neighborhoods are used. Large boundaries omit the effect of differences between small neighborhoods, biasing a characteristic's total effect even when the omitted differences lack economic effect. We next use three New Zealand census rounds to test whether volunteering rates are lowered by neighborhood heterogeneity by race/ethnicity, birthplace, income or language. We find boundaries matter, with only ethnic/racial heterogeneity robustly associated with lower volunteering.heterogeneity; neighbourhood effects; volunteering