7 research outputs found

    Social Business Process Management and Knowledge Intensive Processes

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    Business process management (BPM) is a worldwide spread holistic management discipline which increases organizational performance by managing its business processes. A number of researchers indicate the need for further examination of the role of organizational culture in BPM and its maturity. In addition, there has been a recent development of social BPM as an effort to overcome the traditional BPM limitations by using social software for managing the organizations’ business processes and increasing collaboration between BPM project teams. Therefore, we conducted a case study in one Croatian IT company which operates as a consultant company and deals with software implementation. Since their processes are knowledge intensive, they are not always formal and structured so social BPM helps the company with process change and optimization. The aim of this paper is to examine the role of organizational culture and social software usage on BPM maturity in the observed company. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Social Business Process Management: Croatian IT Company Case Study

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    Background: Social business process management is an integration of social software into the business process management (BPM). Its main goal is to overcome the limitations of classical BPM by applying social software principles within the BPM lifecycle. Since BPM is a holistic discipline it is important to also include cultural and social aspects into BPM studies. Objectives: The main aim of this paper is to examine the link between organizational culture, social software usage and BPM maturity in the observed company. Methods/Approach: A case study methodology has been used for this study. An interview has been conducted in combination with a survey approach. Results: Results of the research revealed a high usage of social BPM within the observed company in combination with a high level of BPM maturity and a clan organizational culture. Conclusions: The observed IT company has knowledge intensive processes and uses social BPM to deal with the process change and optimization. The clan culture is, by its characteristics, a favourable organizational culture for social BPM

    Software colaborativo y gestión de conocimiento: del groupware al wiki

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    This text reviews the basic concepts of collaborative software, analyzing the evolution from groupware to social software. It reviews the issues posed by its introduction, acceptance and use in user communities and organizations. Finally, it analyzes in detail the characteristics and use of wiki tools in information and knowledge management

    Bidirektionale Abbildung zwischen Geschäftsprozessmodellen und IT-Kommunikationssystemen

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    Wie können Menschen mit verschiedenen Kenntnissen und Erfahrungen Prozessmodelle in der digitalen Kommunikation verwenden und zugleich Systemunterstützung durch die beschriebenen Prozesse erhalten? Diese Fragestellung wird mit einer beidseitigen Transformation auf Basis natürlicher Sprache gelöst und mit praxisnahen Beispielen erläutert. So können IT-gestützte Workflows über bisher schwer überwindbare Systemgrenzen hinweg umgesetzt werden

    Bidirektionale Abbildung zwischen Geschäftsprozessmodellen und IT-Kommunikationssystemen

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    How can people with different knowledge and experience use process models in the digital communication and at the same time how can they receive system support through the described processes? This question is solved by a mutual transformation based on natural language which is illustrated with practical examples. Thus, more widespread workflows can be implemented by incorporating system boundaries that were previously hard to overcome