6 research outputs found

    Interest aware peoplerank: towards effective social-based opportunistic advertising

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    Various emerging context aware social-based applications and services assume constant non-disruptive connectivity. Mobile advertisers in such environments want to reach potentially interested users in a given proximity and within a specified short duration, whether these users are connected to the network or not. While opportunistic forwarding algorithms can be leveraged for forwarding these advertisements, there is little incentive for those not interested in the ad to act as forwarders. Our goal in this paper is to leverage explicit interest, gathered from a user’s social profile, and integrate it with social-based opportunistic forwarding algorithms in order to enable soft real time opportunistic ad delivery in intermittently connected mobile networks. We propose IPeR, a fully distributed interest-aware forwarding algorithm that integrates with PeopleRank to reduce the overall cost and delay while reducing the number of contacted uninterested candidates. Our results, obtained via simulations and validated with real mobility traces coupled with user social data, are promising. In comparison to interest-oblivious socially-aware protocols such as PeopleRank, the IPeR approach reduces the cost to 70% to reach the same delivery ratio, and reduces the ratio of contacted uninterested forwarders by 23%. It also achieves an extra 70% recall and 107% accuracy with only 2% less precision


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    Today, the number of social networks in which communications are made is increasing rapidly, and most teenagers and adults, as part of everyday life, use the benefits of knowing others and introducing themselves to others from social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, YouTube, Weblogs and Wikiquote. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of advertising on social networks on the marketing of sports services. Methodologically, this descriptive study was of correlational type and its statistical community was formed by active users in social sports networks. The statistical sample was available (from users who were active social sports networks). In this research, social networking was measured using the scale of Soleimani-Bashli and Talibi (2010) and marketing mix of sport services using Yaghoobi et al. (2011) scale. To test the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling was used. The results of the research showed that advertising in social networks has a positive and significant effect on marketing of sports services. As a result, the greater the amount of advertising on social networks, the more likely it is that customer satisfaction, attracting new customers, and increasing investment in sports services will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to pay more attention to the aspect of advertising in these networks and to be taken into consideration in strategic strategies of sports providers.  Article visualizations

    Impact Of Social Media Advertising On High Energy Drink Preferences And Consumption

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    Despite the surging appropriation of social media by marketers for communicative marketing of brands, what remains under-explored in literature is the capacity of social media platforms to influence student preferences for brands. This research gap is ironic given the growing literature on the potential of self-images shared on social media to influence consumers’ product preferences and purchase intentions. Drawing on Media Richness Theory, agency, extant literature and authors’ personal reflections on social media adoption for brand selection by students, this theoretical study examines how students navigate such platforms to make informed choices about energy drinks. The findings suggest while students exploited social media platforms intermittently to access energy drink brands, their brand preferences and choices were informed by personal agency (especially personal volition, peer influences, convenience and availability of brands) more than social media networks per se. The study contributes a conceptual model that integrate social media appropriation, consumer decision making, brand preferences and purchases. While the model is untested, its methodological strength lays in its reliance on extant literature, proven concepts, anecdotes of student consumption behavior and authors’ knowledge of social media, which are critical to deepening academics and policy makers’ understanding of social media-brand preference relations in real world contexts

    Modelo conceptual para el despliegue de publicidad ubicua soportado en un esquema de cooperación Smart TV- SmartPhone.

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    Advertising has been one of the most valuable marketing tools for years by means of a massive, wide-ranging and vertical approach between customers and advertisers. However, a new tendency known as pervasive advertising suggests an evolution of the classical concept towards a more interactive, customized, and horizontal environment that seeks to improve the impact and efficiency of conventional advertising. As a result of the support of emerging technologies related to the development of smartphones and smart TVs, there are no doubts about pervasive advertising potential and its value as a rich research field. This article introduces a conceptual model, which compiles the most relevant research areas related to pervasive computing applied to advertising supported on a smart TV – smartphone cooperation framework.La publicidad ha sido durante años una de las herramientas más valiosas del mercadeo a través de un enfoque principalmente masivo, generalizado y vertical entre clientes y anunciantes. No obstante, una nueva corriente conocida como publicidad ubicua marca una evolución en el concepto clásico hacia entornos más interactivos, personalizados y horizontales que busca mejorar la eficiencia y el impacto de la publicidad convencional. Gracias al apoyo de tecnologías emergentes que se sustentan en la evolución de los smartphones y los smart TV, el potencial de la publicidad ubicua es indudable, lo cual la ha convertido en un terreno fértil de investigación. El presente artículo presenta un modelo conceptual que condensa las áreas de investigación más relevantes relacionadas con el despliegue de publicidad en entornos de computación ubicua soportados en esquemas de cooperación smart TV – smartphone

    A design space for social object labels in museums

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    Taking a problematic user experience with ubiquitous annotation as its point of departure, this thesis defines and explores the design space for Social Object Labels (SOLs), small interactive displays aiming to support users' in-situ engagement with digital annotations of physical objects and places by providing up-to-date information before, during and after interaction. While the concept of ubiquitous annotation has potential applications in a wide range of domains, the research focuses in particular on SOLs in a museum context, where they can support the institution's educational goals by engaging visitors in the interpretation of exhibits and providing a platform for public discourse to complement official interpretations provided on traditional object labels. The thesis defines and structures the design space for SOLs, investigates how they can support social interpretation in museums and develops empirically validated design recommendations. Reflecting the developmental character of the research, it employs Design Research as a methodological framework, which involves the iterative development and evaluation of design artefacts together with users and other stakeholders. The research identifies the particular characteristics of SOLs and structures their design space into ten high-level aspects, synthesised from taxonomies and heuristics for similar display concepts and complemented with aspects emerging from the iterative design and evaluation of prototypes. It presents findings from a survey exploring visitors' mental models, preferences and expectations of commenting in museums and translates them into requirements for SOLs. It reports on scenario-based design activities, expert interviews with museum professionals, formative user studies and co-design sessions, and two empirical evaluations of SOL prototypes in a gallery environment. Pulling together findings from these research activities it then formulates design recommendations for SOLs and supports them with related evidence and implementation examples. The main contributions are (i) to delineate and structure the design space for SOLs, which helps to ground SOLs in the literature and understand them as a distinct display concept with its own characteristics; (ii) to explore, for the first time, a visitor perspective on commenting in museums, which can inform research, development and policies on user-generated content in museums and the wider cultural heritage sector; (iii) to develop empirically validated design recommendations, which can inform future research and development into SOLs and related display concept. The thesis concludes by summarising findings in relation to its stated research questions, restating its contributions from ubiquitous computing, domain and methodology perspectives, and discussing open issues and future work