4 research outputs found

    Utilizarea analiticii rețelelor sociale în intelligence

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    Analitica rețelelor sociale este arta și știința de a extrage informații valoroase ascunse din cantități mari de date semi-structurate și structurate de rețele sociale. Algoritmii bazați pe analitica rețelelor sociale, procesarea limbajului natural, procesarea complexă a evenimentelor și tehnicile de extragere a datelor sunt utilizate în mod obișnuit de software-ul de analitica social media, folosind diverse instrumente specifice. În poziționarea unui program de analitica rețelelor sociale ca parte a practicii de business intelligence a unei organizații sau intelligence pentru un serviciu de informații, BI poate fi conceptualizată atât ca proces, cât și ca produs

    Evaluation and decision-making in social media marketing

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    Purpose - As organisations are increasing their investment in social media marketing (SMM), evaluation of such techniques is becoming increasingly important. This research seeks to contribute to knowledge regarding SMM strategy by developing a stage model of SMM evaluation and uncovering the challenges in this process. Design/methodology/approach – Interviews were conducted with eighteen key informants working for specialist SMM agencies. Such informants are a particularly rich source, since they manage social media campaigns for a wide range of clients. An exploratory research was conducted and thematic analysis surfaced the key components of the SMM evaluation process and associated challenges. Findings – The Social Media Marketing Evaluation Framework is developed. This Framework has the following six stages: setting evaluation objectives, identifying KPI’s, identifying metrics, data collection and analysis, report generation, and management decision making. Challenges associated with each stage of the Framework are identified, and discussed with a view to better understanding decisionmaking associated with social media strategies. Two key challenges are the agencyclient relationship and the available social analytical tools. Originality/value – Despite an increasing body of research on social media objectives, KPI’s and metrics, no previous study has explored how these components are embedded in a marketing campaign planning process. The article also offers insights in the factors that make SMM evaluation complex and challenging. Recommendations for further research and practice are offered

    Sentiment analysis in retail: the case of Parfois facebook page

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    The way that consumers are interacting with brands is changing, and in Retail it is no different. With the growth of internet usage and with all the social networks that we interact with, social media is gaining more and more relevance and importance. This research extracted 1.845 posts, 8.256 comments and more than 500.000 reactions from Parfois Facebook page. The comments were translated to English due to having comments made in several different languages, modelled and finally made the sentiment analysis. This analysis was made concerning the post dates, the reasons of the post and the products associated in the post. It was used decision tree algorithms to predict sentiments, so it can be predicted the sentiment when making a new post. With the Sentiment Analysis from Social Media, Parfois can gain understanding about their own brand, from the marketing department through to the buying or even design departments. Using Social Media analysis together with Business Intelligence, can help Parfois decision makers gain competitive advantage regarding their competitors or even improve their products.A maneira como os consumidores interagem com as marcas está a mudar, e no retalho não é diferente. Com o aumento do uso da internet e com todas as redes sociais que interagimos, as redes sociais ganham mais relevância e importância. Esta pesquisa extraiu 1.845 posts, 8.256 comentários e mais de 500.000 reações da página de Facebook da Parfois. Os comentários foram traduzidos para o inglês devido ao fato de haver comentários feitos em várias línguas diferentes, modelados e finalmente feita a análise de sentimentos. Esta análise foi feita em relação às datas das publicações, os motivos do post, os produtos associados ao post. Foram utilizados algoritmos de árvores de decisão para prever sentimentos para que se possa prever o sentimento ao fazer um novo post. Com a analise de sentimentos das redes sociais, a Parfois pode entender melhor a sua própria marca, desde o departamento de marketing até ao departamento de compras ou mesmo o departamento de design. Usar a análise de sentimentos das redes sociais junto com o Business Intelligence organizacional, pode ajudar os decisores da Parfois a ganhar vantagem competitiva em relação aos concorrentes ou mesmo a melhorar seus produtos