5 research outputs found

    Telecommunication Economics

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    This book constitutes a collaborative and selected documentation of the scientific outcome of the European COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel "A Telecommunications Economics COST Network" which run from October 2007 to October 2011. Involving experts from around 20 European countries, the goal of Econ@Tel was to develop a strategic research and training network among key people and organizations in order to enhance Europe's competence in the field of telecommunications economics. Reflecting the organization of the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel in working groups the following four major research areas are addressed: - evolution and regulation of communication ecosystems; - social and policy implications of communication technologies; - economics and governance of future networks; - future networks management architectures and mechanisms

    Telecommunication Economics

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    This book constitutes a collaborative and selected documentation of the scientific outcome of the European COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel "A Telecommunications Economics COST Network" which run from October 2007 to October 2011. Involving experts from around 20 European countries, the goal of Econ@Tel was to develop a strategic research and training network among key people and organizations in order to enhance Europe's competence in the field of telecommunications economics. Reflecting the organization of the COST Action IS0605 Econ@Tel in working groups the following four major research areas are addressed: - evolution and regulation of communication ecosystems; - social and policy implications of communication technologies; - economics and governance of future networks; - future networks management architectures and mechanisms

    Proceedings of the Fifth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems: Professional Development Consortium

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    Collection of position statements of doctoral students and junior faculty in the Professional Development Consortium at the the Fifth Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Tel Aviv - Yafo

    Comunicaci贸n y confianza, las claves que posibilitan el liderazgo en esquemas de trabajo virtual

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    En este trabajo se abordan diez aspectos que tienen influencia cr铆tica en el ejercicio del liderazgo en esquemas de trabajo virtual -- Las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC) posibilitan formas de trabajo no tradicionales, que traen consigo retos y cambios en las relaciones entre el l铆der y sus subordinados, por lo que se hace pertinente la identificaci贸n de factores claves que deben tener en consideraci贸n tanto los l铆deres como las organizaciones para enfrentarlos -- Para esto, se llev贸 a cabo una investigaci贸n sistem谩tica a partir de las publicaciones realizadas entre 1995 y 2016 en la base de datos Scopus -- En total se analizaron 63 art铆culos -- Los principales hallazgos indican que hay ocho de los diez aspectos que el l铆der debe gestionar a nivel personal, intragrupal y organizacional -- Adicionalmente, existen otros dos que son claves y transversales para lograr un mayor desempe帽o en los miembros del equipo -- Como aporte al conocimiento se logr贸 identificar que la comunicaci贸n y la confianza representan los aspectos de mayor incidencia en el liderazgo virtual, pues posibilitan la obtenci贸n de numerosos beneficios, entre los que se encuentran la articulaci贸n del equipo y la organizaci贸n; prevenci贸n de conflictos, costos transaccionales y mayores tiempos, as铆 como mejores procesos en la toma de decisiones y un desempe帽o superior, obteniendo los resultados organizacionales esperadosThis paper aims to identify ten aspects that have critical impact in leadership of virtual teams -- ICT enable non-traditional working schemes which bring challenges and changes in relationships between leader and subordinates -- Therefore, it is useful for leaders and organizations to identify key aspects that help them to face these -- For doing so, there was a systematic research of papers published between 1995 and 2016 executed in Scopus data base -- A total of 63 papers were analyzed -- Main findings include eight aspects that leader should manage in personal, intragroup and organizational level -- Also, there are two other key and transversal aspects that leader should take into account to get a better performance of the members of the team -- As a value could be found that communication and trust are the main aspects that impact virtual leadership -- These enable to get numerous benefits such as the articulation between team and the organization; to prevent conflicts, transactional costs, and longer times -- Also, it enables a better decision making process and performance to achieve organizational goal

    The influence of a global corporate culture on the leadership of virtual teams

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    Companies from across the globe move from traditional towards virtual organisations to be able to respond effectively to developments and changes in the global economy. As a consequence, the leadership of virtual teams will evolve as one of the major challenges future leaders will have to face. Hence, this triggers a growing demand in knowledge and understanding of virtual teams from both science and practice. So far, there is only basic research available on key elements of virtual teaming and limited literature on the leadership of virtual teams. With the increasing significance of a corporate culture in organisations, science will want to investigate its impact on virtual team leadership. Shedding light into this matter is hence this dissertation\''s main objective. After a thorough literature review and a pre-study, a leading EURO STOXX 50 company which has rolled out a global corporate culture in the past years was investigated using interviews with experienced virtual team leaders. Their experiences from before and after the introduction of a global corporate culture were assessed and analysed. Finally, focus groups were conducted to validate the results. In order to provide a holistic picture of the influence of a global corporate culture on the leaders of virtual teams, each empirical component follows a three phase sequence. First, it seeks to understand the environment of a virtual team leader, aiming specifically at investigating how the corporate culture shifts the behaviour of virtual team members. In the next phase, it focuses on how virtual leaders then react to the shift in team member behaviour. The last phase focuses on how the leaders are directly influenced by the global corporate culture themselves. The results of the study show that a common global corporate culture positively influences the collaboration of virtual team members and increases harmony between them. This leads to higher team performance. In response to this shift in team behaviour as well as due to the direct impact of the corporate culture, the leader himself switches gradually from a transactional towards a transformational leadership style, thereby again increasing the performance of the team. The results of the empirical research are channelled into a final product, namely detailed best practices for virtual team leaders on how to develop themselves and their team into effective virtual collaborators. This model uses corporate culture as a catalyst