28 research outputs found

    Smartphone-Based Measurement Systems for Road Vehicle Traffic Monitoring and Usage-Based Insurance

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    Abstract— This paper gives a solution in how to monitor trafficcondition using GPS dan device acceleration data sent periodicallybu users. Form this data, a dashboard was being developed thatcontain usefull information about traffic condition such as generalcondition, nuber of vehicle passed by every minute, averagevelocity, travel time, location of the traffic, time of the traffic.Keywords— traffic, dashboard, gps, accelerometer, gyroscopeAbstrak— Penelitian ini memberikan usulan mengenai sebuahcara untuk memantau keadaan lalu lintas menggunakan data GPSdan data percepatan gerakan yang dikirimkan secara periodik olehpengguna jalanan. Dari data-data ini, dihasilkan sebuahdashboard dengan banyak informasi yang berkaitan dengankondisi jalanan diantaranya data kondisi umum jalanan, jumlahkendaraan melintas tiap menit, kecepatan rata-rata, waktu tempuhkendaraan, posisi kemaeetan, dan waktu terjadinya kemacetan.Kata Kunci— lalu lintas, dashboard, gps, accelerometer,gyroscop

    Co-operative ITS: ESD a smartphone based system for sustainability and transportation safety

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    Abstract Co-operative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) are emerging rapidly due to recent development in Global Navigation Satellite System GNSS systems and mobile internet. The main goal of these systems is to improve traffic conditions and safety level on the road networks. With the rapid growth of smartphone technologies and mobile internet, C-ITS based on smartphone may contribute increasingly in vehicle data collection and in traffic safety and sustainability issues. This paper, extending previous research results, explores the possibilities of using smartphone applications coupled with a central server GIS (Geographic Information System) web system to contribute to traffic safety and to reduce fuel consumption. The idea of a co-operative system in which GPS (Global Positioning System) enabled smartphones are capable to acquire individual vehicle's kinematics is extended to take into account both safety and fuel consumption issues. Information in the system is shared on a web server for promoting more sustainable and safe driving styles. The co-operative system allows drivers to examine information about their individual driving style and consumptions allowing a better use of the road. Road operators can use the system to find critical points on the network and to promote traffic safety

    Buying-off privacy concerns for mobility services in the Internet-of-things era: A discrete choice experiment on the case of mobile insurance

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    Internet-of-things technologies will enable collecting vast amounts of mobility data from car owners. Such connected car services can be value-adding but also create new privacy hazards. This paper studies whether and how privacy concerns of car owners can be compensated by offering monetary benefits. We study the case of usage based car insurance services for which the insurance fee is adapted to measured mileage and driving behaviour. A conjoint experiment shows that consumers prefer their current insurance products to usage based car insurance. However, when offered a minor financial compensation, they are willing to give up their privacy to car insurers. Consumers find privacy of behaviour and action more valuable than privacy of location and space. The study is a first to compare different forms of privacy in the acceptance of connected car services. Hereby, we contribute to more fine-grained understanding of privacy concerns in the acceptance of digital services, which will become more important than ever in the upcoming Internet-of-things era

    Understanding Usability and User Acceptance of Usage-Based Insurance from Users' View

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) cover a variety of services related to topics such as traffic control and safe driving, among others. In the context of car insurance, a recent application for ITS is known as Usage-Based Insurance (UBI). UBI refers to car insurance policies that enable insurance companies to collect individual driving data using a telematics device. Collected data is analysed and used to offer individual discounts based on driving behaviour and to provide feedback on driving performance. Although there are plenty of advertising materials about the benefits of UBI, the user acceptance and the usability of UBI systems have not received research attention so far. To this end, we conduct two user studies: semi-structured interviews with UBI users and a qualitative analysis of 186 customer inquiries from a web forum of a German insurance company. We find that under certain circumstances, UBI provokes dangerous driving behaviour. These situations could be mitigated by making UBI transparent and the feedback customisable by drivers. Moreover, the country driving conditions, the policy conditions, and the perceived driving style influence UBI acceptance

    Potential of Computer-Vision Cellular-Phone Based System to Extract Traffic Parameters

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    This research work investigates the potential of computer – vision cellular – phone based systems to extract traffic and pedestrian parameters; using handheld smartphones with different camera characteristics; i.e. resolution, sensor size and image depth. Various locations with different geometry and functions were selected. Different traffic parameters were extracted: vehicle spot speed and three state vehicle speed profiles (steady, acceleration and deceleration), vehicle speed and time headway relation, vehicle classifications, roadway level of service and pedestrian walking and crossing speed in light and congested traffic area. The difference between actual and measured parameters defined as error and the relationship between error and camera characteristics were investigated. Also, a linear regression models were developed to express actual measured parameters as function of smartphone measures, error as function of camera characteristics. Analysis of extracted parameters showed there was a high correlation between camera characteristics and the accuracy of measured parameters. In fact, increasing camera resolution and sensor size would give high accuracy results for all studied parameters. The percentage of error was consistently ranged, for vehicle speeds it ranged between (1.4% - 10%), for pedestrian speeds it ranged between (0.5% - 9%) and for vehicles dimensions it ranged between (10% - 25%). The outcomes of this research showed high potential accuracy of smartphone – based vision systems in extracting traffic parameters and opened the door to integrate smartphones in different transportation engineering and civil engineering applications

    A review of traffic signal control methods and experiments based on Floating Car Data (FCD)

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    Abstract This paper intends to give a short review of the state of the art on the use of floating car data concerning the management of traffic flow at signalized intersections. New technologies such as connected and autonomous vehicles and Co-operative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) are going to change the future of traffic control and management. Traffic signal control systems can be reorganized by using Floating Car Data (FCD), yet the concept of floating car data (FCD) has been mainly studied to gain traffic information and/or signal information. Only recent works have been focalizing on the potential application of FCD for traffic signal real-time control. This paper aims to evidence the most important concepts that can be extracted from the literature on this important topic

    mobile systems applied to traffic management and safety a state of the art

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    Abstract Mobile systems applied to traffic management and control and traffic safety have the potential to shape the future of road transportation. The following innovations, that will be deployed on a large scale, could reshape road traffic management practices: – the implementation of connected vehicles with global navigation satellite (GNSS) system receivers; – the autonomous car revolution; – the spreading of smartphone-based systems and the development of Mobile Cooperative Web 2.0 which is laying the base for future development of systems that will also incorporate connected and autonomous vehicles; – an increasing need for sustainability of transportation in terms of energy efficiency, traffic safety and environmental issues. This paper intends to provide a state of the art on current systems and an anticipation of how mobile systems applied to traffic management and safety could lead to a completely new transportation system in which safety and congestion issues are finally properly addressed

    Traffic congestion control using Smartphone sensors based on IoT Technology

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    Trafc congestion in road networks is one of the main issues to be addressed, also vehicle traffic congestion and monitoring has become one of the critical issues in road transport. With the help of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), current information of traffic can be used by control room to improve the traffic efficiency. The suggested system utilize technologies for real-time collection, organization and transmission of information to provide an efficient and accurate estimation of traffic density which can be exploited by traffic-aware applications. So, the proposed architecture of Vehicle Traffic Congestion Control & Monitoring System in IoT would perform well. A short overview of the main currently used trafc control methods for freeways will be explained. A sensor array is a group/collection of sensors, usually it is deployed in a certain geometry pattern. So, efficiency of congestion in traffic will improve. The tangible Internet of Things (IoT) based service models which are helpful to academic and industrial world to understand IoT business will be discussed