3 research outputs found

    Prototipo de geolocalización para personas vulnerables: botón de pánico, SOS

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    Nowadays, it is of vital importance to know the geographic location of a vulnerable person (victim) when an emergency occurs. This information is of interest to the competent authorities and the victim's relatives. Thanks to Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) this task is becoming easier and more effective. This paper presents a prototype of a geolocation bracelet called panic button implemented with low-cost technology. The main objective of the prototype is to demonstrate the feasibility and functionality of the proposed geopositioning system for future implementation using microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. The activation and operation of the prototype is based on the principle of time perception, and on sending distress messages to at least three trusted persons using the GSM network, respectively. Each message has a link that can be opened with the Google Maps application and display the geographical position of the victim in real time. Messages are sent every 3 minutes automatically. The prototype is implemented as an Arduino UNO, a GPS module, model Neo-6M-uBlox, and a GSM module, model IoT-GA6-B.Hoy en día, es de vital importancia conocer la ubicación geográfica de una persona vulnerable (víctima) cuando se presenta una emergencia. Esta información resulta de interés para las autoridades competentes y familiares de la víctima. Gracias a los Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (GPS) y  Global para las comunicaciones móviles (GSM) esta tarea es cada vez más sencilla, y efectiva. En este trabajo se presenta un prototipo de una pulsera de geolocalización denominado botón de pánico e implementado con tecnologia de bajo coste. El protótipo tiene como objetivo principal demostrar la viabilidad y funcionalidad del sistema de geoposición propuesto para una futura implementación utilizando tecnología de sistemas microeletromecánicos (microelectromechanical systems, MEMS). La activación y funcionamiento del prototipo se basa en el principio de percepción de tiempo, y en el envío de mensajes de auxílio a por lo menos tres personas de confianza usando la red GSM, respectivamente. Cada mensaje tiene un enlace que se puede abrir con la aplicación Google Maps y visualizar la posición geográfica de la víctima en tiempo real. Los mensajes se envían cada 3 minutos de forma automática. El prototipo es implementado como un Arduino UNO, un módulo GPS, modelo Neo-6M-uBlox, y un módulo GSM, modelo IoT-GA6-B

    Prototipo de sistema de geolocalización para personas vulnerables usando el módulo A9G y Arduino UNO

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    Whenever a criminal act occurs, such as deprivation of liberty, kidnapping, etc., it is essential that the victim is immediately assisted by the public security forces in order to stop the crime. For this reason, it is important to know his/her geographic position in real-time. This paper presents a prototype of a Geolocation System for Vulnerable People: Panic Button (SOS) integrated with commercial and low-cost communication technologies such as Global Positioning System (GPS), and Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) using A9G and Arduino Uno modules. The system has an activation and deactivation process guided by the principle of time perception and generates help messages with a hyperlink to Google Maps, which helps to visualize where the victim is located. The messages are transmitted every 3 minutes using the SMS (Short Message Service) of the Mexican Telcel network continuously until deactivation. The prototype aims to determine the feasibility and functionality of the proposed system for future implementation using the embedded system concept with Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS) technology.  Ante un hecho delictivo como privación de la libertad, secuestro, etc., es indispensable que la víctima sea asistida inmediatamente por los cuerpos de seguridad pública para truncar el delito. Por este motivo, es importante conocer su posición geográfica en tiempo real. En este documento se presenta un prototipo de un Sistema de Geolocalización para Personas Vulnerables: Botón de Pánico (SOS) integrado con tecnologías de comunicación comercial y de bajo coste como son el Sistema de Posicionamiento Global (GPS), y Sistema Global para las comunicaciones móviles (GSM) usando los módulos A9G y Arduino Uno. El sistema tiene un proceso de activación, y desactivación dirigido por el principio de percepción de tiempo y genera mensajes de socorro con un hipervínculo para Google Maps, que ayuda a visualizar la geoposición de la víctima. Los mensajes se transmiten cada 3 minutos utilizando el servicio de mensajes SMS (Short Message Service) de la red Telcel (México) de forma continua hasta su desactivación. El prototipo tiene como objetivo determinar la viabilidad y funcionalidad del sistema propuesto para una futura implementación usando el concepto de sistema embebido con tecnología de sistemas microelectromecánicos (Microelectromecnical Systems, MEMS)

    Development of a self-powered piezo-resistive smart insole equipped with low-power BLE connectivity for remote gait monitoring

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    The evolution of low power electronics and the availability of new smart materials are opening new frontiers to develop wearable systems for medical applications, lifestyle monitoring, and performance detection. This paper presents the development and realization of a novel smart insole for monitoring the plantar pressure distribution and gait parameters; indeed, it includes a piezoresistive sensing matrix based on a Velostat layer for transducing applied pressure into an electric signal. At first, an accurate and complete characterization of Velostat-based pressure sensors is reported as a function of sizes, support material, and pressure trend. The realization and testing of a low-cost and reliable piezoresistive sensing matrix based on a sandwich structure are discussed. This last is interfaced with a low power conditioning and processing section based on an Arduino Lilypad board and an analog multiplexer for acquiring the pressure data. The insole includes a 3- axis capacitive accelerometer for detecting the gait parameters (swing time and stance phase time) featuring the walking. A Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) 5.0 module is included for transmitting in real-time the acquired data toward a PC, tablet or smartphone, for displaying and processing them using a custom Processing® application. Moreover, the smart insole is equipped with a piezoelectric harvesting section for scavenging energy from walking. The onfield tests indicate that for a walking speed higher than 1 ms−1, the device’s power requirements (i.e., P = 5.84 mW ) was fulfilled. However, more than 9 days of autonomy are guaranteed by the integrated 380-mAh Lipo battery in the total absence of energy contributions from the harvesting section