22 research outputs found

    Energy Disaggregation Using Elastic Matching Algorithms

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    © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)In this article an energy disaggregation architecture using elastic matching algorithms is presented. The architecture uses a database of reference energy consumption signatures and compares them with incoming energy consumption frames using template matching. In contrast to machine learning-based approaches which require significant amount of data to train a model, elastic matching-based approaches do not have a model training process but perform recognition using template matching. Five different elastic matching algorithms were evaluated across different datasets and the experimental results showed that the minimum variance matching algorithm outperforms all other evaluated matching algorithms. The best performing minimum variance matching algorithm improved the energy disaggregation accuracy by 2.7% when compared to the baseline dynamic time warping algorithm.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Reducing Cascading Failure Risk by Increasing Infrastructure Network Interdependency

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    Increased coupling between critical infrastructure networks, such as power and communication systems, will have important implications for the reliability and security of these systems. To understand the effects of power-communication coupling, several have studied interdependent network models and reported that increased coupling can increase system vulnerability. However, these results come from models that have substantially different mechanisms of cascading, relative to those found in actual power and communication networks. This paper reports on two sets of experiments that compare the network vulnerability implications resulting from simple topological models and models that more accurately capture the dynamics of cascading in power systems. First, we compare a simple model of topological contagion to a model of cascading in power systems and find that the power grid shows a much higher level of vulnerability, relative to the contagion model. Second, we compare a model of topological cascades in coupled networks to three different physics-based models of power grids coupled to communication networks. Again, the more accurate models suggest very different conclusions. In all but the most extreme case, the physics-based power grid models indicate that increased power-communication coupling decreases vulnerability. This is opposite from what one would conclude from the coupled topological model, in which zero coupling is optimal. Finally, an extreme case in which communication failures immediately cause grid failures, suggests that if systems are poorly designed, increased coupling can be harmful. Together these results suggest design strategies for reducing the risk of cascades in interdependent infrastructure systems

    Architectural design and load flow study of power flow routers

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    Power flow routing is an emerging control paradigm for the dynamic and responsive control of electric power flows. In this paper, we investigate the design and modelling of the power flow router (PFR) which is a major building block of power flow routing. First, a generic PFR architecture is proposed to encapsulate the desired functions of PFRs. Then, the load flow model of PFRs is developed and incorporated into the optimal power flow (OPF) framework. Based on the load flow model, the control capabilities of PFR, such as decoupled branch power flows and enlarged flow regions, are analysed. With particular attention to available transfer capability (ATC), an OPF study on the standard IEEE benchmark systems with 14, 57, and 118 buses has been performed to show that ATC can be enhanced remarkably by installing the proposed PFRs at some critical buses of the power network.published_or_final_versio

    Identifying the time profile of everyday activities in the home using smart meter data

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    Activities are a descriptive term for the common ways households spend their time. Examples include cooking, doing laundry, or socialising. Smart meter data can be used to generate time profiles of activities that are meaningful to households’ own lived experience. Activities are therefore a lens through which energy feedback to households can be made salient and understandable. This paper demonstrates a multi-step methodology for inferring hourly time profiles of ten household activities using smart meter data, supplemented by individual appliance plug monitors and environmental sensors. First, household interviews, video ethnography, and technology surveys are used to identify appliances and devices in the home, and their roles in specific activities. Second, ‘ontologies’ are developed to map out the relationships between activities and technologies in the home. One or more technologies may indicate the occurrence of certain activities. Third, data from smart meters, plug monitors and sensor data are collected. Smart meter data measuring aggregate electricity use are disaggregated and processed together with the plug monitor and sensor data to identify when and for how long different activities are occurring. Sensor data are particularly useful for activities that are not always associated with an energy-using device. Fourth, the ontologies are applied to the disaggregated data to make inferences on hourly time profiles of ten everyday activities. These include washing, doing laundry, watching TV (reliably inferred), and cleaning, socialising, working (inferred with uncertainties). Fifth, activity time diaries and structured interviews are used to validate both the ontologies and the inferred activity time profiles. Two case study homes are used to illustrate the methodology using data collected as part of a UK trial of smart home technologies. The methodology is demonstrated to produce reliable time profiles of a range of domestic activities that are meaningful to households. The methodology also emphasises the value of integrating coded interview and video ethnography data into both the development of the activity inference process

    Resilience of Interdependent Communication and Power Distribution Networks against Cascading Failures

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    The operations of many modern cyber-physical systems, such as smart grids, are based on increasingly interdependent networks. The impact of cascading failures on such networks has recently received significant attention due to the corresponding effect of these failures on the society. In this paper, we conduct an empirical study on the robustness of interdependent systems formed by the coupling of power grids and communication networks by putting real distribution power grids to the test. We focus on the assessment of the robustness of a large set of medium-voltage (MV) distribution grids, currently operating live in the Netherlands, against cascading failures initiated by different types of faults / attacks. We consider both unintentional random failures and malicious targeted attacks which gradually degrade the capability of the entire system and we evaluate their respective consequences. Our study shows that current MV grids are highly vulnerable to such cascades of failures. Furthermore, we discover that a small-world communication network structure lends itself to the robustness of the interdependent system. Also interestingly enough, we discover that the formation of hub hierarchies, which is known to enhance independent network robustness, actually has detrimental effects against cascading failures. Based on real MV grid topologies, our study yields realistic insights which can be employed as a set of practical guidelines for distribution system operators (DSOs) to design effective grid protection schemes

    Non-intrusive load disaggregation using graph signal processing

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    With the large-scale roll-out of smart metering worldwide, there is a growing need to account for the individual contribution of appliances to the load demand. In this paper, we design a Graph signal processing (GSP)-based approach for non-intrusive appliance load monitoring (NILM), i.e., disaggregation of total energy consumption down to individual appliances used. Leveraging piecewise smoothness of the power load signal, two GSP-based NILM approaches are proposed. The first approach, based on total graph variation minimization, searches for a smooth graph signal under known label constraints. The second approach uses the total graph variation minimizer as a starting point for further refinement via simulated annealing. The proposed GSP-based NILM approach aims to address the large training overhead and associated complexity of conventional graph-based methods through a novel event-based graph approach. Simulation results using two datasets of real house measurements demonstrate the competitive performance of the GSP-based approaches with respect to traditionally used Hidden Markov Model-based and Decision Tree-based approaches

    Reliable and Efficient Access for Alarm-initiated and Regular M2M Traffic in IEEE 802.11ah Systems

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    EEE 802.11ah is a novel WiFi-based protocol, aiming to provide an access solution for the machine-to-machine (M2M) communications. In this paper, we propose an adaptive access mechanism that can be seamlessly incorporated into IEEE 802.11ah protocol operation and that supports all potential M2M reporting regimes, which are periodic, on-demand We show that it is possible to both efficiently and reliably resolve all reporting stations in the cell, within the limits of the allowed deadlines. As a side result, we also provide a rationale for modeling the inter-arrival time in alarm events by using the Beta distribution, a model that is considered in the 3GPP standardization.Comment: Appeared in IEEE IoT Journal, October 201

    Understanding domestic appliance use through their linkages to common activities

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    Activities are a descriptive term for the common ways households spend their time. Examples include daily routines such as cooking, doing laundry, and Computing. Smart energy meter data can be used to generate time profiles of activities that are meaningful to households’ own lived experience. Activities are therefore a lens through which energy feedback to households can be made salient and understandable. This paper demonstrates how hourly time profiles of household activities can be inferred from smart energy meter data, supplemented by appliance monitors and environmental sensors. In-depth interviews and home surveys are used to identify appliances and devices used for a range of activities. These relationships between te chnologies and activities are captured in an ‘activity ontology’ that can be applied to smart meter data to make inferences on hourly time profiles of up to nine everyday activities. Results are presented from six homes participating in a UK trial of smart home technologies. The duration of activities and when they are carried out is examined within households. The time profile of domestic activities has routine characteristics but these tend to vary widely between households with different socio-demo graphic characteristics. Analysing the energy consumption associated with different activities leads to a useful means of providing activity-itemised energy feedback, and also reveals certain households to be high energy-using across a range of activities