5,203 research outputs found

    Fine-Grained Product Class Recognition for Assisted Shopping

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    Assistive solutions for a better shopping experience can improve the quality of life of people, in particular also of visually impaired shoppers. We present a system that visually recognizes the fine-grained product classes of items on a shopping list, in shelves images taken with a smartphone in a grocery store. Our system consists of three components: (a) We automatically recognize useful text on product packaging, e.g., product name and brand, and build a mapping of words to product classes based on the large-scale GroceryProducts dataset. When the user populates the shopping list, we automatically infer the product class of each entered word. (b) We perform fine-grained product class recognition when the user is facing a shelf. We discover discriminative patches on product packaging to differentiate between visually similar product classes and to increase the robustness against continuous changes in product design. (c) We continuously improve the recognition accuracy through active learning. Our experiments show the robustness of the proposed method against cross-domain challenges, and the scalability to an increasing number of products with minimal re-training.Comment: Accepted at ICCV Workshop on Assistive Computer Vision and Robotics (ICCV-ACVR) 201


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    Everybody deserves a proper education. However, there are parents out there struggling to teach their kids to read and write due to their inability to teach them properly. Therefore, this project is going to explore the possibility of using augmented reality combined with storytelling as a medium to teach children to learn alphabet. With the existence of variety of students around us, problems tend to occurs when the teaching and learning process are going on. Students tend to have different learning curve. Sometimes they just refuse to learn altogether. These problems support the designation of this project which is to overcome the cause of illiterate among adults by starting early in terms of learning alphabet using augmented reality and storytelling. Exploring further into the project, analysis, planning, design, testing and implementation are going to be carried out to support the progress of this project. As a result, an android application that is able to support the learning of alphabet through storytelling is going to be built

    Mobile exergaming in adolescents’ everyday life—contextual design of where, when, with whom, and how: the SmartLife case

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    Exergames, more specifically console-based exergames, are generally enjoyed by adolescents and known to increase physical activity. Nevertheless, they have a reduced usage over time and demonstrate little effectiveness over the long term. In order to increase playing time, mobile exergames may increase potential playing time, but need to be engaging and integrated in everyday life. The goal of the present study was to examine the context of gameplay for mobile exergaming in adolescents’ everyday life to inform game design and the integration of gameplay into everyday life. Eight focus groups were conducted with 49 Flemish adolescents (11 to 17 years of age). The focus groups were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed by means of thematic analysis via Nvivo 11 software (QSR International Pty Ltd., Victoria, Australia). The adolescents indicated leisure time and travel time to and from school as suitable timeframes for playing a mobile exergame. Outdoor gameplay should be restricted to the personal living environment of adolescents. Besides outdoor locations, the game should also be adaptable to at-home activities. Activities could vary from running outside to fitness exercises inside. Furthermore, the social context of the game was important, e.g., playing in teams or meeting at (virtual) meeting points. Physical activity tracking via smart clothing was identified as a motivator for gameplay. By means of this study, game developers may be better equipped to develop mobile exergames that embed gameplay in adolescents’ everyday life

    A Simple Web Platform Solution for M-Learning

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    Nowadays the role of educational platforms is more than obvious, thanks to websites and modern platforms like Microsoft SharePoint designed for e-learning. We consider that the next generation of learning platforms will be m-learning platforms. These kind of platforms offer first of all mobility for the potential users of PDAs, pocket PCs, smart phones and other modern mobile devices, discovered and developed in last years. One of the most important aspect of these manners of e-learning is the display mode. Classic systems like personal computers have a bigger screen, modern portable devices have a few inches screens and the problem is to adapt the structure of websites and platforms for pocket PC screens and in the same time to develop the capability to produce same experience and usefulness to all users.Platform, M-learning, Discussion Forum, Search Engine, JavaScript, IIS, Port Forwarding

    An Interactive Augmented Reality Alphabet 3-Dimensional Pop-up Book For learning and Recognizing the English Alphabet

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    This document describes the process developing an Augmented Reality (AR) alphabet book mobile application. Using only an android phone camera, the child could view the superimposed virtual alphabet 3 dimensional objects in a fun and interactive manner using the marker-less physical alphabet book as the interaction tool. The reason behind choosing alphabet teaching as the topic of the book is that the Alphabet knowledge is the core knowledge of any language. It is a jump-start for children to start reading and recognizing words and sentences, thus learning the alphabet is extremely important, for many researchers, emphasizing on how early, child’s education shapes the child’s successful future. Though there are, a great deal of technology based alphabet books; parents still prefer buying the old style physical books or some might use a virtual technology based book application. The problem is that though the physical book possesses many benefits, that our generation and the generations long before us, have experienced, yet from the current generation children’s point of view, they may in fact find it dull and boring. For, it is commonly recognized, that the current generation children are surrounded all around by technology and gadgets, that can make them board, easily distracted, and may refuse to willingly use a plain non-technology book to learn, and if using a virtual application, they will lose the benefits offered by a physical book. Knowing this, the use of Augmented Reality should solve such a problem. For Augmented Reality (AR) is considered the best of both worlds, where, real and virtual objects are combined in the real environment, that will allow the use of both technology based application and a traditional physical book, combining the benefits of both and meeting the child and the parent midway. Although AR technology is not new, its possible potential in education is just beginning to be investigated. The main aim of this research is to develop an interactive 3-Dimentional alphabet pop-up book, and using digital storytelling, to help teach children to learn and recognize the alphabets. The objectives of the study are to enhance the interactions of the alphabet book, by creating an android application that contains animated interactive 3-Dimentional models, interactive sounds, songs and music. Furthermore, to investigate the use of digital storytelling (music, sounds), interactions and animation effect in learning engagement, through using the augmented reality technology. The scope of this project and research is very wide, it includes the 3D modeling, texturing, rigging & animation, book design and content decision research, furthermore, Augmented Reality and Android applicatio