6 research outputs found

    Smart laser-scanner for 3D human-machine interface

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    ShapeBots: Shape-changing Swarm Robots

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    We introduce shape-changing swarm robots. A swarm of self-transformable robots can both individually and collectively change their configuration to display information, actuate objects, act as tangible controllers, visualize data, and provide physical affordances. ShapeBots is a concept prototype of shape-changing swarm robots. Each robot can change its shape by leveraging small linear actuators that are thin (2.5 cm) and highly extendable (up to 20cm) in both horizontal and vertical directions. The modular design of each actuator enables various shapes and geometries of self-transformation. We illustrate potential application scenarios and discuss how this type of interface opens up possibilities for the future of ubiquitous and distributed shape-changing interfaces.Comment: UIST 201

    Técnicas de visión estereoscópica para determinar la estructura tridimensional de la escena

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    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre la efectividad de una serie de métodos de correspondencia estereoscópica. La correspondencia estereoscópica constituye uno de los pasos esenciales dentro de la visión estereoscópica en los sistemas robotizados, de ahí su importancia. El objetivo se centra en el estudio de la viabilidad de los mismos de cara a su implementación en sistemas estereoscópicos que han de operar en entornos de exterior y bajo condiciones del entorno adversas. La motivación del trabajo proviene de la necesidad derivada de una serie de proyectos de investigación dentro de las actividades del grupo ISCAR. En este trabajo se han realizado diversas pruebas experimentales orientadas a la identificación de los métodos más prometedores en el ámbito de la correspondencia estereoscópica con la finalidad indicada. Se han estudiado varias técnicas existentes en la literatura y se han establecido las pautas a seguir en el futuro a tenor de los resultados obtenidos para su implementación en sistemas reales. [ABSTRACT] In this work we have studied several stereovision matching approaches with the aim of testing its effectiveness. The main step in robotized systems, equipped with stereovision, is the correspondence, here is its relevance. The goal of this work is focused on the study of the viability of such methods with the aim that they can be implemented in stereoscopic vision-based systems working in adverse outdoor environmental conditions. This work is motivated because the ISCAR group is currently working in several research projects where the stereovision is a crucial system. In this work several experimental tests have been carried out oriented toward the identification of the most promising correspondence methods with the above expressed goal. Several existing approaches in the literature have been studied and, as a result, some guidelines have been established based on the results reported, so that the research is oriented toward future implementations in real systems

    Virtualisation d'interfaces matérielles : proposition, implémentation et évaluation d'un nouveau paradigme d'interactions humain-machine

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    RÉSUMÉ En acquérant de nouvelles fonctions, les machines environnantes ont vu leur interface se complexifier. Cette évolution rapide et non-contrôlée a mené à des interactions humainmachine moins performantes, forçant deux courants de pensées à émerger. Puisant dans l’informatique pervasive, le premier a favorisé le développement de machines intelligentes, en les augmentant de multiples senseurs pour automatiser la plupart de leurs fonctionnalités, afin de décharger leur interface et limiter les interactions humainmachine aux actions strictement essentielles. Le deuxième s’est concentré, entre autres, sur la formulation de philosophies de design (design centré sur l’utilisateur, conception pour tous, interfaces unifiées…) et sur l’élaboration de méthodes d’évaluation (cognitive walkthrough, évaluations heuristiques…), afin de simplifier et de standardiser ces interfaces. Bien que ces recherches ont et continuent de façonner le monde des interfaces humain-machine tel que nous le connaissons, il nous reste encore beaucoup de progrès à faire pour offrir, à chaque utilisateur et dans un marché de masse, des interfaces optimales et minimales, répondant spécifiquement à leurs besoins, à leurs modèles mentaux et à leurs préférences individuels.----------ABSTRACT As machines acquired new capabilities, their interfaces ultimately became more complex. This unrestrained and rapid evolution led to problematic man-machine interactions, forcing two currents of thought to emerge. Drawing upon pervasive computing, the first moved towards intelligent machines, using multiple sensors to automate most of their functionalities, to streamline their interfaces and to limit manmachine interactions to essential actions. The second focused, among other concepts, on design philosophies (user-centered design, design for all, unified interfaces…) and evaluation methods (cognitive walkthrough, heuristic evaluations…), in a quest to simplify and standardize these interfaces. While such research shaped and continues to shape the world of man-machine interfaces as we know it, we are still far from offering, in a mass-market environment, ideal and minimal interfaces, tailored to a user’s specific and individual needs, mental models and preferences

    Laser based tracking and spin measurement

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    The sports ball market is extremely competitive and in the US alone valued in excess of $1305 million (SGMA 2008). Original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are continually trying to create a competitive edge over their rivals. In order to research and develop sports balls it is vital to quantitatively measure launch and flight characteristics of the ball, in an attempt to create a ball that has better flight and/or impact characteristics. A launch or flight monitor allows consistent measurement and benchmarking of the ball under test. Current top of the range soccer ball monitors are assessed for performance. Predominantly the sports engineering community uses high speed video (HSV) cameras in this benchmarking process. This technique however is extremely susceptible to errors in spin measurement. These errors are explored in detail and recommendations are given in order to improve the measurements. The properties of laser light make it an ideal tool for accurate, non-contact measurements. It has gained such widespread use, that living in the 21" century it is inconceivable to avoid laser technology. In this thesis, optical laser techniques are pursued for ball launch angle, velocity and spin measurement. In order to successfully utilise these techniques a system that is capable of accurately steering the laser beam to the desired target is developed. A novel laser tracking system (NLTS) has been designed, developed and proven to work successfully, allowing tracking capability of an arbitrarily moving soccer ball, that has no special fiducials. The system is demonstrated to be capable of measuring the position of the ball in space, therefore the NLTS is capable of acting as a launch monitor. The system is proven to track soccer balls in the laboratory and in a more realistic player testing environment. A valuable design feature is that the natural and ambient lighting conditions are inconsequential for the operation of the system. The tracking technique could be applied to any sports ball and could conceivably be transferred to other applications, e.g. military and automotive. Single point vibrometry work and the NLTS are combined to add spin measurement capability. Actual and measured spin rate values show high levels of similarity when tracking a ball with angular, but no translational velocity. A purpose built 'pendulum rig' is used to carry out measurements on a ball with both translational and angular velocity. The testing highlights how influential the radial measurement distance from the spin axis is, regarding the outputted spin rate value. The current set-up would require further development to allow accurate spin rate measurement using the 'pendulum rig'. The main sources of error and recommendations for future developments of this device are outlined and discussed.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo