3 research outputs found

    Comparative Study: Penggunaan Media Sosial oleh Pemerintah Kota Bandung dan Kota Gold Coast

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meliahat bagaimana pemerintah pada kota yang menerapkan konsep smart city memanfaatkan platform media sosisal. Kasus yang diambil adalah akun twitter Majelis Kota Gold Coast dan Pemerintah Kota Bandung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan memanfaatkan software NVivo 12 Plus sebagai alat analisis. Data yang digunakan berasal dari akun twitter resmi @cityofgoldcoast milik Majelis Kota Gold Coast dan akun @humasbdg milik Pemerintah Kota Bandung. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah kedua akun tersebut memiliki kesamaan dalam hal penyampaian informasi dan pola interaksi. Kedua akun dalam menyampaikan informasi tidak secara lengkap, melainkan mencantumkan tautan yang terhubung ke website resmi pemerintah. Selanjutnya kedua akun melakukan pola interaksi yang hanya satu arah. Perbedaan kedua akun terletak pada topik pembahasan disetiap akun dan persebaran informasi. Akun @cityofgoldcoast cenderung mentweet terkait kondisi aktual yang terjadi. Berbeda dengan akun @humasbdg yang memiliki topik pembahasan seputar keprotokoleran. Selain itu kedua akun memiliki persebaran informasi yang menyesuaikan dengan interaksi yg dilakukan. Diakhir penulis memberikan catatan terkait penelitian lanjutan dari pada penelitian ini

    Crowdsourcing technologies to promote citizens’ participation in smart cities, a scoping review

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    The scoping review reported by this article aimed to identify (i) the purposes of the studies using crowdsourcing technologies in the context of the smart cities’ implementations, (ii) the characteristics of the crowdsourcing technologies being used, and (iii) the maturity level of the solutions being proposed. An electronic search was conducted, and 29 studies were included in the review after the selection process. The results show a current interest in crowdsourcing campaigns using participatory reporting and participatory sensing to (i) support urban infrastructures’ maintenance, (ii) facilitate urban mobility, (iii) monitor the environment, (iv) manage crowds, (v) aggregate geographical information, and (vi) collect citizens’ perspectives about the cities. However, the results also show low maturity level of the proposed solutions and lack of consolidated evidence about their effectiveness, which difficulties their dissemination.publishe

    Methods of Pre-Trial Investigation of Criminal Offenses and Content of Its Structural Elements: Case of Kazakhstan

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    Rationale for research is presented in the form of a proposed structure of the methodology’s elements for pre-trial investigation of criminal offenses. It is notable that this novelty is based on the provisions of the new edition of Criminal Code and Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which came into force on January 01, 2015. The research objective is to enhance the efficiency of investigating criminal offenses against the foundations of the constitutional order as well as the security of the state, criminal offenses in the field of informatization and communications, criminal offenses in the field of economic activity and medical criminal offenses, which, in turn, are the sources of the development of the structure of the methodology for pre-trial investigation of such types of socially dangerous acts. They were previously not covered in public editions. Research methods are the formation of the data structure of particular methods of pre-trial investigation of crimes based on not just theoretical experience, but also the accumulated practice of a preliminary investigation in the country, the new and far abroad, for example, crimes against the person, property, etc. Research results include the developed structure of the methodology for pre-trial investigation of these crimes. The study will serve as an impetus for further theoretical development of particular methods of pre-trial investigation of certain types of criminal offenses along with their implementation in the practice of pre-trial investigation in the country’s investigative apparatus