7 research outputs found

    Smart Gas Meter and Information Transmission Procedure for an IoT Structure

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    This research presents an IoT structure for smart gas metering, including a smart gas meter sensing and management structure, a gas network connectivity structure, and a gas company comprehensive gas administration structure. The smart gas meter sensing and management structure consists of a detection unit and a control unit, while the gas network connectivity structure comprises communication structures for detection information and control information. The gas company comprehensive gas administration structure integrates detection details management and control details management. The objective of this study is to design a smart gas meter and develop an effective information transmission procedure for the IoT structure. The proposed structure aims to enhance gas metering accuracy, optimize communication efficiency, and enable comprehensive gas administration

    Smart Electric Meter Deployment in Tanzania: A Survey

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    Using information and communication technologies (ICT) to make the electrical power network intelligent and smarter (smart grid) has been the focal point in transforming electrical power industry. The idea behind smart grid is to transform the Tanzanian power sector into a secure, adaptive, sustainable, and digitally enabled ecosystem that provides reliable and quality energy for all with active participation of stakeholders. Smart metering is a central segment in realizing smart grid. However, a big question is whether Tanzanian power stakeholders are ready for smart metering technology investments for household applications. Operation and maintenance of a smart metering solution is a relatively new business in Tanzania and requires investment in resources and capacity building. A case study was conducted at the utility company in Dar es Salaam offices, to investigate the deployment status and services offered. Fixed tariff rates, high cost, low rates on returns of investment and non-customization of the features, were some of the shortcomings identified by the study in terms of non-deployment in residential homes. Further, the authors, propose development of standardization document for smart metering technologies and the adoption of software based smart meter for residential applications using Internet of Things platform. Its low cost of development and ease installation would be ideal for residential applications. Keywords:  Smart grid, Utility Company, Smart meter, Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Deployment Status

    Design optimisation of a wireless sensor node using a temperature-based test plan

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    Desenvolvimento de Smart Meter integrado com IoT para monitoramento da energia elétrica em residências

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Araranguá. Engenharia da Computação.A eficiência energética é um dos dezessete objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável definida pela ONU na agenda de 2030. Logo, para alcançar essa meta a quantidade de informações acessíveis aos consumidores é um importante fator para a gestão dos recursos energéticos. Obrigatoriamente, as residências são dotadas de medidores de energia, porém, no Brasil, quase todos os usuários têm somente disponível a informação do consumo energético total - muitas vezes estimado ao final de cada mês. O presente trabalho propõe um protótipo para monitoramento de energia elétrica do tipo Smart Meter, com o conceito IoT. Na versão atual, o sistema implementa as seguintes funcionalidades: medidas de tensão, corrente, frequência, cálculo das potências ativa, reativa, aparente, fator de potência, consumo de energia, custo total em tempo real e o registro desses dados em memória. O sistema desenvolvido utiliza a tecnologia de comunicação WiFi, assim os dados podem ser transmitidos e interpretados por dispositivos que trabalhem com este padrão, através de uma aplicação WEB. Os requisitos do sistema foram alcançados ao projetar o protótipo do medidor fornecendo medidas de corrente e tensão precisas, restando apenas aprimoramentos em trabalhos futuros

    Smart Power Meter for the IoT

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    Smart Power Meter for the IoT

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    Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) today represents the backbone of Smart City intended as urban area where the most of public services are smart. Smart devices allow cities to be smart, enabling communication also among things and creating a new system nowadays known as IoT (Internet of Things). In particular the smarter the meters, the smarter the City, but the concept of smartness is not univocal. In urban area, smart meters must be accessible, collaborative and accurate. The paper faces this topic, mainly with reference to power measurements and wireless networks. In particular, it describes an innovative solution for electrical power, gas and water metering integration in the same infrastructure. Then it describes metrics and hardware details of a smart electrical power meter and, finally it shows the experimental results of the smart meter metrological characterization