1,762 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Smallest Enclosing Ball in High Dimensions via Subgradient Sampling

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    We study a variant of the median problem for a collection of point sets in high dimensions. This generalizes the geometric median as well as the (probabilistic) smallest enclosing ball (pSEB) problems. Our main objective and motivation is to improve the previously best algorithm for the pSEB problem by reducing its exponential dependence on the dimension to linear. This is achieved via a novel combination of sampling techniques for clustering problems in metric spaces with the framework of stochastic subgradient descent. As a result, the algorithm becomes applicable to shape fitting problems in Hilbert spaces of unbounded dimension via kernel functions. We present an exemplary application by extending the support vector data description (SVDD) shape fitting method to the probabilistic case. This is done by simulating the pSEB algorithm implicitly in the feature space induced by the kernel function

    Coresets-Methods and History: A Theoreticians Design Pattern for Approximation and Streaming Algorithms

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    We present a technical survey on the state of the art approaches in data reduction and the coreset framework. These include geometric decompositions, gradient methods, random sampling, sketching and random projections. We further outline their importance for the design of streaming algorithms and give a brief overview on lower bounding techniques

    Improvements on the k-center problem for uncertain data

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    In real applications, there are situations where we need to model some problems based on uncertain data. This leads us to define an uncertain model for some classical geometric optimization problems and propose algorithms to solve them. In this paper, we study the kk-center problem, for uncertain input. In our setting, each uncertain point PiP_i is located independently from other points in one of several possible locations {Pi,1,,Pi,zi}\{P_{i,1},\dots, P_{i,z_i}\} in a metric space with metric dd, with specified probabilities and the goal is to compute kk-centers {c1,,ck}\{c_1,\dots, c_k\} that minimize the following expected cost Ecost(c1,,ck)=RΩprob(R)maxi=1,,nminj=1,kd(P^i,cj)Ecost(c_1,\dots, c_k)=\sum_{R\in \Omega} prob(R)\max_{i=1,\dots, n}\min_{j=1,\dots k} d(\hat{P}_i,c_j) here Ω\Omega is the probability space of all realizations R={P^1,,P^n}R=\{\hat{P}_1,\dots, \hat{P}_n\} of given uncertain points and prob(R)=i=1nprob(P^i).prob(R)=\prod_{i=1}^n prob(\hat{P}_i). In restricted assigned version of this problem, an assignment A:{P1,,Pn}{c1,,ck}A:\{P_1,\dots, P_n\}\rightarrow \{c_1,\dots, c_k\} is given for any choice of centers and the goal is to minimize EcostA(c1,,ck)=RΩprob(R)maxi=1,,nd(P^i,A(Pi)).Ecost_A(c_1,\dots, c_k)=\sum_{R\in \Omega} prob(R)\max_{i=1,\dots, n} d(\hat{P}_i,A(P_i)). In unrestricted version, the assignment is not specified and the goal is to compute kk centers {c1,,ck}\{c_1,\dots, c_k\} and an assignment AA that minimize the above expected cost. We give several improved constant approximation factor algorithms for the assigned versions of this problem in a Euclidean space and in a general metric space. Our results significantly improve the results of \cite{guh} and generalize the results of \cite{wang} to any dimension. Our approach is to replace a certain center point for each uncertain point and study the properties of these certain points. The proposed algorithms are efficient and simple to implement

    Quasiconvex Programming

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    We define quasiconvex programming, a form of generalized linear programming in which one seeks the point minimizing the pointwise maximum of a collection of quasiconvex functions. We survey algorithms for solving quasiconvex programs either numerically or via generalizations of the dual simplex method from linear programming, and describe varied applications of this geometric optimization technique in meshing, scientific computation, information visualization, automated algorithm analysis, and robust statistics.Comment: 33 pages, 14 figure