71 research outputs found

    Approximation and Streaming Algorithms for Projective Clustering via Random Projections

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    Let PP be a set of nn points in Rd\mathbb{R}^d. In the projective clustering problem, given k,qk, q and norm ρ[1,]\rho \in [1,\infty], we have to compute a set F\mathcal{F} of kk qq-dimensional flats such that (pPd(p,F)ρ)1/ρ(\sum_{p\in P}d(p, \mathcal{F})^\rho)^{1/\rho} is minimized; here d(p,F)d(p, \mathcal{F}) represents the (Euclidean) distance of pp to the closest flat in F\mathcal{F}. We let fkq(P,ρ)f_k^q(P,\rho) denote the minimal value and interpret fkq(P,)f_k^q(P,\infty) to be maxrPd(r,F)\max_{r\in P}d(r, \mathcal{F}). When ρ=1,2\rho=1,2 and \infty and q=0q=0, the problem corresponds to the kk-median, kk-mean and the kk-center clustering problems respectively. For every 0<ϵ<10 < \epsilon < 1, SPS\subset P and ρ1\rho \ge 1, we show that the orthogonal projection of PP onto a randomly chosen flat of dimension O(((q+1)2log(1/ϵ)/ϵ3)logn)O(((q+1)^2\log(1/\epsilon)/\epsilon^3) \log n) will ϵ\epsilon-approximate f1q(S,ρ)f_1^q(S,\rho). This result combines the concepts of geometric coresets and subspace embeddings based on the Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma. As a consequence, an orthogonal projection of PP to an O(((q+1)2log((q+1)/ϵ)/ϵ3)logn)O(((q+1)^2 \log ((q+1)/\epsilon)/\epsilon^3) \log n) dimensional randomly chosen subspace ϵ\epsilon-approximates projective clusterings for every kk and ρ\rho simultaneously. Note that the dimension of this subspace is independent of the number of clusters~kk. Using this dimension reduction result, we obtain new approximation and streaming algorithms for projective clustering problems. For example, given a stream of nn points, we show how to compute an ϵ\epsilon-approximate projective clustering for every kk and ρ\rho simultaneously using only O((n+d)((q+1)2log((q+1)/ϵ))/ϵ3logn)O((n+d)((q+1)^2\log ((q+1)/\epsilon))/\epsilon^3 \log n) space. Compared to standard streaming algorithms with Ω(kd)\Omega(kd) space requirement, our approach is a significant improvement when the number of input points and their dimensions are of the same order of magnitude.Comment: Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2015

    Greedy Strategy Works for k-Center Clustering with Outliers and Coreset Construction

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    We study the problem of k-center clustering with outliers in arbitrary metrics and Euclidean space. Though a number of methods have been developed in the past decades, it is still quite challenging to design quality guaranteed algorithm with low complexity for this problem. Our idea is inspired by the greedy method, Gonzalez\u27s algorithm, for solving the problem of ordinary k-center clustering. Based on some novel observations, we show that this greedy strategy actually can handle k-center clustering with outliers efficiently, in terms of clustering quality and time complexity. We further show that the greedy approach yields small coreset for the problem in doubling metrics, so as to reduce the time complexity significantly. Our algorithms are easy to implement in practice. We test our method on both synthetic and real datasets. The experimental results suggest that our algorithms can achieve near optimal solutions and yield lower running times comparing with existing methods