7 research outputs found

    Fast Breadth-First Search in Still Less Space

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    It is shown that a breadth-first search in a directed or undirected graph with nn vertices and mm edges can be carried out in O(n+m)O(n+m) time with nlog23+O((logn)2)n\log_2 3+O((\log n)^2) bits of working memory

    Simple 2^f-Color Choice Dictionaries

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    A c-color choice dictionary of size n in N is a fundamental data structure in the development of space-efficient algorithms that stores the colors of n elements and that supports operations to get and change the color of an element as well as an operation choice that returns an arbitrary element of that color. For an integer f>0 and a constant c=2^f, we present a word-RAM algorithm for a c-color choice dictionary of size n that supports all operations above in constant time and uses only nf+1 bits, which is optimal if all operations have to run in o(n/w) time where w is the word size. In addition, we extend our choice dictionary by an operation union without using more space

    A Constant-Time Colored Choice Dictionary with Almost Robust Iteration

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    A (colored) choice dictionary is a data structure that is initialized with positive integers n and c and subsequently maintains a sequence of n elements of {0,...,c-1}, called colors, under operations to inspect and to update the color in a given position and to return the position of an occurrence of a given color. Choice dictionaries are fundamental in space-efficient computing. Some applications call for the additional operation of dynamic iteration, i.e., enumeration of the positions containing a given color while the sequence of colors may change. An iteration is robust if it enumerates every position that contains the relevant color throughout the iteration but never enumerates a position more than once or when it does not contain the color in question. We describe the first choice dictionary that executes every operation in constant amortized time and almost robust iteration in constant amortized time per element enumerated. The iteration is robust, except that it may enumerate some elements a second time. The data structure occupies n log_2 c+O((log n)^2) bits. The time and space bounds assume that c=O((log n)^{1/2}(log log n)^{-{3/2}})

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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