5 research outputs found

    Security from Location

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    Reliable Location-Based Services from Radio Navigation Systems

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    Loran is a radio-based navigation system originally designed for naval applications. We show that Loran-C’s high-power and high repeatable accuracy are fantastic for security applications. First, we show how to derive a precise location tag—with a sensitivity of about 20 meters—that is difficult to project to an exact location. A device can use our location tag to block or allow certain actions, without knowing its precise location. To ensure that our tag is reproducible we make use of fuzzy extractors, a mechanism originally designed for biometric authentication. We build a fuzzy extractor specifically designed for radio-type errors and give experimental evidence to show its effectiveness. Second, we show that our location tag is difficult to predict from a distance. For example, an observer cannot predict the location tag inside a guarded data center from a few hundreds of meters away. As an application, consider a location-aware disk drive that will only work inside the data center. An attacker who steals the device and is capable of spoofing Loran-C signals, still cannot make the device work since he does not know what location tag to spoof. We provide experimental data supporting our unpredictability claim

    Adaptive learning and cryptography

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    Significant links exist between cryptography and computational learning theory. Cryptographic functions are the usual method of demonstrating significant intractability results in computational learning theory as they can demonstrate that certain problems are hard in a representation independent sense. On the other hand, hard learning problems have been used to create efficient cryptographic protocols such as authentication schemes, pseudo-random permutations and functions, and even public key encryption schemes.;Learning theory / coding theory also impacts cryptography in that it enables cryptographic primitives to deal with the issues of noise or bias in their inputs. Several different constructions of fuzzy primitives exist, a fuzzy primitive being a primitive which functions correctly even in the presence of noisy , or non-uniform inputs. Some examples of these primitives include error-correcting blockciphers, fuzzy identity based cryptosystems, fuzzy extractors and fuzzy sketches. Error correcting blockciphers combine both encryption and error correction in a single function which results in increased efficiency. Fuzzy identity based encryption allows the decryption of any ciphertext that was encrypted under a close enough identity. Fuzzy extractors and sketches are methods of reliably (re)-producing a uniformly random secret key given an imperfectly reproducible string from a biased source, through a public string that is called the sketch .;While hard learning problems have many qualities which make them useful in constructing cryptographic protocols, such as their inherent error tolerance and simple algebraic structure, it is often difficult to utilize them to construct very secure protocols due to assumptions they make on the learning algorithm. Due to these assumptions, the resulting protocols often do not have security against various types of adaptive adversaries. to help deal with this issue, we further examine the inter-relationships between cryptography and learning theory by introducing the concept of adaptive learning . Adaptive learning is a rather weak form of learning in which the learner is not expected to closely approximate the concept function in its entirety, rather it is only expected to answer a query of the learner\u27s choice about the target. Adaptive learning allows for a much weaker learner than in the standard model, while maintaining the the positive properties of many learning problems in the standard model, a fact which we feel makes problems that are hard to adaptively learn more useful than standard model learning problems in the design of cryptographic protocols. We argue that learning parity with noise is hard to do adaptively and use that assumption to construct a related key secure, efficient MAC as well as an efficient authentication scheme. In addition we examine the security properties of fuzzy sketches and extractors and demonstrate how these properties can be combined by using our related key secure MAC. We go on to demonstrate that our extractor can allow a form of related-key hardening for protocols in that, by affecting how the key for a primitive is stored it renders that protocol immune to related key attacks

    Extracting information from point set for robust fingerprint authentication

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    Small secure sketch for point-set difference

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    A secure sketch is a set of published data that can help to recover the original biometric data after they are corrupted by permissible noises, and by itself does not reveal much information about the original. Several constructions have been proposed for different metrics, and in particular, set difference. We observe that in many promising applications, set difference alone is insufficient to model the noises. We propose to look into point-set difference, which measures noises that not only remove/introduce new feature points in the biometric objects, but may also perturb the points. In this paper, we first give an improvement for set difference construction that can be extended to multi-sets, where the sketch is small and there is an efficient decoding algorithm. We next give a sketch for point-set difference in both one and two-dimensional spaces. By using results in almost k-wise independence, the size of the sketch is reduced to near-optimal