2 research outputs found

    Small Normalized Boolean Circuits for Semi-disjoint Bilinear Forms Require Logarithmic Conjunction-depth

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    We consider normalized Boolean circuits that use binary operations of disjunction and conjunction, and unary negation, with the restriction that negation can be only applied to input variables. We derive a lower bound trade-off between the size of normalized Boolean circuits computing Boolean semi-disjoint bilinear forms and their conjunction-depth (i.e., the maximum number of and-gates on a directed path to an output gate). In particular, we show that any normalized Boolean circuit of at most epsilon log n conjunction-depth computing the n-dimensional Boolean vector convolution has Omega(n^{2-4 epsilon}) and-gates. Analogously, any normalized Boolean circuit of at most epsilon log n conjunction-depth computing the n x n Boolean matrix product has Omega(n^{3-4 epsilon}) and-gates. We complete our lower-bound trade-offs with upper-bound trade-offs of similar form yielded by the known fast algebraic algorithms

    36th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2019, March 13-16, 2019, Berlin, Germany

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