32,887 research outputs found

    Investing in real astate projects in the company PV Invest d.o.o.

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    The purpose of the graduation thesis is to analyze investments in real estate projects in the company PV Invest d.o.o.. Two projects were chosen for the analysis: construction of a block of flats in the Municipality of Mozirje and construction of houses in the Municipality of Velenje. For this purpose, the residential real estate market analysis for the areas mentioned was conducted. Based on a comparison of already sold real estate properties in question, their average selling price for 2013 was calculated. Our analysis results were compared to the results of the analyses of the residential real estate advertising prices in the Savinja region and in Velenje as well as to the expected price of real estate projects in question. This price was calculated on the basis of costs needed for the project implementation. According to the results, the expected prices for the projects are relatively high in comparison to the estimated market values and average selling price of residential real estate in the region in question respectively. Investors and sellers respectively should keep up to date with happening in the real estate market, and, accordingly, make decisions on investing in construction and selling residential real estate respectively

    Real estate market activity in Slovenia in 2000-2006

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    This paper examines a particular aspect of Slovenian real estate market that is still developing -real estate market activity. Only two decades ago, Slovenia still had a socialist, planned economy, so there is a lack of tradition in the fields of both the real estate market and analysis of that market. The former only started to develop with the transition to the market-oriented economy in the beginning of the 1990s. Significant progress was observed in the second half of the 1990s, due to the favourable economic development of the country. In our research, we focused on the real estate market development in the 2000-2006 period, which was marked by major changes in legislation and other institutional backgrounds, directly or indirectly referring to the field of real estate and real property. The development of the real estate market in Slovenia was examined for a given period on the basis of the available market data, which have been acquired from the Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia; the real estate market activity development is analysed by statistical regions and types of real estate. The results show general developments in the Slovenian real estate market for the given period and, in particular, the influence of institutional and legal factors on real estate market activity

    European Regional Space Classification Regarding Smart Growth Level

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    The paper presented classification results including European regional space positional statistics regarding advancement and smart growth level in NUTS 2 regions. Regional smart growth covers three pillars: innovation, creativity (Knowledge Based Economy) and smart specialization illustrated by characteristics available in Eurostat data resources. These qualities constituted the basis for constructing aggregate measures for specific pillars and also for the purposes of regional classification. The results of obtained classes were assessed in an overall European space, in groups of regions distinguished in line with integration processes chronology and also in capital regions and these including the country capital, as well as in the system of Polish regions.Strategia Europa 2020, jako sukcesor Strategii Lizbońskiej, jest wizją społecznej gospodarki rynkowej dla Europy XXI wieku, obejmującą trzy powiązane priorytety: 1/ rozwój inteligentny: rozwój gospodarki opartej na wiedzy i innowacji; 2/ rozwój zrównoważony: wspieranie gospodarki efektywniej korzystającej z zasobów, bardziej przyjaznej środowisku i bardziej konkurencyjnej; 3/ rozwój sprzyjający włączeniu społecznemu: wspieranie gospodarki o wysokim poziomie zatrudnienia, zapewniającej spójność społeczną i terytorialną. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki klasyfikacji ze statystykami pozycyjnymi europejskiej przestrzeni regionalnej ze względu na stopień zaawansowania i poziom inteligentnego rozwoju w regionach szczebla NUTS 2. Rozwój inteligentny regionów uwzględnia trzy filary: innowacyjność, kreatywność (Gospodarka Oparta na Wiedzy) i inteligentną specjalizację ilustrowane charakterystykami znajdującymi się w zasobach informacyjnych Eurostatu. Cechy te stanowiły podstawę do konstrukcji miar agregatowych dla określonych filarów, a także do klasyfikacji regionów. Wyniki uzyskanych podziałów oceniono w całej europejskiej przestrzeni regionalnej, w grupach regionów wydzielonych zgodnie z chronologią procesów integracji, a także w regionach stołecznych i zawierających stolicę oraz w układzie regionów polskich

    The consumer empowerment index. A measure of skills, awareness and engagement of European consumers

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    The Consumer Empowerment Index is a pilot exercise, aimed at obtaining a first snapshot of the state of consumer empowerment as measured by the Eurobarometer survey (Special Eurobarometer n. 342). It is neither a final answer on empowerment nor a comprehensive study on all the different facets of consumer empowerment, but instead it is meant to foster the debate on the determinants of empowerment and their importance for protecting consumers. This report describes the steps followed in the construction of the Index of consumer Empowerment. In particular the definition of the theoretical framework, the quantification of categorical survey questions, the univariate and multivariate analysis of the dataset, and the set of weight used for calculating the scores and ranks of the Index. The report also discusses the robustness of the results and the relationship between the Index and the socio-economic characteristics of the respondents in order to identify the features of the most vulnerable consumers. The Consumer Empowerment Index identifies Norway as the leading country followed by Finland, the Netherlands and Germany and Denmark. The middle of the ranking is dominated by western countries such as Belgium, France, and UK, with an average score 13% lower than the top five. At the bottom of the Index are some Eastern and Baltic countries like Bulgaria, Lithuania, Poland, and Romania with a score 31% lower on average (this gap reaches 40% and 38% in Awareness of consumer legislation and Consumer skills). A group of southern countries, Italy, Portugal, and Spain score poorly in the Index, especially in the pillar Consumer skills where the gap with the top performers reaches 30%.Consumer empowerment; composite indicators

    Duration of Regional Unemployment Spells in Slovenia

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    The paper begins with an overview of the unemployment rate in Slovenia and focuses on duration of unemployment and regional characteristics of the unemployment rates. It is shown that the dispersion of regional unemployment rate is gradually decreasing and is also slightly below European average on NUTS 3 level. The analysis of the duration of regional unemployment spells is based on the data obtained from the Employment Office of the Republic of Slovenia, which consists of the unemployment spells between January 1st, 2002 and November 18th, 2005 with more than 450,000 entries. The Kaplan-Meier estimates of the survival function are presented and the effects of region on the duration of unemployment spells are discussed.unemployment, regions, survival analysis, Kaplan-Meier estimator, Slovenia