63,217 research outputs found

    Sketching space

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    In this paper, we present a sketch modelling system which we call Stilton. The program resembles a desktop VRML browser, allowing a user to navigate a three-dimensional model in a perspective projection, or panoramic photographs, which the program maps onto the scene as a `floor' and `walls'. We place an imaginary two-dimensional drawing plane in front of the user, and any geometric information that user sketches onto this plane may be reconstructed to form solid objects through an optimization process. We show how the system can be used to reconstruct geometry from panoramic images, or to add new objects to an existing model. While panoramic imaging can greatly assist with some aspects of site familiarization and qualitative assessment of a site, without the addition of some foreground geometry they offer only limited utility in a design context. Therefore, we suggest that the system may be of use in `just-in-time' CAD recovery of complex environments, such as shop floors, or construction sites, by recovering objects through sketched overlays, where other methods such as automatic line-retrieval may be impossible. The result of using the system in this manner is the `sketching of space' - sketching out a volume around the user - and once the geometry has been recovered, the designer is free to quickly sketch design ideas into the newly constructed context, or analyze the space around them. Although end-user trials have not, as yet, been undertaken we believe that this implementation may afford a user-interface that is both accessible and robust, and that the rapid growth of pen-computing devices will further stimulate activity in this area

    Sketching Cuts in Graphs and Hypergraphs

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    Sketching and streaming algorithms are in the forefront of current research directions for cut problems in graphs. In the streaming model, we show that (1ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-approximation for Max-Cut must use n1O(ϵ)n^{1-O(\epsilon)} space; moreover, beating 4/54/5-approximation requires polynomial space. For the sketching model, we show that rr-uniform hypergraphs admit a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-cut-sparsifier (i.e., a weighted subhypergraph that approximately preserves all the cuts) with O(ϵ2n(r+logn))O(\epsilon^{-2} n (r+\log n)) edges. We also make first steps towards sketching general CSPs (Constraint Satisfaction Problems)

    Almost Optimal Streaming Algorithms for Coverage Problems

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    Maximum coverage and minimum set cover problems --collectively called coverage problems-- have been studied extensively in streaming models. However, previous research not only achieve sub-optimal approximation factors and space complexities, but also study a restricted set arrival model which makes an explicit or implicit assumption on oracle access to the sets, ignoring the complexity of reading and storing the whole set at once. In this paper, we address the above shortcomings, and present algorithms with improved approximation factor and improved space complexity, and prove that our results are almost tight. Moreover, unlike most of previous work, our results hold on a more general edge arrival model. More specifically, we present (almost) optimal approximation algorithms for maximum coverage and minimum set cover problems in the streaming model with an (almost) optimal space complexity of O~(n)\tilde{O}(n), i.e., the space is {\em independent of the size of the sets or the size of the ground set of elements}. These results not only improve over the best known algorithms for the set arrival model, but also are the first such algorithms for the more powerful {\em edge arrival} model. In order to achieve the above results, we introduce a new general sketching technique for coverage functions: This sketching scheme can be applied to convert an α\alpha-approximation algorithm for a coverage problem to a (1-\eps)\alpha-approximation algorithm for the same problem in streaming, or RAM models. We show the significance of our sketching technique by ruling out the possibility of solving coverage problems via accessing (as a black box) a (1 \pm \eps)-approximate oracle (e.g., a sketch function) that estimates the coverage function on any subfamily of the sets

    SketCHI 4.0 : hands-on special interest group on remote sketching in HCI

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    Sketching is a physical activity: moving a stylus to create marks on paper or screen, from mind to visual output. But sketching can also translate to the virtual space. When we sketch collaboratively, we look for cues, exchange ideas, and annotate work via mark-making or comment. The digital medium has evolved to explore the potentials of sketching online, and this Special Interest Group aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in Sketching in HCI to explore the new virtual landscape of sketching, popularised by the constraints of the current world situation. We invite you to join our virtual group, discuss and share sketches, query the existing state-of-the-art, and help pave the way for the development of this medium in the virtual space with your imagery and ideation