3,108 research outputs found

    Psychodrama: from a dialogical self theory to a self in dialogical action

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    Public enterprise reform in adjustment lending

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    Specific divestiture dates and institutional public enterprise reform should probably not be a matter of hard conditionality for sectoral adjustment lending. One alternative is to establish institutional development projects that parallel adjustment operations. Another is to establish primary conditions, nonfulfillment of which would bring an operation to a halt, and secondary conditions (including most institutional and public enterprise reforms), nonfulfillment of which would evoke sanctions but not end operations.Banks&Banking Reform,Enterprise Development&Reform,Country Strategy&Performance,Municipal Financial Management,General Technology

    Population, health and nutrition : FY88 annual sector review

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    This paper review PHN lending for FY88. PHN lending rebounded in FY88 to 304.9millionforeightprojects,a50percentincreaseinvolumeoverthepreviousfiveyearaverage.Lendingforhealthpredominated,whilepopulationlendingaccountedfor27percentofthetotal.Interestinnutritionincreased,butnutritionlendingreceivedlittleemphasis(exceptinconnectionwithstructuraladjustment).Importanttrendsincludedincreasedattentiontoprojectsoftware,continuedsupportfordecentralizationofhealthsystems,moreeffortstoinvolvetheprivatesectorindeliveringPHNservices,moreemphasisonhealthcostsandfinancing,developmentofnewwaystoreachclientsatperiphery,andmoreemphasisonfocusedprojects.IflendingtoPHNsectorsistoincreasefromitscurrentlowlevelof2to3percentofBanklendingto5percentormore,currentstaffresourcesareinadequate.ThereisashortfallinPHNstaffresourcesofabout20staffyearstomeetthetargetedlevelof12to14projectsand 304.9 million for eight projects, a 50 percent increase in volumeover the previous five year average. Lending for health predominated, while population lending accounted for 27 percent of the total. Interest in nutrition increased, but nutrition lending received little emphasis (except in connection with structural adjustment). Important trends included increased attention to project software, continued support for decentralization of health systems, more efforts to involve the private sector in delivering PHN services, more emphasis on health costs and financing, development of new ways to reach clients at periphery, and more emphasis on focused projects. If lending to PHN sectors is to increase from its current low level of 2 to 3 percent of Bank lending to 5 percent or more, current staff resources are inadequate. There is a shortfall in PHN staff resources of about 20 staff years to meet the targeted level of 12 to 14 projects and 500 million a year in PHN lending.Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Banks&Banking Reform,Agricultural Knowledge&Information Systems,Health Economics&Finance,Housing&Human Habitats

    Partnerships in Progress, U.S. Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Accomplishments 1987-1993

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    Effects of a Positive Peer Reporting Intervention on Prosocial Interactions in a General Education Classroom

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    Methods for promoting prosocial behavior in educational settings are many and varied. This literature review presents a context for defining and understanding prosocial behavior, including comparisons and contrasts with other behavioral concepts and terms. Understanding peer factors in the development of prosocial behavior can enhance the development and implementation of peer-based interventions. The four main types of peer-based interventions discussed are cooperative-learning groups, group-contingency plans, peer helpers, and positive peer reporting. Each of these interventions has a place in educational settings and should be utilized with social context and individual student characteristics in mind. Behavioral interventions that improve the overall classroom learning environment and are simple to implement and maintain are highly desirable for large general education settings. The accompanying study investigated the effects of a positive peer reporting (PPR) intervention on the social interactions of a group of 2nd grade general education students by using a modified replication of methods from the Grieger, Kaufman, and Grieger (1976) study. This study evaluated the effects of a peer reporting intervention on students’ social interactions. A withdrawal design was used to evaluate the changes in the level of students’ prosocial interactions across baseline and intervention phases. Visual analysis of the data across phases indicated that the percentage of intervals in which students engaged in prosocial interactions increased during the intervention phases, most notably after the initial implementation of the PPR intervention. Social validity data gathered from the participating teacher, students, and parents, indicated positive attitudes about the intervention and its impact on student behavior. These results add to the existing body of literature which demonstrates the success of PPR interventions for increasing students’ level of prosocial behaviors

    AS-672-08 Resolution on Revisions to Fairness Board Description and Procedures

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    Changes made to the Fairness Board Description and Procedures noting reporting changes made in cases of cheating and plagiarism
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