294,327 research outputs found

    Un-constraining the medium: design software systems to support situated action

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    This dissertation is concerned with Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) and in particular with ways in which insights from ethnomethodology can be melded into the design of CSCW systems—a relationship that has been labelled technomethodology. The dissertation outlines a number of possible ways in which system design can learn from ethnomethodology and concentrates on one particular aspect—namely that CSCW should look closely at its foundational assumptions and, if necessary, re-specify any concepts which appear problematic in their formulation. [Continues.

    A phenomenal basis for hybrid modelling

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    This work in progress extends the new mechanical philosophy from science to engineering. Engineering is the practice of organising the design and construction of artifices that satisfy needs in real-world contexts. This work shows how artifices can be described in terms of their mechanisms and composed through their observable phenomena. Typically, the engineering of real system requires descrip- tions in many different languages: software components will be described in code; sensors and actuators in terms of their physical and electronic characteristics; plant in terms of differ- ential equations, perhaps. Another aspect of this work, then, to construct a formal framework so that diverse description languages can be used to characterise sub-mechanisms. The work is situated in Problem Oriented Engineering, a design theoretic framework engineering defined by the first two authors

    Designing Philosophers

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    From the classical conceptualisations and discourses of Aristotle and Plato to the disturbing situatedness of the existentialists, philosophy provides perspectives on aspects of existence, thought and knowledge that illuminate and explain as well as connecting the somewhat specialised and inaccessible theory of software and systems engineering to the wider consciousness. This paper summarises the positions of selected philosophers that have been interpreted by some influential authors in software engineering to strengthen their arguments and in turn influence software methodology. Consideration of these philosophical perspectives can usefully influence the design of research projects and the analysis of results, particularly where the enquiry involves the business, industrial and other situated contexts in which contemporary system design and development is done

    Social software and interactions in Web design: an in situ exploration of tools & methods to support designer-client communication

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    This paper outlines the scope, approach and current progress of a thesis which is investigating the role that Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) plays in supporting the design process within the web design industry. Specifically, the thesis investigates designer-client communication, and explores the issues with technologies to support this communication. This research is situated within the field of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). Web design businesses use a variety of CMC tools to support communication with their clients; however they must rely on general purpose tools which the client has prior knowledge of. Social Software solutions which can better support these processes have yet to become adopted within the industry. The research question for this work is how can Social Software be better designed to support designer-client communication within web design businesses? A platform that facilitates the creation of Social Software will be designed, deployed and evaluated in situ to investigate the problems and opportunities for Social Software within this space. An iterative design process will be used to develop and evaluate the platform through the use of ethnographic action research and design thinking methods. The aim of the platform is to reduce the challenges of introducing new software into web design businesses, and evaluate the platform through participatory design studies of developing new tools which better support the design process. The results of the platform will be used to inform a design framework for Social Software designers wanting to develop tools to support communication in this context

    Использование потенциала практических занятий по английскому языку в процессе обучения англоговорящих студентов ФПИГ

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    Traditional models of usability are not sufficient for software in the home, since they are built with office software in mind. Previous research suggest that social issues among other things, separate software in homes from software in offices. In order to explore that further, the use qualities to design for, in software for use in face-to-face meetings at home were contrasted to such systems at offices. They were studied using a pluralistic model of use quality with roots in socio-cultural theory, cognitive systems engineering, and architecture. The research approach was interpretative design cases. Observations, situated interviews, and workshops were conducted at a Swedish bank, and three interactive television appliances were designed and studied in simulated home environments. It is concluded that the use qualities to design for in infotainment services on interactive television are laidback interaction, togetherness among users, and entertainment. This is quite different from bank office software that usually is characterised by not only traditional usability criteria such as learnability, flexibility, effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction, but also professional face management and ante-use. Ante-use is the events and activities that precedes the actual use that will set the ground for whether the software will have quality in use or not. Furthermore, practices for how to work with use quality values, use quality objectives, and use quality criteria in the interaction design process are suggested. Finally, future research in design of software for several co-present users is proposed.Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2002:61.</p

    Min-max optimal public service system design

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    This paper deals with designing a fair public service system. To achieve fairness, various schemes are be applied. The strongest criterion in the process is minimization of disutility of the worst situated users and then optimization of disutility of the better situated users under the condition that disutility of the worst situated users does not worsen, otherwise called lexicographical minimization. Focusing on the first step, this paper endeavours to find an effective solution to the weighted p-median problem based on radial formulation. Attempts at solving real instances when using a location-allocation model often fail due to enormous computational time or huge memory demands. Radial formulation can be implemented using commercial optimisation software. The main goal of this study is to show that the suitability solving of the min-max optimal public service system design can save computational time

    New aesthetic, new anxieties

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    The New Aesthetic was a design concept and netculture phenomenon launched into the world by London designer James Bridle in 2011. It continues to attract the attention of media art, and throw up associations to a variety of situated practices, including speculative design, net criticism, hacking, free and open source software development, locative media, sustainable hardware and so on. In this book we consider the New Aesthetic: as an opportunity to rethink the relations between these contexts in the emergent episteme of computationality. There is a desperate need to confront the political pressures of neoliberalism manifested in these infrastructures. Indeed, these are risky, dangerous and problematic times; a period when critique should thrive. But here we need to forge new alliances, invent and discover problems of the common that nevertheless do not eliminate the fundamental differences in this ecology of practices. In this book, perhaps provocatively, we believe a great deal could be learned from the development of the New Aesthetic not only as a mood, but as a topic and fix for collective feeling, that temporarily mobilizes networks. Is it possible to sustain and capture these atmospheres of debate and discussion beyond knee-jerk reactions and opportunistic self-promotion? These are crucial questions that the New Aesthetic invites us to consider, if only to keep a critical network culture in place

    Pragmatic Design: A Case Study of Innovation in a Small Software Company

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    The research question that underpins this paper is ‘What are the novel features of IS design practice ‘in the wild’? In order to help answer this question, a theoretical perspective that focuses on practitioners’ ‘situated practical theory’ in the ‘co-production’ of IS designs is adopted. The context for this study is that firms operating in the IT sector face particular challenges in navigating the complex web of global regulatory requirements. Accordingly, practitioners indicate the need for IT artefacts to informate and help automate compliance processes in organizations. This paper reports on the design of an innovative IT artefact called Compliance-to-Product (C2P), which is argued to be in the vanguard of a new breed of IS called Compliance Knowledge Management Systems (CKMS). The paper describes how this IT artefact was designed by a small-to-medium sized software enterprise, whose design architecture originated in the ‘situated practical theory’ of the company’s founder. However, the findings illustrate that the detailed design was ‘co-produced’ by a network of social actors from collaborating organizations and that this emerged over time. The paper’s concluding observation is that the findings pose a question for design science and the claims for its ability to shape design practice

    Flowrate Measurement Based on ECD Behavior in Cementing HPHT Well

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    Cementing in HPHT well is approach used by many players in the oil and gas industry nowadays. This is due to most of reserve is situated in deeper location compare with regular well drill before. In order to perform cementing process in this location, it is very challenging. This is because the HPHT well is high in reservoir temperature and pressure and narrow density window. Therefore, details study and analyze of well parameters should be taken into consideration in design and execute cementing process. This paper is objectively to measure the flow rate of slurry when cementing in HPHT well with regards the ECD behavior. This is being obtained through the cement design slurry by using Landmark software. The software used encompasses three module like COMPASS module, WELLPLAN module and OPTICEM module which well trajectory design through COMPASS module and cement design by using WELLPLAN module and OPTICEM module. Pertaining on that, the ECD behavior is tabulated. As a result, the optimum flow rate of the slurry is measured and recorded