51 research outputs found

    SVD-based Method for Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Applied to SAR

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    Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a special type of active microwave sensor, which has got a wide range of applications in remote sensing. However, the performance of SAR systems may be affected by radio frequency interference (RFI) in several geographic regions. A novel singular value decomposition method is proposed for radio frequency interference suppression applied to SAR. This method decomposes the singular vectors of the received signal with RFI into interference subspace and signal subspace. The orthogonality of the two subspaces is used to suppress the RFI. The point-target simulation is used to show the working principle of the proposed algorithm. The experimental results based on SAR real data are also shown to verify the proposed algorithm.Defence Science Journal, 2012, 62(2), pp.132-136, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.62.114

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modiïŹed our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the ïŹeld of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    System design and validation of multi-band OFDM wireless communications with multiple antennas

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    Reliable Cognitive Ultra Wideband Communication Systems Under Coexistence Constraints

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    RÉSUMÉ La croissance rapide des systĂšmes de communication sans fil et la raretĂ© du spectre ont motivĂ© les industries et les fournisseurs ouvrant dans le domaine de communication sans fil de dĂ©velopper des stratĂ©gies et des technologies de communication qui peuvent utiliser efficacement les ressources spectrales. La rĂ©utilisation pacifique du spectre sous-licence et sous-utilisĂ© peut ĂȘtre une solution prometteuse pour certaines initiatives en cours telles que la communication mobile Ă  haut dĂ©bit, la communication machine-Ă -machine, et la connectivitĂ© WiFi. Un des plus gros facteurs qui empĂȘche l'approche de cette rĂ©utilisation de frĂ©quences est l'effet d'environnements bruyants sur les dispositifs coexistent dans la mĂȘme bande de frĂ©quence. Par consĂ©quent, la demande pour une stratĂ©gie de coexistence pacifique entre les utilisateurs du spectre, des dĂ©fis et des questions techniques qu'elle engĂȘndre, motive notre recherche. Il est Ă  noter que dans cette thĂšse, nous considĂ©rons un systĂšme pratique appelĂ© MB-OFDM UWB (en anglais multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband) pour donner un aperçu pratique de ce concept. Pour atteindre cet objectif, d'abord nous examinons le problĂšme d'interfĂ©rence des utilisateurs secondaires sur les utilisateurs principaux. A cet effet, tenant compte d'un systĂšme secondaire OFDM, nous proposons des mĂ©thodes de mise en forme du spectre pour les applications de transmission Ă  antennes simples et multiples. Nous prĂ©sentons une technique dĂ©bit-efficace nommĂ©e “Enhanced active interference cancellation (E - AIC)qui est en effet capable de crĂ©er des encoches ayant des caractĂ©ristiques flexibles. Afin de rĂ©soudre le problĂšme de dĂ©passement du spectre causĂ© pas la technique classique-AIC, nous utilisons une approche multi-contraintes qui Ă  son tour cause un problĂšme multi-contrainte de minimisation (en anglais multi-constraint minimization problem, MCMP). Cependant, un nouvel algorithme itĂ©ratif basĂ© sur la technique SVD (en anglais singular value decomposition) est proposĂ©, permettant ainsi de rĂ©duire la complexitĂ© de la solution de MCMP. Les rĂ©sultats de simulation obtenus montrent que la technique E-AIC proposĂ©e fournit de meilleures performances en termes de suppression des lobes latĂ©raux avec 0 dB de dĂ©passement, moins de complexitĂ© de calcul et moins de perte de dĂ©bit par rapport aux mĂ©thodes AIC prĂ©cĂ©dentes. Quant aux antennes multiples, nous proposons deux nouvelles techniques AIC, qui utilisent l'idĂ©e principale des approches de sĂ©lection d'antennes d'Ă©mission (en anglais transmit antenna selection, TAS). Bien que les rĂ©sultats montrent que les deux techniques permettent la crĂ©ation d'encoche identique, la technique per-tone TAS-AIC a la plus grande efficacitĂ© spectrale. AprĂšs avoir obtenu une emission sans interfĂ©rence pour le systĂšme MB-OFDM UWB, nous analysons, modĂ©lisons et attĂ©nuons le bruit impulsif au rĂ©cepteur MB-OFDM UWB. Pour ce faire, d'abord, nous proposons un cadre analytique qui dĂ©crit les principales caractĂ©ristiques d'interfĂ©rence d'un systĂšme Ă  ultra large bande et saut temporel (en anglais time-hopping UWB, TH-UWB) niveau de ces paramĂštres de signalisation. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la distribution d'interfĂ©rence dĂ©pend fortement aux paramĂštres de saut temporel du systĂšme TH-UWB.----------ABSTRACT The rapid growth of wireless communication systems along with the radio spectrum's scarcity and regulatory considerations have put the onus on the wireless industries and service providers to develop wireless communication strategies and technologies that can efficiently utilize the spectral resources. Hence, peaceful reuse of underutilized licensed radio frequencies (by secondary users) can be a promising solution for some ongoing initiatives such as mobile broadband, machine-to-machine applications and WiFi connectivity. One of the biggest factors that prevents the spectrum reusing approach to effectively address the spectrum scarcity, is noisy environments result from coexistence of different devices in the same frequency band. Therefore, the request for a peaceful coexistence strategy between spectrum users, which leads to various challenges, and technical issues, motivates our research. It is worth noting that, in this thesis, we consider a practical system called multiband orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ultra wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) as an underlay system to provide a practical insight into this concept. However, all the obtained results and contributions are applicable to other OFDM-based communication systems. Towards this goal, we first investigate the problem of the interference from secondary users to the primary users. For this purpose, considering an OFDM-based secondary communication system, we propose spectrum-shaping methods for single and multiple transmit antennas applications. For single antenna scenario, we present a throughput-efficient enhanced active interference cancellation (E-AIC) technique, which is indeed capable of creating notches with flexible characteristics. In order to address the spectrum overshoot problem of conventional-AIC techniques, we employed a multi-constraint approach, which leads to a multi-constraint minimization problem (MCMP). Hence, a novel iterative singular value decomposition (SVD) based algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of the MCMP's solution. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed enhanced-AIC technique provides higher performance in terms of sidelobes suppression with 0 dB overshoot, less computational complexity and less throughput-loss compared to previous constrained-AIC methods. For multiple transmit antennas, we propose two novel AIC techniques employing main ideas behind bulk and per-tone transmit antenna selection (TAS) approaches. Simulation results show that although both techniques provide identical notch creation, the per-tone TAS-AIC technique has higher spectral efficiency

    Wireless Positioning Applications in Multipath Environments

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    Funklokalisierung in der Umgebung mit der Mehrwegeausbreitung In den vergangenen Jahren wurde zunehmend Forschung im Bereich drahtlose Sensornetzwerk (engl. „Wireless Sensor Network“) betrieben. Lokalisierung im Innenraum ist ein vielversprechendes Forschungsthema, das in den Literaturen vielfĂ€ltig diskutiert wird. Jedoch berĂŒcksichtigen die meisten Arbeiten einen wichtigen Faktor nicht, nĂ€mlich die Mehrwegeausbreitung, welche die Genauigkeit der Lokalisierung beeinflusst. Diese Arbeit bezieht sich auf Lokalisierungsanwendungen in UWB (Ultra-Breitband-Technologie)- und WLAN (drahtloses lokales Netzwerk)- Systemen im Fall von Mehrwegeausbreitung. Zur Steigerung der Robustheit der Lokalisierungsanwendungen bei Mehrwegeausbreitung wurden neuartige Lokalisierungsalgorithmen, die auf der Auswertung der Ankunftszeit (engl. „Time of Arrival“, ToA), der empfangenen SignalstĂ€rke (engl. „Received Signal Strength“, RSS) und dem Einfallswinkel (engl. „Angle of Arrival“, AoA) basieren, vorgestellt und untersucht. Bei Mehrwegeausbreitung ist die Fragen den direkten Pfad zu lösen, da der direkte Pfad (engl. „Direct Path“, DP) schwĂ€cher als anderer Pfad sein kann. In dieser Arbeit werden daher neuartige Algorithmen zur Flankendetektion der empfangenen Signale fĂŒr UWB Systeme entwickelt, um die Positionsbestimmung zu verbessern: Es gibt die kooperative Flankendetektion (engl. „Joint Leading Edge Detection“, JLED), die erweiterte maximalwahrscheinlichkeitbasierte KanalschĂ€tzung (engl. „Improved Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation“, IMLCE) und die Flankendetektion mit untervektorraumbasiertem Verfahren (engl. „Subspace based Approaches“, SbA). Bei der kooperativen Flankendetektion werden zwei Kriterien herangezogen nĂ€mlich die minimale FlĂ€che und das minimale mittlere Quadrat des SchĂ€tzfehlers (engl. „Minimum Mean Squared Error“, MMSE). Weiterhin wird ein monopulsbasierter KanalschĂ€tzer (engl. „Monopulse based Channel Estimator“, MCE) entwickelt, um die möglicherweise falsche Kombinationen der Flanken (engl. „Leading Edge Combination“, LEC) auszuschließen. Zudem wird in der Arbeit der erweiterte MLCE vorgestellt, der aus einem groben und einem genauen SchĂ€tzungsschritt besteht. Bei dem neuartigen untervektorraumbasierten Verfahren werden ein statischer und ein Schwundkanal untersucht. Im ersten Fall wird die Kombination der RĂŒckwĂ€rtssuchalgorithmus mit untervektorraumbasierten Verfahren untersucht. Zudem wird im zweiten Fall ein untervektorraumbasierte Verfahren im Frequenzbereich vorgestellt. FĂŒr die RSS-basierte Lokalisierung wird ein Fingerabdruckverfahren (engl. „Fingerprint Approach“) und ein neuartiger EntfernungsschĂ€tzer basierend auf der Kanalenergie entwickelt und implementiert. Schließlich wird in der Arbeit ein Lokalisierungssystem mit WinkelschĂ€tzern inklusive einer entsprechenden Kalibrierung auf einer 802.11a/g Hardwareplattform vorgestellt. Dazu wird ein neuartiger TrĂ€gerschĂ€tzer und KanalschĂ€tzer entwickelt.In the past several years there has been more growing research on Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). The indoor localization is a promising research topic, which is discussed variously in some literatures. However, the most work does not consider an important factor, i.e. the multi-path propagation, which affects the accuracy of the indoor localization. This work dealt with the indoor localization applied in UWB (Ultra Wide Band) and WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) systems in the case of multi-path propagation. To improve the robustness of the applications of localization in the case of multi-path propagation, novel localization algorithms based on the evaluation of the Time of Arrival (ToA), the Received Signal Strength (RSS) and the Angle of Arrival (AoA) were proposed and investigated. In the ToA based localization systems, the detection of shortest signal propagation time plays a critical role. In the case of multi-path propagation, the Direct Path (DP) needs to be resolved because the DP may be weaker than Multi Path Components (MPC). Thus the novel algorithms for leading edge detection were developed in this work in order to improve the accuracy of localization, namely Joint Leading Edge Detection (JLED), Improved Maximum Likelihood Channel Estimation (IMLCE) and the leading edge detection with Subspace based Approaches (SbA). Two criteria were proposed and referenced for the JLED, namely Minimum Area (MA) and Minimum Mean Squared Error (MMSE). Furthermore, a monocycle-based channel estimator was developed to mitigate the fake LECs (Leading Edge Combination). The estimation error of JLED was theoretically analyzed and simulated for evaluation of the estimator. IMLCE consists of a coarse and a fine estimation step. The coarse position of the first correlation peak shall be found with the Search Back Algorithms (SBA), which is followed by MLCE-algorithms. The novel SbA was investigated in a static and a fading channel. In the former case, the iterative algorithm, which combines SbA with SBA, was investigated. In the latter case, the FD-SbA (Frequency Domain - SbA) was proposed, which requires to calculate the covariance matrix in the FD. For the RSS based localization, fingerprint approach and the novel channel energy based distance estimator were investigated and developed in this dissertation. Finally, a localization system using AoA estimation and the initial calibration was presented on an 802.11a/g hardware platform. A novel Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) estimator and channel estimator were investigated and developed. The measurement campaigns were made for one, two and four fixed stations, respectivel


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    Pushing the Limits of Indoor Localization in Today’s Wi-Fi Networks

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    Wireless networks are ubiquitous nowadays and play an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. Many emerging applications including augmented reality, indoor navigation and human tracking, rely heavily on Wi-Fi, thus requiring an even more sophisticated network. One key component for the success of these applications is accurate localization. While we have GPS in the outdoor environment, indoor localization at a sub-meter granularity remains challenging due to a number of factors, including the presence of strong wireless multipath reflections indoors and the burden of deploying and maintaining any additional location service infrastructure. On the other hand, Wi-Fi technology has developed significantly in the last 15 years evolving from 802.11b/a/g to the latest 802.11n and 802.11ac standards. Single user multiple-input, multiple-output (SU-MIMO) technology has been adopted in 802.11n while multi-user MIMO is introduced in 802.11ac to increase throughput. In Wi-Fi’s development, one interesting trend is the increasing number of antennas attached to a single access point (AP). Another trend is the presence of frequency-agile radios and larger bandwidths in the latest 802.11n/ac standards. These opportunities can be leveraged to increase the accuracy of indoor wireless localization significantly in the two systems proposed in this thesis: ArrayTrack employs multi-antenna APs for angle-of-arrival (AoA) information to localize clients accurately indoors. It is the first indoor Wi-Fi localization system able to achieve below half meter median accuracy. Innovative multipath identification scheme is proposed to handle the challenging multipath issue in indoor environment. ArrayTrack is robust in term of signal to noise ratio, collision and device orientation. ArrayTrack does not require any offline training and the computational load is small, making it a great candidate for real-time location services. With six 8-antenna APs, ArrayTrack is able to achieve a median error of 23 cm indoors in the presence of strong multipath reflections in a typical office environment. ToneTrack is a fine-grained indoor localization system employing time difference of arrival scheme (TDoA). ToneTrack uses a novel channel combination algorithm to increase effective bandwidth without increasing the radio’s sampling rate, for higher resolution time of arrival (ToA) information. A new spectrum identification scheme is proposed to retrieve useful information from a ToA profile even when the overall profile is mostly inaccurate. The triangle inequality property is then applied to detect and discard the APs whose direct path is 100% blocked. With a combination of only three 20 MHz channels in the 2.4 GHz band, ToneTrack is able to achieve below one meter median error, outperforming the traditional super-resolution ToA schemes significantly
