14 research outputs found

    Numerical infinities and infinitesimals: Methodology, applications, and repercussions on two Hilbert problems

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    In this survey, a recent computational methodology paying a special attention to the separation of mathematical objects from numeral systems involved in their representation is described. It has been introduced with the intention to allow one to work with infinities and infinitesimals numerically in a unique computational framework in all the situations requiring these notions. The methodology does not contradict Cantor’s and non-standard analysis views and is based on the Euclid’s Common Notion no. 5 “The whole is greater than the part” applied to all quantities (finite, infinite, and infinitesimal) and to all sets and processes (finite and infinite). The methodology uses a computational device called the Infinity Computer (patented in USA and EU) working numerically (recall that traditional theories work with infinities and infinitesimals only symbolically) with infinite and infinitesimal numbers that can be written in a positional numeral system with an infinite radix. It is argued that numeral systems involved in computations limit our capabilities to compute and lead to ambiguities in theoretical assertions, as well. The introduced methodology gives the possibility to use the same numeral system for measuring infinite sets, working with divergent series, probability, fractals, optimization problems, numerical differentiation, ODEs, etc. (recall that traditionally different numerals lemniscate; Aleph zero, etc. are used in different situations related to infinity). Numerous numerical examples and theoretical illustrations are given. The accuracy of the achieved results is continuously compared with those obtained by traditional tools used to work with infinities and infinitesimals. In particular, it is shown that the new approach allows one to observe mathematical objects involved in the Hypotheses of Continuum and the Riemann zeta function with a higher accuracy than it is done by traditional tools. It is stressed that the hardness of both problems is not related to their nature but is a consequence of the weakness of traditional numeral systems used to study them. It is shown that the introduced methodology and numeral system change our perception of the mathematical objects studied in the two problems

    Independence of the Grossone-Based Infinity Methodology from Non-standard Analysis and Comments upon Logical Fallacies in Some Texts Asserting the Opposite

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    This commentary considers non-standard analysis and a recently introduced computational methodology based on the notion of \G1 (this symbol is called \emph{grossone}). The latter approach was developed with the intention to allow one to work with infinities and infinitesimals numerically in a unique computational framework and in all the situations requiring these notions. Non-standard analysis is a classical purely symbolic technique that works with ultrafilters, external and internal sets, standard and non-standard numbers, etc. In its turn, the \G1-based methodology does not use any of these notions and proposes a more physical treatment of mathematical objects separating the objects from tools used to study them. It both offers a possibility to create new numerical methods using infinities and infinitesimals in floating-point computations and allows one to study certain mathematical objects dealing with infinity more accurately than it is done traditionally. In these notes, we explain that even though both methodologies deal with infinities and infinitesimals, they are independent and represent two different philosophies of Mathematics that are not in a conflict. It is proved that texts \cite{Flunks, Gutman_Kutateladze_2008, Kutateladze_2011} asserting that the \G1-based methodology is a part of non-standard analysis unfortunately contain several logical fallacies. Their attempt to prove that the \G1-based methodology is a part of non-standard analysis is similar to trying to show that constructivism can be reduced to the traditional mathematics.Comment: 19 pages, 1 Tabl

    Lower and Upper Estimates of the Quantity of Algebraic Numbers

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    It is well known that the set of algebraic numbers (let us call it A) is countable. In this paper, instead of the usage of the classical terminology of cardinals proposed by Cantor, a recently introduced methodology using â‘ -based infinite numbers is applied to measure the set A (where the number â‘  is called grossone). Our interest to this methodology is explained by the fact that in certain cases where cardinals allow one to say only whether a set is countable or it has the cardinality of the continuum, the â‘ -based methodology can provide a more accurate measurement of infinite sets. In this article, lower and upper estimates of the number of elements of A are obtained. Both estimates are expressed in â‘ -based numbers

    Planar methods and grossone for the Conjugate Gradient breakdown in nonlinear programming

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    This paper deals with an analysis of the Conjugate Gradient (CG) method (Hestenes and Stiefel in J Res Nat Bur Stand 49:409-436, 1952), in the presence of degenerates on indefinite linear systems. Several approaches have been proposed in the literature to issue the latter drawback in optimization frameworks, including reformulating the original linear system or recurring to approximately solving it. All the proposed alternatives seem to rely on algebraic considerations, and basically pursue the idea of improving numerical efficiency. In this regard, here we sketch two separate analyses for the possible CG degeneracy. First, we start detailing a more standard algebraic viewpoint of the problem, suggested by planar methods. Then, another algebraic perspective is detailed, relying on a novel recently proposed theory, which includes an additional number, namely grossone. The use of grossone allows to work numerically with infinities and infinitesimals. The results obtained using the two proposed approaches perfectly match, showing that grossone may represent a fruitful and promising tool to be exploited within Nonlinear Programming

    Lexicographic multi-objective linear programming using grossone methodology: Theory and algorithm

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    Numerous problems arising in engineering applications can have several objectives to be satisfied. An important class of problems of this kind is lexicographic multi-objective problems where the first objective is incomparably more important than the second one which, in its turn, is incomparably more important than the third one, etc. In this paper, Lexicographic Multi-Objective Linear Programming (LMOLP) problems are considered. To tackle them, traditional approaches either require solution of a series of linear programming problems or apply a scalarization of weighted multiple objectives into a single-objective function. The latter approach requires finding a set of weights that guarantees the equivalence of the original problem and the single-objective one and the search of correct weights can be very time consuming. In this work a new approach for solving LMOLP problems using a recently introduced computational methodology allowing one to work numerically with infinities and infinitesimals is proposed. It is shown that a smart application of infinitesimal weights allows one to construct a single-objective problem avoiding the necessity to determine finite weights. The equivalence between the original multi-objective problem and the new single-objective one is proved. A simplex-based algorithm working with finite and infinitesimal numbers is proposed, implemented, and discussed. Results of some numerical experiments are provided

    Computation of higher order Lie derivatives on the Infinity Computer

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    In this paper, we deal with the computation of Lie derivatives, which are required, for example, in some numerical methods for the solution of differential equations. One common way for computing them is to use symbolic computation. Computer algebra software, however, might fail if the function is complicated, and cannot be even performed if an explicit formulation of the function is not available, but we have only an algorithm for its computation. An alternative way to address the problem is to use automatic differentiation. In this case, we only need the implementation of the algorithm that evaluates the function in terms of its analytic expression in a programming language, but we cannot use this if we have only a compiled version of the function. In this paper, we present a novel approach for calculating the Lie derivative of a function, even in the case where its analytical expression is not available, that is based on the Infinity Computer arithmetic. A comparison with symbolic and automatic differentiation shows the potentiality of the proposed technique