3 research outputs found

    Probabilistic Bounds on the Length of a Longest Edge in Delaunay Graphs of Random Points in d-Dimensions

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    Motivated by low energy consumption in geographic routing in wireless networks, there has been recent interest in determining bounds on the length of edges in the Delaunay graph of randomly distributed points. Asymptotic results are known for random networks in planar domains. In this paper, we obtain upper and lower bounds that hold with parametric probability in any dimension, for points distributed uniformly at random in domains with and without boundary. The results obtained are asymptotically tight for all relevant values of such probability and constant number of dimensions, and show that the overhead produced by boundary nodes in the plane holds also for higher dimensions. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive study on the lengths of long edges in Delaunay graphsComment: 10 pages. 2 figures. In Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2011). Replacement of version 1106.4927, reference [5] adde

    Delaunay Triangulation as a New Coverage Measurement Method in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Sensing and communication coverage are among the most important trade-offs in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) design. A minimum bound of sensing coverage is vital in scheduling, target tracking and redeployment phases, as well as providing communication coverage. Some methods measure the coverage as a percentage value, but detailed information has been missing. Two scenarios with equal coverage percentage may not have the same Quality of Coverage (QoC). In this paper, we propose a new coverage measurement method using Delaunay Triangulation (DT). This can provide the value for all coverage measurement tools. Moreover, it categorizes sensors as ‘fat’, ‘healthy’ or ‘thin’ to show the dense, optimal and scattered areas. It can also yield the largest empty area of sensors in the field. Simulation results show that the proposed DT method can achieve accurate coverage information, and provides many tools to compare QoC between different scenarios

    Single-Step Creation of Localized Delaunay Triangulations

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    A localized Delaunay triangulation owns the following interesting properties for sensor and wireless ad hoc networks: it can be built with localized information, the communication cost imposed by control information is limited, and it supports geographical routing algorithms that offer guaranteed convergence. This paper presents two localized algorithms, FLDT1 and FLDT2, that build a graph called planar localized Delaunay triangulation, P LDel, known to be a good spanner of the Unit Disk Graph, UDG. Our algorithms improve previous algorithms with similar theoretical bounds in the following aspects: unlike previous work, FLDT1 and FLDT2 build P LDel in a single communication step, maintaining a communication cost of O(n log n), which is within a constant of the optimal. Additionally, we show that FLDT1 is more robust than previous triangulation algorithms, because it does not require the strict UDG connectivity model to work. The small signaling cost of our algorithms allows us to improve routing performance, by efficiently using the P LDel graph instead of sparser graphs, like the Gabriel or the Relative Neighborhood graphs